
Medzvezdje 2014


Najnovejši film kultnega Christopherja Nolana z Matthewom McConaugheyjem v vlogi vodje skupine Nasinih raziskovalcev, ki se podajo na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva. V času, ko se zaradi onesnaženja in prevladujočih peščenih viharjev, ki uničujejo floro in favno, naš čas na Zemlji bliža koncu, se skupina Nasinih raziskovalcev poda na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva: v največji tajnosti potujejo onkraj meja dojemljivega, da bi z raziskovanjem neznanih planetov dognali, ali ima človeštvo prihodnost kje onkraj našega ozvezdja.



Marsovec 2015


Med odpravo s človeško posadko na Mars astronavta Watneyja po hudem viharju, ki je zahteval takojšnjo evakuacijo, kolegi pustijo za seboj, prepričani, da je mrtev. Toda Whatney je preživel in se zapuščen in sam znajde na sovražnem planetu. Poškodovan je, a če hoče ostati živ, mora takoj ukrepati. Ob pičlih zalogah se mora zanesti na lastno iznajdljivost in razsodnost duha, da preživi in se domisli, kako tiste na Zemlji opozoriti, da je še živ.


2001: Odiseja v vesolju

2001: Odiseja v vesolju 1968


Legendarni film Stanleyja Kubricka na svojevrsten način opisuje evolucijo na našem planetu, vse od kamene dobe, ko so naši predniki začeli izdelovati in uporabljati orodje, pa do 21. stoletja in vladavine inteligentnih računalnikov. Kamena doba. Skupina opic v prisotnosti skrivnostnega črnega obeliska odkrije uporabo orodja kot orožja in inteligenco poveže z nasiljem. Leto 1999. Na Luni astronavti odkrijejo nov črni obelisk. Leto 2001. HAL, najinteligentnejši računalnik na svetu, nadzoruje vesoljsko plovilo, ki se nahaja nekje med Zemljo in Jupitrom. Zaradi napake je ogroženo življenje posadke.



Gravitacija 2013


Režiser fantazijskih spektaklov Harry Potter in jetnik iz Azkabana ter Jaz pa tebi mamo predstavlja osupljivo vesoljsko pustolovščino, v kateri se znajdeta znanstvenica Ryan in astronavt Matt. Med poletom v zemeljsko orbito opravljata rutinski sprehod po vesolju, ko deli odsluženega satelita zadenejo in uničijo njuno plovilo. Prepuščena lastni iznajdljivosti se morata soočiti z vrtoglavo gravitacijo in drugimi elementi surovega vesolja, možnost njunega preživetja pa se manjša iz minute v minuto.



Spaceman 2024


Astronavt Jakub se na raziskovalni misiji v vesolju bori z osamljenostjo, prav tako pa spozna, da je njegova zakonska zveza v razsulu. Na vesoljskem plovilu ob tem odkrije neznano bitje v podobi orjaškega govorečega pajka, ki mu ponudi čustveno oporo.



Gattaca 1997


Znanstvenofantastična drama, postavljena v prihodnost, kjer človekovega življenja ne določata izobrazba in izkušnje, temveč genski inženiring. Bogati lahko izberejo poljubno genetsko sestavo svojih potomcev. Ljudje so zasnovani za vlogo, ki jim je določena pred rojstvom. Kaj pa se zgodi, ko si nekdo želi drugačnega življenja? V tem neosebnem svetu prihodnosti so državljani ustvarjeni kot popolni primerki, zato velja naravno rojena manjšina za manjvredno. Toda eden od naravno rojenih se želi osvoboditi družbenih spon in sanjari o tem, da bo potoval po vesolju kot navigator pri korporaciji Gattaca. Da bi dosegel svoj cilj, poišče pomoč prekupčevalca z DNK Germana in vzpostavi stik z Jeromom Morrowom, ki je po nezgodi ostal paraliziran in je pripravljen prodati svoj večvredni genetski material. Vincent prevzame Jeromovo identiteto in pride v posadko vesoljske misije. Toda teden pred poletom enega od direktorjev Gattace umorijo in sum pade na vse člane posadke...


James Bond: Operacija vesolje

James Bond: Operacija vesolje 1979


Roger Moore se vrača v svoji četrti vlogi zapeljivega britanskega tajnega agenta 007, ki ga tokrat izstreli naravnost v orbito. Med poletom ugrabijo ameriško vesoljsko plovilo; krivec za to je megalomanski milijarder Hugo Drax (Michael Lonsdale), izobražen in uglajen zlikovec, ki hoče zavladati svetu. James Bond (Roger Moore) mu poskuša prekrižati načrte, pri tem pa združi moči s čedno in pametno znanstvenico Holly Goodhead (Lois Chiles). Med reševanjem sveta se morata med drugim soočiti z Draxovim pomočnikom Jawsom, neuničljivim velikanom z jeklenimi zobmi (Richard Kiel). Končna bitka, ki bo odločila o usodi človeštva, se bo odvila na velikanski vesoljski postaji, ki kroži nad Zemljo.


Ad astra: pot do zvezd

Ad astra: pot do zvezd 2019


Hollywoodska zvezdnika Brad Pitt in Tommy Lee Jones sta soigralca v znanstvenofantastičnem trilerju režiserja in scenarista Jamesa Graya, ki istočasno razkriva temne globine vesolja in nedoumljivost človekove narave. Astronavt Roy McBride (Brad Pitt) se odpravi na nevarno misijo po Osončju, da bi odkril skrivnost o svojem dolgo pogrešanem očetu (Tommy Lee Jones) in njegovi odpravi, ki 30 let pozneje grozi obstoju in preživetju našega planeta.


