Matrica: Revolucija

Matrica: Revolucija 2003


V zaključku trilogije "Matrica" se Neo (Keanu Reeves), Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) in Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) borijo, da bi zadnje človeško mesto Sion ubranili pred ubijalskimi stroji, ki so si podjarmili in zasužnjili človeštvo.



Podzemlje 2003


V globinah Zemlje sta se stoletja razvijali dve rasi: plemiški in prefinjeni vampirji in brutalni volkodlaki (likanci), katerih obstoj je bil vedno del sveta mitov in legend. Te nočne rase so smrtni sovražniki in so obsojene, da živijo v večnih vojnah, dokler ne preživi le ena. Sredi tega starodavnega konflikta vampirski bojevnik Selene odkrije zaroto Likancev, da ugrabijo Michaela, mladega zdravnika. Potem ko ga je spremljala po mestu, Selene razvije nenavaden odnos z njim, in ko se Ličani odločijo za napad, stoji med njimi in zdravnikom. Ko poskuša rešiti Michaela, odkrije načrt za Ličane, da bi ustvarila nova bitja, ki združujejo moči obeh ras in nimajo njihovih slabosti. Ta projekt, če bi bil realiziran, bi dal prednost volkodlakom.


Italijanska misija

Italijanska misija 2003


Načrt je bil brezhiben, izpeljan do popolnosti in imeli so jasno pot pobega. Edini dejavnik tveganja, ki ga glavni kriminalni um Charlie Croker ni mogel preprečiti, je prišel od enega od članov tolpe, ki so ga sestavljali njegov notranji mož Steve, računalniški genij Lyle, voznik Rob, strokovnjak za eksplozive "Levo uho" in veteran John-Bridger . Potem ko sta v močno varovanem beneškem palazzu udarila osupljiv milijon dolarjevski udarec, sta Charlie in tolpa šokirana, ko sta ugotovila, da ju je izdal eden od njih. Zdaj ne gre več za plen, ampak za maščevanje. Potem na sceno stopi lepa Stella, strokovnjakinja, ki se pridruži Charlieju in tolpi, ko se vrnejo v Kalifornijo v iskanju izdajalca.


Teci Lola

Teci Lola 1998


Lepo in mlado dekle Lola (Franka Potente) prejme klic svojega fanta Mannija (Moritz Bleibtreu): v podzemni železnici je izgubil torbo, polno denarja, ki je pripadala izjemno nevarnemu človeku. Lola ima tako približno 20 minut časa, da dostavi kovček s 100.000 nemškimi markami na določeno mesto. Če ji ne uspe, bodo mafijci Manniija ubili. Lola se odloči, da bo za denar zaprosila svojega premožnega očima, s katerim pa se ne razumeta najbolje. Srčni utrip močno naraste, čas se neusmiljeno izteka, Lola pa mora zelo hitro teči, saj fantovo življenje visi na nitki ...


21 mostov

21 mostov 2019


Ameriški igralec Chadwick Boseman, poznan po vlogah v Maščevalcih in Črnemu panterju, v tem napetem trilerju igra policaja na lovu za morilci svojih kolegov. Režiser filma Brian Kirk je najbolj poznan po režiji serije Igra prestolov. Zgodba se odvija na Manhattnu po ropu, ki je šel zelo narobe in za seboj pustil osem mrtvih policajev. V lovu za osumljenci pride do izredno ekstremnih praks, ki bi preprečile, da bi morilci pobegnili čez enega izmed 21. mostov, ki omogočajo prihod in izhod iz otoka. V dolgi noči se linije med tem, koga pravzaprav lovijo, počasi zabrišejo, odkrivajo pa se nepričakovane resnice.


엽기적인 그녀

엽기적인 그녀 2001


Ko mladenič na peronu podzemne železnice priskoči na pomoč mlademu dekletu, se ne zaveda, v kakšne težave ga bo spravilo.


Secrets of the London Underground

Secrets of the London Underground 2021


Railway historian Tim Dunn and Siddy Holloway from the London Transport Museum explore hidden areas of the London Underground that—despite being just feet away from where millions of people regularly travel—hardly anyone knows about. The pair will explore abandoned tunnels, secret bunkers and hidden staircases that have been concealed from public view for years.


The Tube: Going Underground

The Tube: Going Underground 2016


Carrying nearly five million passengers per day, the London Tube is one of the world's oldest and busiest metro systems in the world. Today the Tube is undergoing a complete overhaul that is long overdue. Take a behind the scenes look into the daily lives of drivers, emergency personnel, operations managers, and many others among the near twenty thousand employees of this massive rail system, as they navigate the evolution of the London Tube.


The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway

The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway 2014


Follow a team of more than 10,000 engineers and construction workers as they race to build a brand new railway under London - Crossrail - London's new Underground.


Shoot to Kill: Terror on the Tube

Shoot to Kill: Terror on the Tube 2024


Documentary featuring previously unheard testimony, exploring the manhunt following the London bombings of 2005, and the shooting of innocent electrician Jean Charles de Menezes by armed police.


The Metro: A Rail Life Story

The Metro: A Rail Life Story 2020


Following the lifes on the Tyne and Wear Metro – the first time cameras have been allowed in-depth behind the scenes at the UK’s biggest metro system outside London.


The Subway Spirits Series

The Subway Spirits Series 2023


"Subway Spirit" introduces viewers to the enigmatic world where the living and the dead intertwine, through the compelling story of a young girl named Amy. Portrayed by a talented and captivating actress, Amy becomes the focal point of the series, navigating the ethereal complexities that unfold after a transformative event in a subway. This supernatural drama, a brainchild of the visionary Ryan Martin N , promises to be a soul-stirring exploration of life, death, and the mysterious connections that bind them.


Subways of the World

Subways of the World 1986


Subways of the World is a colorful, 15-part Hungarian documentary series that first ran between 1986 and 1993 on Hungarian Television. In the series, with the help of civil engineer György Lovas, we can get to know the past, present and future of metro networks in different cities around the world, as well as the landmarks around the metros. The series was created on the occasion of the 100-year centenary of the UITP International Public Transport Association.