Woman of the Hour

Woman of the Hour 2024


Zgodba, ki je bolj nenavadna od fikcije, o ambicioznem igralcu v Los Angelesu v 70. letih prejšnjega stoletja in serijskem morilcu, ki je sredi dolgoletnega morilskega cikla. Njuni življenji se prekrižata, ko sta oba izbrana v eno epizodo oddaje "Igra zmenkov". Po resničnem dogodku.


Pozno v noč, s hudičem

Pozno v noč, s hudičem 2024


Neposredni prenos nočne pogovorne oddaje v letu 1977 gre hudo narobe in prinese zlo v dnevne sobe gledalcev.


Priklicano zlo

Priklicano zlo 2013


Priklicano zlo temelji na resnični zgodbi o tem, kako so preiskovalca paranormalnega Eda in Lorraine Warren poklicali, da pomagata družini na osamljeni kmetiji, ki jo ustrahuje temačna sila. Soočena z mogočno demonsko silo se Warrenova znajdeta v najbolj grozljivem primeru svojega življenja.


Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Forrest Gump je preprost možakar, ki se mu v življenju dogajajo osupljive stvari. Kljub temu, da ima nekoliko nižjo inteligenco, ostaja večni optimist. Na neverjetni življenjski poti, ki se razteza čez trideset in več let, Forrest postane športna zvezda ter s tekmovanjem v namiznem tenisu pomaga pri boljšanju odnosov med komunistično Kitajsko in ZDA. Bori se v Vietnamu, kjer reši življenje številnim vojakom. Spozna predsednika Kennedyja in Nixona. Preteče Ameriko, nenazadnje pa najde tudi ljubezen svojega življenja.


Dobri fantje

Dobri fantje 1990


Scorsesejev film je posnet po resnični zgodbi profesionalnega zločinca Henryja Hilla, ki si je že od malih nog želel postati član mafije. Ko se mu je želja uresničila, se je skupaj z gangsterjema Tommyjem DeVitom in Jimmyjem Conwayem počasi ujel v svet kriminala, denarja in mamil. Nazadnje je končal kot begunec brez imena pod zaščito ameriške vlade. Svojo zgodbo je zaupal novinarju Nicholasu Pileggiju, ki je o njem napisal knjižno uspešnico. Film je bil nominiran za šest oskarjev. V glavnih vlogah igrajo Robert DeNiro, Ray Liotta in Joe Pesci, ki si je upravičeno prislužil oskarja.


Minioni: Grujev vzpon

Minioni: Grujev vzpon 2022


Polne subverzivnega humorja, prefinjenosti pop kulture, močnih čustev, drznega občutka za glasbo in vrhunske akcije, se v novem delu pustolovščine priljubljenih malih miniončkov in njihovo iskanje največjega in najmogočnejšega zlobneža nadaljuje...



Kruela 2021


Film Kruela je postavljen v leta 1970 v Londonsko predmestje, v čas punk rock revolucije in spremlja mlado punco Estello, ki se brezciljno klati po ulicah Londona. Estelle je odločena, da bo opozorila nase s svojo kreativnostjo v dizajnerskem svetu. Nekega dne spozna baroneso Von Hellman, modno legendo, a stvari se ne izidejo v prid Estelle, ki pokaže svojo zlobno plat, ko se spremeni v kruto Kruelo.



X 2022


Leta 1979 se skupina mladih filmskih ustvarjalcev odloči, da bo v podeželskem Teksasu posnela film za odrasle. Toda ko jih osameli in starejši gostitelji ujamejo pri aktivnostih, se filmska ekipa znajde v boju za življenje.


Črni telefon

Črni telefon 2022


Sramežljivega, a pametnega 13-letnega fanta Finneyja Shawja (Mason Thames) ugrabi sadistični morilec in ga zapre v zvočno izolirano klet, kjer mu kriki na pomoč ne koristijo. Ko izklopljen telefon na steni prične zvoniti, Finney odkrije, da lahko sliši glasove prejšnjih žrtev morilca. In prav oni so pripravljeni pomagati, da se Finneyju ne bo zgodilo to, kar se je njim.



Motoristi 2024


Na podlagi resničnih dogodkov. Chicago šestdesetih let. Po naključnem srečanju v lokalnem baru močno Kathy neizbežno pritegne Benny, najnovejši član srednjezahodnega motociklističnega kluba Vandals, ki ga vodi skrivnostni Johnny. Toda v času burnih političnih, gospodarskih in družbenih preobratov se spreminja tudi klub, ki se iz zbirališča za obstrance prelevi v nevarno kriminalno združbo, kar prisili Bennyja, da izbira med Kathy in svojo zvestobo klubu.



Priscilla 2023


Leto 1959. Priscilla Beaulieu ima štirinajst let in z družino živi v Wiesbadnu v Nemčiji. Nekega dne prejme povabilo na zabavo Elvisa Presleyja, ki v bližini služi vojaški rok. Med glasbenim zvezdnikom in prikupnim dekletom hitro preskočijo iskrice. Elvis jo na nezadovoljstvo njenih staršev želi videti vsakič znova. Stran od oči javnosti se med njima razvije več kot zgolj ljubezen. Elvis Priscilli zaupa vse svoje strahove in upe, pa čeprav se mora zaradi končanja vojaščine kmalu vrniti v ZDA. Priscilli obljubi, da ji bo ostal zvest in da jo bo kljub njeni mladoletnosti poskušal spraviti v svoj Graceland.


