
Lorax 2012


Čo je to za svet, v ktorom už nie je ani kúsok živej prírody, pýtate sa? Je to mestečko, v ktorom žije dvanásťročný Ted. Všetko je tu umelé, vrátane zvierat, kvetov a stromov, u ktorých si môžete diaľkovým ovládačom nastaviť jarnú, letnú, jesennú, zimnú a disco variantu. Komu by sa chcelo von, za vysokú a nepriedušne uzavretú hradbu mesta, na ktorej nepriechodnosť dozerajú gorily miestneho vládcu, pána O'Hareho? Tunajší ľudia si na to zvykli a väčšina z nich už dávno zabudla, ako vyzerá skutočná príroda. Lenže Tedova láska Audrey, ako nevyliečiteľná romantická duša, túži po strome "z mäsa a kostí".


Život je krásny

Život je krásny 1946


George Bailey je čestný a skromný občan, ktorý vedie malú rodinnú banku, napriek pokusom silného bankára ho zničiť. Na Štedrý večer náhle zmizne veľká suma peňazí, hrozí mu, že vina padne naňho. To by znamenalo nielen úpadok rodinnej banky, ale aj veľký škandál. A tak sa rozhodne spáchať samovraždu, ale keď sa to chystá urobiť, stane sa niečo mimoriadne...



Zakladateľ 2016


Skutočný príbeh muža, ktorý bol stelesnením amerického sna a vybudoval najznámejšiu sieť rýchleho občerstvenia na svete. V roku 1954 dostal Ray Kroc (Michael Keaton) objednávku na 6 mixérov na výrobu obľúbených mliečnych šejkov od bratov McDonaldovcov, ktorí prevádzkovali malú reštauráciu s hamburgermi v južnej Kalifornii. Toto nezvyčajne veľké množstvo ho okamžite zaujalo a rozhodol sa, že dodávku vybaví osobne. Od tohto momentu sa začala písať história obrovského impéria McDonald, do ktorého dnes patrí neuveriteľných 35.000 pobočiek po celom svete.



Fighter 2010


Hviezdne obsadená biografická dráma Fighter - Boxer, v hlavných úlohách s Markom Wahlbergom a Christianom Balom, rozpráva skutočný príbeh o nepravdepodobnej ceste Mickyho Warda za boxerským titulom. V jeho rockyovskej ceste ho viedol nevlastný brat Dicky, bývalý šampión, ktorý kedysi úspešnú kariéru vymenil za drogy a kriminálnu činnosť. Túžba poraziť súpera v ringu sa mení i v boj za rodinu a vlastnú hrdosť.


Billy Madison

Billy Madison 1995


Billy má už dvadsaťsedem rokov, ale stále sa správa ako pubertiak. Vyvádza s kamarátmi, provokuje otca – a tomu jedného dňa povolia nervy. Síce chcel, aby jeho syn po ňom prebral podnik, ale v zlosti menuje svojim nástupcom doterajšieho viceprezidenta Gordona, lebo neverí, že by túto prácu jeho nezodpovedný syn zvládol. To sa dotkne Billyho ješitnosti. Rozhodne sa, že všetkým ukáže. Uzavrie s otcom kurióznu stávku: ak opäť absolvuje všetky ročníky školy od prvej triedy až ku maturite tak, že každú triedu zvládne za dva mesiace, stane sa prezidentom spoločnosti. Keď neuspeje, funkciu dostane Gordon. Billy sa s nadšením púšťa do štúdia. Jeho spolužiaci sú o dvadsať rokov mladší ako on...


Tajomstvo polievky ramen

Tajomstvo polievky ramen 2008


Keď Abby pricestuje do Tokia za svojím priateľom, nečaká ju spoločný život, ale rozchod. Zostane sama uprostred mesta, ktorému nerozumie, a rozhodne sa preniknúť do tajomstiev japonskej kuchyne.


Manžel pod stromček

Manžel pod stromček 2016


Carrie berie svoju prácu veľmi vážne a stará sa o firmu svojho otca. Preto nemá veľa času na spoločenský život. Na druhej strane, jej sestra Katie je majiteľkou gurmánskej reštaurácie a na Štedrý deň plánuje svadbu so svojim snúbencom. Avšak kvôli starej klauzule v poslednej vôli ich starej mamy vyšlo najavo, že firmu zdedí tá sestra, ktorá sa ako prvá vydá. Ak sa teda Carrie nechce rozlúčiť s rodinným biznisom, musí si do Vianoc nájsť ženícha. Po sérii omylov a šialených plánov nájde lásku v Dylanovi, právnikovi, ktorý by mal byť jej nepriateľom. Ale s blížiacimi sa Vianocami a rodinnou firmou v stávke, podarí sa Carrie vydať sa včas alebo všetko jej vynaložené sviatočné úsilie vyjde navnivoč?


Veľkonočná láska

Veľkonočná láska 2019


Erin je marketingová riaditeľka v rodinnej firme Cavendish Chocolates a svoju prácu miluje. Keď však začnú rapídne klesať predaje, rozhodne sa podstúpiť tajnú misiu s cieľom zistiť, čo tento náhly prepad spôsobilo. V prestrojení za Veronicu sa stretáva s hlavným majstrom továrne na čokoládu Bryanom, od ktorého sa dozvie, že automatizácia potláča všetku kreativitu a to je dôvod, prečo zákazníci odchádzajú inam. Erin je nadšená z jeho nápadov na modernizáciu veľkonočného produktového radu a zatiaľ čo spoločne skúšajú nové veci, začínajú sa pomaly zbližovať. Počas návštevy múzea Erin dojme replika legendárneho Cavendishovho vajíčka aj Bryanovo nadšenie začať znovu vyrábať produkty s retro tematikou, ktorú zákazníci tak milujú.


