Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3 2007


Zdi se, da je Peter Parker vendarle našel pravo ravnotežje med predanostjo veliki ljubezni M.J. in nalogami superjunaka. Toda na obzorju se že zbirajo nevihtni oblaki, saj zavoljo oboževanja javnosti in zelo vsiljive občudovalke Gwen Spider-Man postaja vse bolj prevzeten. Ko v igro vstopi še negativec Sandman, ki je kriv za smrt Petrovega strica, se Spider-Man prične spreminjati v temnega maščevalca, ki sicer premore neslutene moči, a za ceno izgube stika z ljudmi, ki Spider-Manu največ pomenijo.


Večno sonce brezmadežnega uma

Večno sonce brezmadežnega uma 2004


Ko Joel (Jim Carrey) z osuplostjo spozna, da si je njegovo donedavno dekle Clementine (oskarjevka Kate Winslet) izbrisalo spomin na njuno burno razmerje. Obupan poišče izumitelja postopka dr. Howarda Mierzwiaka (dvakratni nominiranec za oskarja Tom Wilkinson), saj si želi tudi sam izbrisati spomin nanjo. Toda med postopkom začne Joel znova odkrivati svojo naklonjenost do Clementine, zato poskuša izbris prekiniti. Medtem ko ga dr. Mierzwiak in njegova ekipa (Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, Elijah Wood) preganjajo po labirintu spominov, postane jasno, da Clementine ne bo mogoče izbiti iz Joelove glave.


Pet legend

Pet legend 2012


Jakec Mraz je nagajiv fantič, kis svojo čarobno moč uporablja predvsem za uganjanje zimskih norčij in povzročanje kaosa. Zato je zelo presenečen, da ga legendarni božiček, zobna vila, velikonočni zajec in zaspanček povabijo v svoje vrste varuhov otroških sanj in radosti.


50 prvih poljubov

50 prvih poljubov 2004


Henry, morski zoolog na Havajih, preživi ves svoj prosti čas, da privabi ženske, ki pridejo na Havaje na dopust. Nekega dne pa sreča simpatično in ljubko Lucy, v katero se zaljubi na prvi pogled. Vendar Lucy utrpi kratkotrajno izgubo spomina po prometni nesreči. Spominja se le dogodkov nekega dne. Zanjo je vsako jutro jutro po nesreči. Potem Lucy prvič sreča Henryja. In Henry lahko le upa, da ga Lucy znova in znova zanima.


Kdo je Bourne?

Kdo je Bourne? 2002


Zakaj ga zasledujejo najeti morilci? Kdaj se je izuril v borilnih veščinah in kako je mogoče, da tekoče govori več jezikov? Odgovori na ta vprašanja vam ne bodo dali miru in vas bodo osupnili v sijajnih akcijskih prizorih na čudovitih evropskih prizoriščih. Njegova edina sled o lastni identiteti je bančni račun na kapsuli, vsajeni pod kožo. V sefu banke sredi Zuricha najde denar, orožje in osebne dokumente. Potem ko ga na ameriškem konzulatu preganjajo varnostniki, Bourne ugotovi, da ne more zaupati nikomur. Nemški ciganki po imenu Marie (Franka Potente) ponudi 10 000 dolarjev za prevoz do Pariza. Na poti sreča še več poklicnih morilcev, ki mu strežejo po življenju, medtem pa se prepriča o lastni spretnosti v borilnih veščinah, bojevanju in znanju jezikov – priročne veščine, ki kažejo na njegovo vohunsko preteklost in morilsko izurjenost – ampak za koga je delal? Z Mariejino neprostovoljno pomočjo se Bourne dokoplje bližje resnici, ki jo skušajo agenti CIE za vsako ceno utišati.


Pokemon: Detektiv Pikachu

Pokemon: Detektiv Pikachu 2019


V svetu, kjer ljudje zbirajo Pokemone, da jih uporabljajo za borbe, fant spozna inteligentnega in zabavnega Pikachuja, ki si želi postati detektiv.


Bournova premoč

Bournova premoč 2004


Pred dvema letoma je Jason Bourne odkorakal v neznano in pustil preteklost za sabo. Zdaj pa se preteklost vrača. Bourne in Marie sta uspela živeti neopazno, nevpadljivo, izven vsakega sistema. Selila sta se iz kraja v kraj, da bi bila neprestano korak pred morebitno grožnjo, ki jo Jason Bourne, stalno pod vtisom raztrganih in nerazložljivih nočnih mor, vidi v pogledu vsakega neznanca, v vsakem telefonskem klicu, ki se konča z "Oprostite, napačna številka." Ko se v zaspani indijski vasici, kjer sta si spet za nekaj časa ustvarila dom, pojavi neznani agent, jima ne preostane drugega, kot da zbežita. Žal jima ne uspe. Bourne se mora posloviti od mrtve Marie. Prišel je čas, da izpolni obljubo. Nekdanjim nadrejenim je obljubil, da jih bo našel in obračunal z njimi, če ju ne pustijo na miru. Morali bi ga poslušati.



