Maščevalci: Brezmejna vojna

Maščevalci: Brezmejna vojna 2018


Še nikoli videno filmsko potovanje, ki je nastajalo deset let in zajema celoten Marvel Cinematic Universe. Na velika platna nam prinaša končni, najsmrtonosnejši obračun vseh časov. Maščevalci in njihovi zavezniki superjunaki morajo biti pripravljeni žrtvovati vse, da bi lahko premagali mogočnega Thanosa, preden ta s svojim rušenjem in uničenjem pokonča celotno vesolje.


Hrestač in štiri kraljestva

Hrestač in štiri kraljestva 2018


Vse, kar si Klara želi, je edinstven ključ, ki bo odklenil škatlo, kjer se skriva neprecenljivo darilo njene mame. Na že tradicionalni praznični zabavi pri botru Drosselmeyerju, ji le-ta pokaže zlato nit, ki Klaro pripelje do želenega ključa, a kmalu ugotovi, da se nahaja v čudnem in skrivnostnem vzporednem svetu. Tam Klara sreča vojščaka z imenom Phillip, trumo miši in regentov, ki vladajo nad tremi kraljestvi: deželi Snežink, deželi Rož in deželi Sladkarij. Klara in Phillip morata skupaj nadvladati četrtemu zlobnemu kraljestvu, domovanju tiranske Matere Ingver, da bi si Klara pridobila ključ in tako vrnila harmonijo v nestabilen svet.


Noč v muzeju 2

Noč v muzeju 2 2009


Nerodni muzejski čuvaj Larry se vrača v fantastični svet oživelih zgodovinskih osebnosti, saj skuša rešiti stara prijatelja - kavboja Jedediaho in rimskega vojskovodjo Octaviusa, ki so ju po pomoti premestili v slavni muzej Smithsonian. Načrt se izjalovi, ko oživijo tudi ostale muzejske figure, od Napoleona, predsednika Lincolna, pustolovke Amelie Earhart, gangsterja Ala Capona in znanstvenika Alberta Einsteina, ki skupaj z Larryjevimi starimi znanci povzročijo popolno zmedo katastrofalno-komičnih razsežnosti.


Zelena svetilka

Zelena svetilka 2011


Drzni testni pilot Hal je priča strmoglavljenju neznanega letečega predmeta in ob srečanju z Nezemljanom prejme skrivnostni zeleni prstan. Ko si ga nadene, dobi nadnaravne moči elitnega reda galaktičnih junakov, ki so zapriseženi ohranjanju ravnovesja v vesolju. Toda ko svet ogrozijo skrivnostne temne sile, mora Hal sprejeti veliko odgovornost, ki jo je prejel, in svoje sile uporabiti v boju za obstanek človeštva.


Vokodlak ponoči

Vokodlak ponoči 2022


Dobrodošla svežina iz sveta Marvel, ki ponudi uživanje med filmom in nekaj drugačnega. Po smrti svojega vodje Ulyssesa Bloodstona se pet izkušenih lovcev na pošasti, na pobudo vdove Verusse, zbere v templju Bloodstone. Med njimi sta tudi Jack Russell in Elsa, Ulysessova hči. Kdor zmaga bo postal novi lastnik mogočne relikvije - kamna Bloodstone in novi vodja. Lov se lahko začne...


Warehouse 13

Warehouse 13 2009


After saving the life of the President, two secret service agents - Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer - find themselves assigned to the top secret Warehouse 13. The Warehouse is a massive, top secret facility that houses dangerous and fantastical objects. Together, Pete and Myka along with fellow agents Claudia, Steve Jinks and Warehouse caretaker Artie, must recover artifacts from around the globe before they can cause catastrophic damage.


The Golden Spoon

The Golden Spoon 2022


Would you trade your poor but loving family for a life of riches? When Seung Cheon gets his hands on a magical spoon that allows him to switch lives with his rich best friend, he thinks it’s a no-brainer. But life-altering decisions are always accompanied by a sense of doubt, and with only three chances to change his mind, Seung Cheon has to decide which of his two possible futures is worth keeping.


Friday the 13th: The Series

Friday the 13th: The Series 1987


Micki and Ryan with the help of their friend Jack try to recover cursed antiques so they can store them in safety inside the antique store's vault.


The Mask: Animated Series

The Mask: Animated Series 1995


Insecure bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss uses an ancient mask to gain superpowers while taking on the mischievous and cartoonish, but heroic and good-hearted personality of The Mask



Witchblade 2001


Sara "Pez" Pezzini searches for justice which brings her into contact with the Witchblade. An ancient, intelligent, living weapon so powerful it can battle Earth's darkest evil forces. Week in and week out, Pez employs her skills as a police detective to fight crime. Pez finds she must employ the Witchblade to combat a much greater and frighteningly organized conspiracy of evil that threatens the very soul of humanity.


Dead Man's Gun

Dead Man's Gun 1997


Dead Man's Gun was a western anthology series that ran on Showtime from 1997 to 1999. The series followed the travels of a gun as it passed to a new character in each episode. The gun would change the life of whomever possessed it. Each episode was narrated by Kris Kristofferson. The executive producer was Henry Winkler.


Legend of Yunze

Legend of Yunze 2021


Cultivator Jiang Zhao-yun's sword, Tange, leads her to Changshui Village, where a mysterious young woman, A-Ze, has suddenly appeared. A-Ze senses that something odd is going on in Changshui Village, and asks Zhao-yun to investigate the village together. They gradually discover the truth behind the strange happenings in Changshui Village. Aided by A-Ze, Zhao Yun — who had always believed that all demons were evildoers, and less worthy than humans — comes to realize that humans can be even crueler and more rapacious than demons. After the events of Changshui Village, the two agree to travel to Mount Qingyuan together.



Ctrl 2009


Ctrl is an American comedy web series by NBC. It is the first stand-alone web series launched by a major television network. The series stars Tony Hale as a typical office-working, self-confidence-lacking nerd who discovers he can undo things in real life. It is an adaptation and expansion of the short film Ctrl Z by Robert Kirbyson, which was a winner at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival. CTRL was spotted and developed by SXM from the original short film Ctrl Z, which was screened at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008. SXM ultimately partnered with NBC's digital studio to produce the online series. After NBC shut the digital studio in 2011, all rights reverted to SXM, who are currently developing Season 2 with Yahoo and a private investor. As of early 2012, the episodes appear to have been removed from the NBC website, but can be found on Hulu.


Dead Last

Dead Last 2001


A fledgling rock band on the verge of being discovered make a discovery of their own: a magical ancient amulet that gives them the power to see ghosts – whether they want to or not. Slightly deterred from fame by their newfound responsibility of helping an endless parade of desperate, and sometimes angry, apparitions resolve their unfinished business, the band begrudgingly intertwines their desire for rock and roll success with the lifelong gig of ushering the dead to the other side.


Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders

Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders 1995


Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders is an American fantasy themed cartoon television series produced by Bohbot Productions and Hasbro with association with Hong Ying Animation in 1995. Each episode was constructed as an animated minimusical, aimed at children aged four and older. Internationally syndicated by Bohbot Entertainment, the international version has the title character renamed to Starla.