Batman: Na začetku

Batman: Na začetku 2005


Film Christopherja Nolana raziskuje začetke legende o Batmanu, ki se kasneje v mestu Gotham bori proti silam zla. Po smrti svojih staršev se razočarani Bruce Wayne (CHRISTIAN BALE) poda v svet, kjer išče načine, kako bi se boril proti krivicam in nagnal strah v kosti tistim, ki prežijo na nemočne. Naposled se vrne v Gotham in razkrije svoj drugi jaz: Batmana, zamaskiranega križarja, ki se s svojo močjo, razumom in vrsto modernih naprav bori proti zloveščim silam, ki ogrožajo mesto.


Možje v črnem

Možje v črnem 1997


Možje v črnem so od nekdaj varovali Zemljo pred sovražniki iz vesolja. Toda v najnovejši pustolovščini je izziv veliko večji: sovražnik se tokrat skriva med njimi samimi in znotraj tajne organizacije MIB.


Možje v črnem 2

Možje v črnem 2 2002


Tommy Lee Jones in Will Smith se vračata v drugem delu akcijske komedije, kjer možje v črnem lovijo uporne Nezemljane. Človeštvo ogroža čedna zapeljivka, v resnici vesoljska pošast, ki hoče uničiti Zemljo. K in J morata spet v akcijo.


Letalo prekletih

Letalo prekletih 1997


Po koncu Zalivske vojne se Cameron Poe (N. Cage) vrača v domačo Alabamo, kjer ga nestrpno pričakuje noseča soproga Tricia (M. Potter). Kmalu po prihodu domov se v lokalnem baru zaplete s trojico nasilnežev, pri čemer med pretepom ponesreči usmrti enega od njih in konča v zaporu.


Atomska blondinka

Atomska blondinka 2017


Piše se leto 1989 in v Berlinu vlada napetost - zid je tik pred tem, da ga zrušijo, med velesilama in njunimi zavezniki pa bo zdaj zdaj počilo. Če je že na običajen dan v igri vohunov težko vedeti, komu gre zaupati, je v tem sodu smodnika to povsem nemogoče … Kronski dragulj tajne službe njenega veličanstva MI6, agentka Lorraine Broughton (oskarjevka Charlize Theron) je prava vohunska mojstrica, a obenem čutna, zapeljiva in divja; pripravljena je uporabiti prav vse svoje sposobnosti, da preživi še tako nemogočo nalogo. In prav njo pošljejo v Berlin, da onemogoči kruto vohunsko verigo, ki je iz neznanih razlogov ravnokar umorila zavezniškega agenta pod krinko.


Srce agentke Stone

Srce agentke Stone 2023


Obveščevalna agentka skrivne globalne mirovne agencije si prizadeva, da bi hekerju preprečila krajo njenega najbolj dragocenega in nevarnega orožja.


Misija: Nemogoče

Misija: Nemogoče 1996


Vaš cilj, če boste nalogo sprejeli, je spremljati Toma Cruisea med enim od najslavnejših akcijskih filmov iz devetdesetih let v režiji slavnega Briana De Palme. Cruise je tajni agent Ethan Hunt, ki ga po krivem obtožijo poboja vse njegove vohunske ekipe in prodaje visoko zaupnih informacij najboljšemu kupcu. Na begu pred vladnimi morilci mora biti v dirki s časom vedno korak pred zasledovalci, da bi bil za korak bližje resnici in dokazal svojo nedolžnost ter našel izdajalca v lastnih vrstah, ki bi lahko trajno ogrozil operacije CIE v vzhodni Evropi.


Dvojna igra

Dvojna igra 2006


Napet triler o dveh policistih, ujetih v številne prevare in dvojne igre med zakonom in kriminalom, ki je Martinu Scorseseju končno prinesel zasluženega oskarja. Film se odvija v južnem Bostonu, kjer je državna policija napovedala odločno vojno organiziranemu kriminalu. Znebiti se hočejo vplivnega mafijskega šefa Franka Costella, in to od znotraj. Mladi novinec, Billy Costigan, ki je odraščal v južnem Bostonu, dobi nalogo, da se vtihotapi v mafijske kroge, ki jih vodi Costello. Medtem ko se Billy trudi pridobiti Costellovo zaupanje, se še en mlad policist, ki prihaja z bostonskih ulic, Collin Sullivan, hitro vzpenja po policijski lestvici. Dobil je svoje mesto v posebni preiskovalni enoti, ki ima nalogo zrušiti Costella. Toda njegovi nadrejeni ne vedo, da Colin pravzaprav dela za Costella, zaradi česar je mafijski šef vedno en korak pred policijo.