2010: Druga odiseja

2010: Druga odiseja 1984


V vesolju nismo sami! Leta 2001 vesoljsko plovilo Discovery na misiji na Jupiter izda njegov računalnik H. A. L. Devet let pozneje, ko so Združene države Amerike in Rusija na robu vojne, pa ti močni državi združita moči, da bi se v letu 2010 vrnili na Discovery. V treh letih, kolikor traja potovanje, na Zemlji izbruhne vojna, ki grozi, da se bo razširila na vesoljsko plovilo. Toda vmeša se duh Dava Bowmana (Keir Dullea) iz ekipe Discoveryja, ki opozarja, da se obeta nekaj velikega, nevarnega in čudovitega ... Film temelji na romanu Arthurja C. Clarka. Nadaljevanje filma 2001: Odiseja v vesolju. Nominiran je bil za 5 oskarjev.


For All Mankind

For All Mankind 2019


Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams as told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers, and their families.


I Dream of Jeannie

I Dream of Jeannie 1965


While on a mission, American astronaut Captain Tony Nelson is forced to make an emergency landing that will forever change his life. On a deserted South Pacific island, Captain Nelson happens upon a bottle containing a beautiful two-thousand-year-old female genie named Jeannie. Rescuing her from the bottle nets Tony the requisite three wishes, and then some, when Jeannie pledges total devotion to her new "master".


Space Brothers

Space Brothers 2012


When they were young, the brothers Mutta and Hibito promised each other they would become astronauts. Now, in 2025, Hibito has followed his dream to become the first Japanese on the moon, but Mutta has just been fired from his job. His brother reminds him of their childhood promise, and Mutta decides once again to aim for space.


Greenhouse Academy

Greenhouse Academy 2017


When teen siblings Hayley and Alex enter an elite boarding school, they find rivalry, romance and a mystery related to the recent loss of their mom.


Final Space

Final Space 2018


An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying sidekick Mooncake embark on serialized journeys through space in order to unlock the mystery of “Final Space,” the last point in the universe, if it actually does exist.


The Signal

The Signal 2024


A missing astronaut sets her family on a frantic hunt for answers. But the more they uncover, the greater the threat becomes to them — and the world.



Extant 2014


An astronaut returns home from a year long solo mission in space. She tries to reconnect with her husband and son in their everyday life. Her experiences in space and home lead to events that ultimately will change the course of human history.


Space Academy

Space Academy 2021


The story follows the daily life of Kotetsu-kun, who aspires to be an astronaut, and friends at the Animal Space Academy as they all pursue their dreams.


The Clear Horizon

The Clear Horizon 1960


The Clear Horizon is an American soap opera which ran on CBS Daytime from July 11, 1960 to March 10, 1961 and February 26 to June 11, 1962. The show was created and head written by Manya Starr.



Mars 2016


The maiden crew of the Daedalus spacecraft must push itself to the brink of human capability in order to successfully establish the first sustainable colony on Mars. Set both in the future and in the present day, this series blends scripted elements set in the future with documentary vérité interviews with today’s best and brightest minds in modern science and innovation, illuminating how research and development is creating the space technology that will enable our first attempt at a mission to Mars.


From the Earth to the Moon

From the Earth to the Moon 1998


The story of the United States' space program, from its beginnings in 1961 to the final moon mission in 1972.


The Universe

The Universe 2007


From the planets to the stars and out to the edge of the unknown, history and science collide in a wondrous yet deadly adventure through space and time.



Missions 2017


The first manned mission to Mars is now approaching the red planet. The crew includes top-flight scientists and a young female psychiatrist, responsible for their mental health. But just as they are about to land, something goes wrong.


The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff 2020


At the height of the Cold War, newly formed NASA selects seven of the military’s best test pilots to become astronauts. Competing to be the first in space, these men achieve the extraordinary, inspiring the world to turn towards a new horizon of ambition and hope.



Astronaut 2024


After members of the renowned Brazilian Space Research Agency, BRASA, disappear on a mysterious mission to the Moon, strange visions begin to disturb Pereira, an astronaut recently on leave from the organization. Now that his colleagues are in urgent need of rescue, he sees the perfect opportunity to head into space to understand the strange abduction he experienced five years earlier. What he didn't imagine was that he was heading into a trap created by an alien entity capable of putting not only his mind at risk, but also all of humanity.


One Strange Rock

One Strange Rock 2018


A mind-bending, thrilling journey exploring the fragility and wonder of planet Earth, one of the most peculiar, unique places in the entire universe, brought to life by the only people to have left it behind – the world’s most well known and leading astronauts.


The Martian Chronicles

The Martian Chronicles 1980


The Martian Chronicles deals with the exploration of Mars and the inhabitants there.


When the Stars Gossip

When the Stars Gossip 2025


A romantic comedy about an astronaut and a tourist who meet and fall in love at a space station. Gong Ryong is an OB-GYN with a strong sense of responsibility who arrives at the space station as a tourist. Meanwhile, Eve Kim is a Korean-American astronaut.


The Three-Body Problem

The Three-Body Problem 2022


A science-fiction drama adapted from the novel of the same name by the famous science fiction writer Liu Cixin. “Three-Body Problem” tells the story of nanomaterials scientist Wang Miao and criminal police Shi Qiang who jointly unveiled the mystery of the “Three-Body Problem” world of an extraterrestrial civilization..



Away 2020


American astronaut Emma Green must leave her husband and teenage daughter behind to command an international space crew embarking upon a treacherous mission. A series about hope, humanity and how we need one another if we are to achieve impossible things.