Memento 2000


Srhljiv umor se na platnu odvrti v obratni smeri: proces razvijanja fotografije teče nazaj in ta se vrne v bliskajoč polaroidni fotoaparat; prelita kri steče nazaj v človeške žile in cev puške se odmakne od izkrivljenih ust. Prvi trenutki filma Memento, eksplozivnega novega trilerja Christopherja Nolana, so časovno prikazani v obratni smeri: kot prispodoba za utripanje časa skozi film; čas narašča in upada v ritmu potovanja človeka skozi kaos izgubljenega spomina. Nolan je napisal scenarij za film po kratki zgodbi svojega brata Jonathana. Memento govori o življenju, ki ga usmerjajo fotografije, mapa z dokumenti o preiskavi, na hitro zabeležena sporočila in tetovaže. Memento je pretresljiv in močan triler, v katerem igrajo Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Pantoliano in Guy Pearce v vlogi Leonarda, človeka, ki se bori, da bi ponovno našel samega sebe med razbitimi delci preteklosti.


Učinek metulja

Učinek metulja 2004


Evan je v mladosti doživljal nenavadne izgube spomina, ki pa se mu čez leta, ko prebira stare dnevnike, pričnejo vračati. Toda Evan ugotovi, da lahko v teh sprehodih v preteklost tudi spremeni določene dogodke, kar pa ima za njegove prijatelje katastrofalne posledice v sedanjosti.


Iskanje pozabljive Dory

Iskanje pozabljive Dory 2016


Nemo in njegov oče Marlin iz studiev Disney/Pixar se na velika platna vračata v nepozabni morski pustolovščini, ki čaka njuno pozabljivo prijateljico Dory. Ali se česa spomni? Kdo sta njena starša? In kdaj se je naučila jezika kitov?


Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne 2016


Režiser napetih trilerjev Zelena cona in Kapitan Phillips se vrača z nadaljevanjem akcijske zgodbo o skrivnostnem super agentu Bournu. Čeprav se Jason po dolgih letih iskanja končno spominja svoje resnične identitete, je pred njem skritih še veliko skrivnosti. Pri razkrivanju mračne preteklosti mu pomaga zvesta prijateljica Nicky, vendar se tudi sama znajde v smrtni nevarnosti. Njuno iskanje zaupnih podatkov vzbudi zanimanje CIE pod vodstvom odločnega direktorja Deweya in iznajdljive agentke Heather, ki poskrbita, da se Bourne znova znajde sredi vrtoglave akcije in divjih obračunov.


Dekle na vlaku

Dekle na vlaku 2016


Režiser z oskarjem nagrajene drame Služkinje predstavlja skrivnostno zgodbo o razočarani Rachel, ki se je po odkritju moževe nezvestobe in ločitvi predala alkoholu. Čeprav je izgubila službo, se še vedno vsak dan vozi z vlakom v London, pot pa jo vodi tudi mimo doma nekdanjega moža. Opazovati začne bližnjo hišo na videz srečno zaljubljenih Scotta in Megan ter si v svoji domišljiji ustvari njun popolni svet. Toda nekega dne med vožnjo opazi pretresljiv prizor, naslednje jutro pa se zbudi s poškodbami in brez spomina na minulo noč. Ko na televiziji izve, da je Megan izginila, poskuša pomagati pri policijski preiskavi, vendar kmalu na plano pokukajo številne sence iz njene preteklosti.



Carter 2022


Carter se po dva mesecih kome prebudi v smrtonosno pandemijo (ki izvira iz DMZ-a), ki je že opustošila ZDA in Severno Korejo. Ne spominja se svoje preteklosti, najde pa skrivnostno napravo v svoji glavi in smrtonosno bombo v ustih. Glas v ušesih mu govori naj se ne ubije in mu izda ukaz, ki ga popelje v skrivnostno misijo. Medtem so mu agentje CIA-e in severnokorejske tajne službe, ki ga lovijo, prišli zelo blizu.


Bacek Jon film

Bacek Jon film 2015


Ko se bacek Jon odloči, da si bo vzel prost dan in se zabaval, se mu zgodi nekaj več, kot je pričakoval. Zmešnjava s kmetom, prikolica in zelo strm klanec vse pripeljejo v veliko mesto, Shaun in čreda pa morajo vse varno vrniti na domačo zeleno travo.


Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive 2001


Mlada in upanja polna Betty Elms se vseli v tetino hišo v Los Angelesu, kjer namerava uspeti kot igralka. Betty ohranja optimizem kljub spoznavanju krutega obraza Hollywooda in šovbiznisa. Življenje se ji spremeni, ko v hiši najde neustavljivo privlačno Rito, ki trpi za amnezijo zaradi avtomobilske nesreče. Skupaj se podata na detektivsko misijo, katere cilj je izvedeti resnico o Ritini identiteti.


Angleški pacient

Angleški pacient 1996


Angleški pacient, dobitnik devetih Oskarjev, je briljantni unikat ter zadnji delikatni potomec vrste, ki je že zdavnaj izumrla. Zgodba se odvija med drugo svetovno vojno. Medicinska sestra Hana (Binoche) verjame, da je prekleta in da so vsi njeni ljubimci obsojeni na smrt. Zateče se v samostan, kjer pomaga madžarskemu grofu (Fiennes). Skrivnostnega pacienta brez obraza in spomina so rešili beduini iz gorečega letala, zaradi nesreče pa je opečen do nerazpoznavnosti. Njegova edina vez s preteklostjo je knjiga grškega zgodovinarja Herodota. Hana začne pacientu brati iz knjige, ob poslušanju pa se ta začne spominjati dogodkov iz svoje preteklosti in razkrivati svojo identiteto.


Nevidno zlo

Nevidno zlo 2002


V tajnem centru za genetsko raziskovanje - za vojaške namene - močne multinacionalke se pojavi virusni izbruh, ki okuži celotno zgradbo. Računalnik, ki nadzoruje središče, zajema puščanje, zapre celotno namestitev in sprva verjamejo, da vsi zaposleni umrejo, v resnici pa so postali divji zombiji ...



Blindspot 2015


A vast international plot explodes when a beautiful Jane Doe is discovered naked in Times Square, completely covered in mysterious, intricate tattoos with no memory of who she is or how she got there. But there's one tattoo that is impossible to miss: the name of FBI agent Kurt Weller, emblazoned across her back. "Jane," Agent Weller and the rest of the FBI quickly realize that each mark on her body is a crime to solve, leading them closer to the truth about her identity and the mysteries to be revealed.


I'm Sorry Kang Nam-Goo

I'm Sorry Kang Nam-Goo 2016


Jung Mo-A (Kim Min-Seo) marries Park Do-Hoon (Lee In). They both grew up at the same orphanage. Park Do-Hoon learns that he is the son from a wealthy family. He dumps Jung Mo-A and marries Cha Young-Hwa (Lee Na-Kyung). Her father is a powerful politician.


Ressha Sentai ToQger

Ressha Sentai ToQger 2014


The evil empire, Shadow Line appeared to cover the world in darkness. Five childhood friends who have great imaginations were selected as the ToQgers to fight the Shadow Line.


My Girlfriend is an Alien

My Girlfriend is an Alien 2019


The alien girl Chai Xiaoqi tells the story of Fang Xiaoqi, the overbearing president of the alien girl who died from the "Cape Town Planet", who was suffering from the "rainy weather heterosexual amnesia". A high-energy hilarious and romantic cross-star love story. The female host Chai Xiaoqi is not only an alien, but also a true-handed witch. Once she inhales the hormones emitted by the males in the earth, she will fall into the "flowery state" and suffer from various diseases. The fun and ridiculously ridiculous romance will restore the singularity of the girl in the perfection of the girl. In order to survive on the human earth, Chai Xiaoqi will use his various super powers to solve one accident after another, like a roller coaster. The ups and downs will make the audience hooked. The male lord is cold and is an alternative overbearing president.


Princess Agents

Princess Agents 2017


During the Warring Period, the Western Wei enslaved large numbers of civilians. The slave girl, Chu Qiao, is thrown into a forest along with other slaves and becomes the next hunting target for the rich lords. She is saved by the Prince of Northern Wei, Yan Xun. Afterwards, she is brought into a powerful family of Yuwen and witnesses their bloody power struggle. Seeing this, she swears to take her younger sister and flee from the situation. However, she catches the attention of Yuwen Yue, and undergoes strict training while building a sense of companionship with Yan Xun. Unfortunately, Western Wei goes into battle and Yan Xun’s family is slaughtered. After that incident, Yan Xun grows ambitious and cruel to avenge for the things and the people he lost. He doubts Chu Qiao and takes advantages of her loyalty and love many times, disregarding their relationship as well as the sacrifices he will have to make for power. Disappointed with the man she once loved, Chu Qiao eventually breaks off her relationship with Yan Xun and chooses to fight with Yuwen Yue, destroying Yan Xun’s plans of vengeance. She eventually convinces Yuwen to free the country from slavery, becoming a successful military strategist/female general in the people’s hearts.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


Made in Abyss

Made in Abyss 2017


Located in the center of a remote island, the Abyss is the last unexplored region, a huge and treacherous fathomless hole inhabited by strange creatures where only the bravest adventurers descend in search of ancient relics. In the upper levels of the Abyss, Riko, a girl who dreams of becoming an explorer, stumbles upon a mysterious little boy.