Hiša debele mame 2

Hiša debele mame 2 2006


Martin Lawrence se vrača kot najdrznejša, največja in najbolj hudobna mamca vseh časov. Tokrat se spremeni v Debelo mamo, da bi preprečil državno katastrofo. Ampak rešiti domovino je za Debelo mamo še najmanjši problem, saj se mora spopasti z doslej največjim izzivom. Postane varuška in gospodinja v osumljenčevi odbiti družini, kar pomeni, da mu delo otežijo trije mali nagajivci. Za podobno velik izziv se izkažejo tudi številna hišna opravila. Da, ženski dela nikoli ne zmanjka!



Maščevalec 2004


Frank Castle (Thomas Jane) je tajni agent FBI, ki ima daljnosežno kariero. Frank je tudi nekdanji operativec. Končno zapusti bojno polje, da bi delal v pisarni, da bi lahko normalno živel z ženo in sinom. Takrat bo Frankov svet razpadel zaradi najhujšega strahu, ki ga je kdajkoli doživel: Njegova družina je usmrčena kot posledica njegove zadnje službe. Zdaj Castle poskuša umoriti morilce, da bi na koncu našel tisto, kar je najmanj pričakoval: Odkup.


Vohunska igra

Vohunska igra 2020


Zgodba se odvija v času hladne vojne, temelji pa na resničnih dogodkih iz življenja Grevilla Wynna – britanskega poslovneža, ki je zaradi svojih pogostih potovanj postal zanimiv za obveščevalno službo MI6. Ta ga je sčasoma rekrutirala v enega od kurirjev za prenos najzaupnejših informacij. Wynne je zgradil skrito in nevarno partnerstvo s sovjetskim častnikom Olegom Penkovskim, da bi tako prišel do podatkov, ki bi pomagali preprečiti jedrsko vojno in končati kubansko raketno krizo.


James Bond: Kvantum sočutja

James Bond: Kvantum sočutja 2008


Le nekaj ur po dogodkih v Casinoju Royale tajni agent James Bond zajame zloveščega G. Whita, ki je izsiljeval in umoril Bondovo usodno ljubezen Vesper. Med iskanjem morebitnega dvojnega agenta v vrstah MI6 Bond na Haitiju spozna fatalno lepotico Camille. Skupaj odkrijeta, da je zaroto svetovnih razsežnosti skoval skrivnostni Dominic Green, v minskem polju prevar, umorov in vratolomne akcije pa mora Bond ves čas ostati korak pred okrutnimi teroristi, dvoličnimi agenti CIE in zvedavo šefinjo M. Film je nastal v režiji Marca Forsterja, ki je posnel tudi z oskarji nagrajena filma Bal smrti in V iskanju dežele Nije.


Iz Pariza z ljubeznij

Iz Pariza z ljubeznij 2010


Razburljiv akcijski triler producenta Luca Bessona z Johnom Travolto in Jonathanom Rhysom Meyersom v vlogi dvojice, ki v Parizu poskuša preprečiti teroristični napad.


NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles 2009


The exploits of the Los Angeles–based Office of Special Projects (OSP), an elite division of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service that specializes in undercover assignments.


The Americans

The Americans 2013


Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and their neighbor, Stan Beeman, an FBI Counterintelligence agent.


Charlie's Angels

Charlie's Angels 1976


Beautiful, intelligent, and ultra-sophisticated, Charlie's Angels are everything a man could dream of... and way more than they could ever handle! Receiving their orders via speaker phone from their never seen boss, Charlie, the Angels employ their incomparable sleuthing and combat skills, as well as their lethal feminine charm, to crack even the most seemingly insurmountable of cases.


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1993


A much more lavish version of the popular Superman television series which had first aired forty years earlier, Lois & Clark focused more on the Man of Steel's early adult years in Metropolis. With the unknowing help of Lois Lane, Clark Kent created Superman there in Metropolis after finding work at the world-famous Daily Planet newspaper, where he meets fellow reporter Lois Lane.


21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street 1987


21 Jump Street revolves around a group of young cops who would use their youthful appearance to go undercover and solve crimes involving teenagers and young adults.


Ai Tenchi Muyo!

Ai Tenchi Muyo! 2014


In this story, the world is in chaos, thanks to Washu. Now in order to save it, Tenchi Masaki must go undercover as a student teacher at an all-girls school. Unfortunately for him, trouble always comes his way as he has a hard time dealing with the hijinks of his new students.


