John Burd Unesená z raja Romance on the Menu Sesterstvo zla Falešné bezpečí Save the Wedding This Little Love of Mine Party from Hell Fatal Acquittal The Stepsister Stalked by My Stepsister Stalked by My Stepsister A Date with Danger Láska s vôňou Vianoc Láska s vôňou Vianoc The Other Mother A Christmas Arrangement Rodeo and Juliet Save the Wedding Moja vianočná láska Snowmance Christmas with the Andersons All She Wishes Uväznené pod hladinou Accidentally Engaged Unesené bábätko Budem tvoja dcéra Love on Repeat Vianočné želanie Erasing His Dark Past Jessica Darling's It List Smrtiace priateľstvo Slečna Talentovaná Killer Advice The Book Club Murders