V deželi svetnikov in grešnikov

V deželi svetnikov in grešnikov 2023


V zakotni irski vasi se je poškodovani Finbar zaradi vseh slabih reči, ki jih je storil v preteklosti, prisiljen boriti za odrešitev. Toda kakšno ceno je pripravljen plačati za to? V deželi svetnikov in grešnikov se nekateri grehi ne dajo pokopati...


The Wonder Years

The Wonder Years 1988


The story of Kevin Arnold facing the trials and tribulations of youth while growing up during the 1960s and 70s. Told through narration from an adult Kevin, Kevin faces the difficulties of maintaining relationships and friendships on his enthralling journey into adulthood.


Like a Flowing River

Like a Flowing River 2018


The story of Song Yunhui, Lei Dongbao, and Yang Xun as they take part in China’s economic reform from the 1980s to the 1990s.


That '70s Show

That '70s Show 1998


Crank up the 8-track and flash back to a time when platform shoes and puka shells were all the rage in this hilarious retro-sitcom. For Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Donna and Fez, a group of high school teens who spend most of their time hanging out in Eric’s basement, life in the ‘70s isn’t always so groovy. But between trying to figure out the meaning of life, avoiding their parents, and dealing with out-of-control hormones, they’ve learned one thing for sure: they’ll always get by with a little help from their friends.


Charlie's Angels

Charlie's Angels 1976


Beautiful, intelligent, and ultra-sophisticated, Charlie's Angels are everything a man could dream of... and way more than they could ever handle! Receiving their orders via speaker phone from their never seen boss, Charlie, the Angels employ their incomparable sleuthing and combat skills, as well as their lethal feminine charm, to crack even the most seemingly insurmountable of cases.


Women in Blue

Women in Blue 2024


In 1971, four women defy ultraconservative norms and join Mexico's first female police force—only to discover that it's a publicity stunt to distract the media from a serial killer. As the body count grows, they make a pact to bring the killer to justice.


The Deuce

The Deuce 2017


The story of the legalization and subsequent rise of the porn industry in New York’s Times Square from the early ’70s through the mid ’80s, exploring the rough-and-tumble world that existed there until the rise of HIV, the violence of the cocaine epidemic and the renewed real estate market ended the bawdy turbulence of the area.


The Bond

The Bond 2021


Thirty years ago, Qiao Zu Wang and his wife welcomed their fifth child into the world. But what should have been a time of rejoicing soon turned into a period of overwhelming grief as Zu Wang’s wife slipped quietly from this world. Now left to raise his five children alone, Zu Wang’s true colors were revealed. Selfish and unfeeling, Zu Wang turned all of his focus inward, leaving his children to fend for themselves. Realizing his father would never be the man he ought to be, the eldest son, Yi Cheng, voluntarily stepped into the role of caretaker. Fully aware of the fact that they were now on their own, the younger Qiao siblings, Er Qiang, San Li, Si Mei, and Qi Qi, came alongside their big brother, willing to do whatever was necessary to keep their family together. Despite overwhelming odds, the Qiao siblings not only survived but thrived.





An agent in the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit develops profiling techniques as he pursues notorious serial killers and rapists.


Boogie Oogie

Boogie Oogie 2014


In the swing of the 70s, two women fight for the love of the same man without knowing their fates were already intertwined.


All in the Family

All in the Family 1971


Archie Bunker, a working class bigot, constantly squabbles with his family over the important issues of the day.


Anjo Mau

Anjo Mau 1976


A poor young woman, unhappy with her inevitable destiny as a suburban housewife, gets a job as a nanny for a wealthy family and falls in love with her employer's brother, using every trick to win him over and ultimately become the lady of the mansion. .


Firefly Lane

Firefly Lane 2021


For decades, childhood best friends Kate and Tully have weathered life's storms together -- until a betrayal threatens to break them apart for good.


Eva Lasting

Eva Lasting 2023


A mysterious teen girl arrives at an all-boys school in 1970s Colombia, breaking stereotypes, rules... and a few hearts.



Hunters 2020


A diverse band of Nazi Hunters living in 1977 New York City discover that hundreds of high ranking Nazi officials are living among us and conspiring to create a Fourth Reich in the U.S. The eclectic team of Hunters set out on a bloody quest to bring the Nazis to justice and thwart their new genocidal plans.


Life on Mars

Life on Mars 2008


After a car crash, police detective Sam Tyler mysteriously finds himself transported back to 1973 and still working as a detective.


From the Earth to the Moon

From the Earth to the Moon 1998


The story of the United States' space program, from its beginnings in 1961 to the final moon mission in 1972.


Life on Mars

Life on Mars 2006


A detective chief inspector from 2006 is investigating a serial killer when he is knocked over by a speeding car. Waking up, he finds himself mysteriously transported back in time to 1973. Initially struggling to come to terms with his situation, he has to come to terms with the old-fashioned technology and attitude of the day, while figuring out how he came to be trapped in the past.



Minx 2022


An earnest young feminist joins forces with a low-rent publisher to make the world's first erotic magazine for women.