Golden Time

Golden Time 2013


Banri Tada is a freshman at a Tokyo law school. After an accident, he suffers severe memory loss. Despite the incident, he befriends fellow freshman, Mitsuo Yanagisawa, which leads him to the beautiful, yet obsessive, Kouko Kaga.


Extraordinary You

Extraordinary You 2019


When a high-school girl finds that she is merely a character from a comic book whose destiny is decided by the writer, she decides to change the plot to suit her desires and find the love of her life.



Noragami 2014


Hiyori Iki is a normal middle school student until she was involved in a bus accident while trying to protect a stranger. This incident causes her soul to frequently slip out of her body, and she becomes aware of the existence of two parallel worlds. Through her soul, she meets the strange, nameless god without a shrine, Yato. Yato is determined to make a name for himself out there by accepting any wishes for 5 yen, including Hiyori's to fix her body.


Dance in the Vampire Bund

Dance in the Vampire Bund 2010


Mina Tepeş, the Princess of the ancient covenant and ruler of all vampires, wants her race to stop hiding from the humans. Using her vast wealth, she has paid off Japan's entire national debt and by doing so, gained the right to create a district off Japan's coast that is to become the future haven to vampires worldwide. But when she finally attempts to make public the existence of vampires to the world some politicians, terrorists and rival factions are plotting to assassinate Mina before she has a chance to get Japan's and international recognition for the Vampire Bund. Now she must rely on her strength, cruelty and those closest to her, while trying to make a normal life.


I Have a Lover

I Have a Lover 2015


A woman who lost her memory falls in love with the husband she despised.


Stairway to Heaven

Stairway to Heaven 2003


Cha Songjoo and Han Jeongseo who have lost a father and a mother respectively spend their childhood together like real siblings. Songjoo is there for Jeongseo whenever she feels lonely and has a hard time, and Jeongseo also relies a lot on Songjoo. However, after Jeongseo's father gets married to Tae Mira, Mira and her daughter Han Yuri keep harassing Jeongseo out of jealousy. Han Taehwa, Yuri's rough and wild older brother, has a crush on Jeongseo who is pure and kind unlike him.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal 2011


When aspiring duelist Yuma meets Astral, a mysterious visitor from another universe, it seems like destiny. Yuma needs Astral to teach him how to duel, and Astral needs Yuma to help him regain his memories!


Elfen Lied

Elfen Lied 2004


The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet...



07-Ghost 2009


Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story of Teito Klein, an orphaned slave who became the top military academy student. However, an unexpected turn of events left him pursued by the forces of the Barsburg Empire. Now an escaping convict, Teito's sheltered by the church and its law of sanctuary. Here, he discovered many mysteries surrounding himself, the church, and the Empire itself. The fact that he might be connected to a dethroned king and the mystical stone of god, "The Eye of Mikhael", made him the target of the empire more than ever. Fortunately the church is under the mythical 7 Ghost protection. But who are the Ghosts really. Will Teito be free from the military's clutch, and what of his said mission to uncover the history. And who is the military's Chief-of-Staff Ayanami exactly. Teito's future seems to have spiraled into an unexpectedly perilous path.


Pandora Hearts

Pandora Hearts 2009


Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has just turned fifteen. His life is rich and carefree, darkened only by the constant absence of his father. At his coming-of-age ceremony, however, everything changes. For no reason that he can discern, he's cast into the prison known as the "Abyss", only to be saved by a "chain" known as Alice, the bloodstained black rabbit. It is unknown why was he cast into Abyss, how does Alice factor into it all, and what does the organization known as "Pandora" want with him.


An Oriental Odyssey

An Oriental Odyssey 2018


Ye Yuanan is the daughter of the Assistant Minister of Revenue during the Tang Dynasty. Somewhat of an amateur sleuth, Yuanan loves solving mysteries and is constantly in competition with Zhao Lanzhi, a police officer who is trying to do his job. Yuanan has the assistance of Mu Le, a young man she took in as a family servant after saving him from danger. But what will Yuanan do when she discovers Mu Le’s true identity?



Blood+ 2005


Unable to remember the past, high school senior Saya Otonashi must rediscover her destiny in order to defeat the chiropteran vampires that threaten her loved ones' existence.