My Name

My Name 2021


Following her father's murder, a revenge-driven woman puts her trust in a powerful crime boss — and enters the police force under his direction.


The Pretender

The Pretender 1996


Raised in a secret facility built for experimenting on children, Jarod is a genius who can master any profession and become anyone he has to be. When he realizes as an adult that he's actually a prisoner and his captors are not as benevolent as he's been told, he breaks out. While trying to find his real identity, Jarod helps those he encounters and tries to avoid the woman sent to retrieve him.


The Night Manager

The Night Manager 2016


Former British soldier Jonathan Pine navigates the shadowy recesses of Whitehall and Washington where an unholy alliance operates between the intelligence community and the secret arms trade. To infiltrate the inner circle of lethal arms dealer Richard Onslow Roper, Pine must himself become a criminal.


Knight Rider

Knight Rider 2008


On the heels of NBC's hit movie, the iconic 1980s television classic comes roaring back to life as a reinvented, updated and super-charged action series showcasing the new KITT (Knight Industries Three Thousand). Absolutely the coolest car ever created, KITT is equipped with an "AI" (artificial intelligence) that is capable of hacking almost any system. Its weapons systems match that of a jet fighter, and its body is capable of actually transforming into other vehicles and using sophisticated holographic imagery to elude villains.


Gangs of London

Gangs of London 2020


When the head of a criminal organisation, Finn Wallace is assassinated, the sudden power vacuum his death creates threatens the fragile peace between the intricate web of gangs operating on the streets of the city. Now it’s up to the grieving, volatile and impulsive Sean Wallace to restore control and find those responsible for killing his father.



Patriot 2015


To prevent Iran from going nuclear, intelligence officer John Tavner must forgo all safety nets and assume a perilous "non-official cover" -- that of a mid-level employee at a Midwestern industrial piping firm.



Rogue 2013


Grace, a morally and emotionally-conflicted undercover detective, is tormented by the possibility that her own actions contributed to her son’s death. Grace’s search for the truth is further complicated by her forbidden relationship with Jimmy, the crime boss who may have played a hand in the crime.



Legends 2014


Working for the FBI's Deep Cover Operations division, Martin Odum can transform himself into a different person -- whether it's an assignment as a Serbian extremist, a corrupt Chicago police officer, a British special forces colonel, or a legendary computer hacker. But when he learns that his life, itself, may be a lie, he faces the demands of his job and a desire to solve the mystery of his identity. And given the choice between the two, Odum doesn't always make the right decision.


She Spies

She Spies 2002


She Spies is an action-adventure television show that ran from September 9, 2002 until May 17, 2004, in two seasons. The show was sold into syndication but the first four episodes premiered on the NBC network, whose syndication arm was one of the producers. Disappointing ratings during the show's second season led to its cancellation after season two ended. She Spies bore noticeable production and directive similarities with Charlie's Angels.



Stingers 1998


Stingers brings to light the life and work of an undercover police unit located in Melbourne. This dangerous work requires complete dedication, one slip can cost an operative their life.



Graceland 2013


In Southern California, a beachfront property was seized and turned into a residence for undercover cops. They are all top agents of the DEA, FBI, and Customs and they are living in this house unofficially known as "Graceland". Coming of a new graduating at the top of his class, FBI rookie, Mike Warren, could make the life of a legendary FBI agent Paul Briggs and the others, more complicated or it could reveal the truth. It is based upon actual events.


It Takes a Thief

It Takes a Thief 1968


Convicted cat burglar Alexander Mundy gets an offer he can't refuse from the United States government: If he puts his formidable thieving skills to work for them, he'll be released from prison. Alexander's dad, Alister, sometimes comes out of retirement as a thief to help his son on special jobs.



Damo 2003


Damo is a 2003 South Korean fusion historical drama, starring Ha Ji-won, Lee Seo-jin, and Kim Min-joon. Set in the Joseon Dynasty, it tells the story of Chae-ok, a damo relegated to the low-status job of a female police detective who investigates crimes involving women of the upper class. Chae-ok shares a forbidden love with her mentor and superior Hwangbo Yoon, but while working undercover on a counterfeit ring case, she finds herself drawn to Jang Sung-baek, the mysterious leader of the rebel army she has infiltrated. It aired on MBC from July 28 to September 9, 2003 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55 for 14 episodes.


True Justice

True Justice 2011


Elijah Kane leads a hardcore undercover team of Seattle based cops who take on the local criminal element with a high-octane style of enforcement.