Ključna beseda Prisoner
Face/Off 1997
Veliki pobeg 1963
Rambo 2 1985
Potem ko je v prvem filmu vrgel v zrak pol mesta in zagodel številnim posameznikom, so Ramba na koncu le ujeli. Sedaj ga srečamo v celici, kako z lahkoto lomi verige okoli sebe. Njegov nekdanji oficir iz Vietnama, Trautman, mu ponudi nalogo, da bi v jugovzhodni Aziji našel pogrešane Američane. Čeprav je vietnamske vojne že konec, tam kar mrgoli tujih vojakov. Resnični problem v Vietnamu pa Rambu ne predstavljajo tuji vojaki, ampak predvsem tisti, ki so mu nalogo naložili.
Undisputed 2002
Zaporniško dvorišče 2005
Top Secret! 1984
The Package 1989
Apex 2021
Hitro maščevanje 2010
Bivanje v zaporu ima po navadi za zapornika eno od dveh posledic: ali ga zlomi ali okrepi. Za Driverja (Dwayne Johnson), ki je v zaporu preživel deset let, velja slednje. Njegove moči ni podžigal le čas, temveč tudi želja po maščevanju bratove smrti, ki je umrl med ponesrečenim bančnim ropom, zaradi katerega je sam pristal za rešetkami. Na dan, ko Driverja izpustijo na prostost, se odloči, da bo poiskal štiri moške, ki so odgovorni za bratov umor. S seznamom imen in naslovov v roki steče skozi vrata zapora ‒ in že je na misiji.
In Hell 2003
Metulj 2017
Film posnet po enem izmed najbolj prodajanih romanov na svetu, Metulj sledi epski zgodbi Henrija Charriereja - Metulja, odpiraču sefov pariškega pozdemlja, kateremu so podtaknili krivdo za umor in ga obsodili na dosmrtno kazen v zloglasni kazenski koloniji na otoku Devil's Island. Odločen, da si izbori svojo svobodo, se Metulj spoprijatelji z ekscentričnim obsojenim imitatorjem Louisom, ki se v zameno za zaščito strinja s financiranjem Metuljevega pobega.
See No Evil 2006
Mavretanec: Dnevnik iz Guantanama 2021
Mavretanec je obtožen najema teroristov, ki so 11. septembra strmoglavili letala v stolpe Svetovnega trgovinskega centra. Salahi je bil zaprt 14 let v ameriškem vojaškem zaporu Guantanamo brez obtožbe in sojenja. Izgubljajoč upanje je Salahi našel zaveznico v odvetnici Nancy Hollander in njeni sodelavki Teri Duncan, ki jo igra Shailene Woodley. Cumberbatch odigra vlogo vojaškega tožilca polkovnika Stuarta Coucha, ki išče smrtno kazen za Salahija.
Les Misérables 1998
00:30 - Tajna operacija 2012
Režiserka z oskarji nagrajenega vojnega trilerja Bombna misija se vrača na območje spopadov, tokrat z osupljivim prikazom ozadja resničnega lova na vodjo teroristov Osamo bin Ladna. Kljub večletnemu neuspešnemu iskanju vodje Al Kaide odločna agentka CIE Maya ne želi vreči puške v koruzo, toda ob iskanju informacij z nečloveškim mučenjem zapornikov se večkrat znajde na robu moralnih dilem. Naposled dobi svežo sled za najbolj iskanim človekom na svetu, vendar mora v pravilnost svojih podatkov najprej prepričati odgovorne, ki lahko odobrijo nepredvidljivo in nevarno vojaško operacijo.
Identity 2003
Les Misérables 1958
No Good Deed 2014
Nowhere to Run 1993
Prison Break 2005
Due to a political conspiracy, an innocent man is sent to death row and his only hope is his brother, who makes it his mission to deliberately get himself sent to the same prison in order to break the both of them out, from the inside out.
Locked Up 2015
Set up to take the blame for corporate fraud, young Macarena Ferreiro is locked up in a high-security women's prison surrounded by tough, ruthless criminals in this tense, provocative Spanish thriller.