Heart of Greed

Heart of Greed 2007


An abalone that has been passed on for generations. A legacy of a hundred million dollars that everybody wants a share. "Heart of Greed" is a story of a renowned sea-products retailer and a big traditional family, in which there are those who manage to endure to the end, those who consider themselves superior to everyone else, those who love and respect their brothers, those who seek every opportunity to fulfill their ambition, those who stay loyal to their beloved, and those who remain grateful for whatever they get. But when hatred is stirred up among the family, the family will inevitably break down...


The Bear

The Bear 2022


Carmy, a young fine-dining chef, comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop. As he fights to transform the shop and himself, he works alongside a rough-around-the-edges crew that ultimately reveal themselves as his chosen family.


Golden Pouch

Golden Pouch 2016


When Han Suk-Hoon was little, he was adopted by a family in the United States. He returns to Korea as an adult and works as an excellent surgeon, but he falls into a bottomless pit. He succeeds as a dumpling master.


Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under 2001


When death is your business, what is your life? For the Fisher family, the world outside of their family-owned funeral home continues to be at least as challenging as—and far less predictable than—the one inside.



Unstable 2023


He's an eccentric biotech genius. His son's a pragmatist living in his shadow. To save the family business, they'll have to work through some issues.


Forever and Ever

Forever and Ever 2021


This story is about Shi Yi, a gentle pleasant and low-key but industry's top voice actress, who ran into the elegant returnee chemistry professor Zhousheng Chen at the airport one day. They gradually develop a mutual understanding in getting along with each other, and join hands to preserve traditional craftsmanship and overcome many storms as they decide to accompany each other for the rest of their lives...



Imlie 2020


All Imlie wanted was to create a name for herself in the city. But upon her arrival, she finds herself caught in the middle of Aditya and Malini's love story.


Revolving Doors of Vengeance

Revolving Doors of Vengeance 2005


The family of Wong Yuk-Ting, the chairman of a five-star hotel chain, has always assumed that the business would be passed down to the younger generation. But when Yuk-Ting suddenly dies and the business is strangely handed to an outsider named Ko Fung, the family goes up in arms, and Ko Fung quickly becomes embroiled in a tangled power struggle with the family.


Lark Rise to Candleford

Lark Rise to Candleford 2008


Set in the small hamlet of Lark Rise and the wealthier neighbouring market town, Candleford, the series chronicles the daily lives of farm-workers, craftsmen and gentry at the end of the 19th Century. Lark Rise to Candleford is a love letter to a vanished corner of rural England and a heart-warming drama series teeming with wit, wisdom and romance.



O' 2012



The House of Flowers

The House of Flowers 2018


The outward perfection of a family-run flower business hides a dark side rife with dysfunctional secrets in this darkly humorous comedy series.


The Grinder

The Grinder 2015


Television lawyer Dean Sanderson moves back to his small home town after his hit series, "The Grinder," is canceled thinking his time on TV qualifies him to run his family's law firm.


Stop! Miss Hua

Stop! Miss Hua 2021


Hua Mingyue is the granddaughter and heir of the chairman of the internationally renowned H Group. But she is an unlearned, playful dandy. Grandpa called her to the company that day and ordered her to be the company's general manager. Ms. Hua knew that she was incapable of doing the job, and she found various reasons to resist, but she couldn't help her grandpa, so she could only make up an excuse to slip. After a blunder, I met Qin Donghai, who came to apply for the job, and the two left a bad first impression on each other.


Home Troopers

Home Troopers 2010


Home Troopers is a 2010–11 Hong Kong television serial drama starring Liza Wang, Ha Yu, Kevin Cheng and Bernice Liu. Produced by Lam Chi-wah, the series is a TVB production. The drama follow the lives of the middle class Chukot family, who helps organize a housekeeping business in Hong Kong. The family works through domestic struggles and family changes after eldest son Joseph is left with unpaid company debts handed down by his business partner Fred, who mysteriously disappears with the money not long after they started the Master Home Services Company. Joseph is also left in care for Fred's struggling girlfriend Kam and her 4-year-old son, Sing. Joseph's family, led by his mother Ka-ka, decides to help the business by attending the housekeeping work themselves. The drama's original run premiered on 27 December 2010 on Hong Kong's TVB Jade and TVB HD Jade channels.


The Murder in Kairoutei

The Murder in Kairoutei 2022


There was a fire in the middle of the night at Kairoutei that was caused by a man. Even though Jiang Yuan Xing managed to stay alive, she was severely burned, disfigured and had a mark on her neck from being strangled and everyone suspects that her boyfriend and rich second generation Cheng Cheng was the person behind everything. The fire alarmed the police and they started to investigate everything, not only the arson but everyone in the Gao Family.


The Split

The Split 2018


The Defoes, a family of female divorce lawyers, are forced to face their past following the return of their estranged father after a 30 year absence.


Horace and Pete

Horace and Pete 2016


The owners of a dive bar in Brooklyn, Horace and Pete, along with bar regulars share their experiences and lives with each other while drinking or working at the bar.


Kitchen Knife and Green Chili Pepper

Kitchen Knife and Green Chili Pepper 2023


In Kyoto, soon after the war, Ichika strives to save her family's long established ryoten restaurant from financial crisis. In order to do so, she marries Yamaguchi Amane, who is 15 years younger, in a marriage of convenience.