The Escape of the Seven 2023
The mysterious disappearance of a girl brings together seven people from all different walks of life. They all have an intertwined connection to her disappearance in the most horrific, unfathomable, and despicable way. As money drives them to their greed, lies, and delirium, they face divine retribution as they struggle for their lives in a picturesque revenge. How far will they go to claim their innocence, and will anyone make it out alive?
Prison School 2015
There was a time when the Hachimitsu Private Academy was a revered and elite all-girls' boarding school on the outskirts of Tokyo but a recent policy revision is allowing boys into the student body. On his first day, Kiyoshi Fujino discovers that he's one of only five boys enrolled at the school. Completely overwhelmed by the thousands of girls on campus, the few boys find that their situation is less than ideal.
For Life 2020
A prisoner becomes a lawyer, litigating cases for other inmates while fighting to overturn his own life sentence for a crime he didn’t commit.
Prison Playbook 2017
With his major league baseball debut right around the corner, a star pitcher lands in prison and must learn to navigate his new world.
Insider 2022
When a judicial apprentice goes behind bars while on an undercover job, he plays the hand he’s dealt to survive prison and get his payback.
Jett 2019
Fresh out of prison, world-class thief Daisy ”Jett” Kowalski is forced back into doing what she does best by dangerous and eccentric criminals determined to exploit her skills for their own ends.
Banished 2015
At its heart, Banished is a story of survival. Though it is set in the stark historical reality of the founding of the penal colony in Australia in 1788 after the arrival of the First Fleet, it is not the story of Australia and how it came to be. Rather, it is a tale of love, faith, justice and morality played out on an epic scale in a confined community where the stakes are literally life and death.
Evilive 2023
A hardworking lawyer who randomly selects prisoners to visit and find jobs for himself meets a former baseball player who is also the second in command of a criminal organization. Will he be able to resist the temptations of evil?
Runaway: For Your Love 2011
Four young people have been arrested for crimes they did not commit. When one of them learns that his daughter is in a critical condition because of an incurable heart ailment, he decides to break out of the jail. He is joined by three other prisoners who also decide to break out of jail. Although their motives and backgrounds are different, all of them are innocent and there are reasons why they cannot wait till their release. They have to get out of jail as soon as they can. So they band together and begin to plan their escape in order to accomplish their goals. Bound for Tokyo, they have to overcome frequent challenges for the sake of their families and loved ones.
Powrót do życia 2024
Back to Life 2019
When Miri Matteson returns home after eighteen years, can she integrate back into her old life? With a terrible event from her past hanging over her, it won’t be easy.
Karagar 2022
A prisoner appears in Akashnagar Central Jail's Cell No.145, which has been shut for 50 years, and claims immortality. Who is this mystery man, and what secrets does he hold inside him?
Correlli 1995
Correlli was an Australian television series first broadcast by ABC TV in 1995. It starred Deborra-Lee Furness as prison psychologist Louisa Correlli. The series also featured her future husband Hugh Jackman in one of his earliest roles. The first episode entitled "The Rat Tamer" has been released on to DVD. The creators and Associate Producers of the show were actress Denise Roberts from the ABC's G.P., and Carol Long. Roberts also played the role of prison warden Helen Buckley in episodes four and five.
L'Île prisonnière 2023
A peaceful island turns into a prison, when a group of armed activists take the whole population of the quaint, isolated place off the coast of Brittany hostage one morning. They are highly organized – yet their motives remain a secret. Who are they? What do they want? Who can stop them? There’s only one thing Alpha, their leader, hasn’t taken into account: Five passengers of the shuttle that links the island to the mainland manage to escape and hide. As the islanders face this extraordinary, deadly situation, secrets surface, sources of conflict. But who among them will become a hero, a coward, or a traitor? Who is the stranger who returned after ten years of absence? Will Chris, Dorian, Kelly, Mado, Alex, and the others succeed in thwarting Operation Ocean Storm? Will Candice find the love of her life? And are the goals of the activists really as bad as their actions make it seem?
Les Misérables 1972
An ex-convict who wants to make an honest life for himself is pursued by the implacable hatred of a policeman.
First and Last 2018
Take an intimate look at the emotionally charged first and last days of new and soon-to-be released inmates at Georgia's Gwinnett County Jail.
Boys Banged Up 2020
Boys Banged Up is an unflinching insight into life inside a prison for young offenders (YOI).