Strach jesť duše

Strach jesť duše 1974


Stretnutie staršej ženy Emmi a marockého gastarbeitera Aliho skončí manželstvom. Ich vzťah však nie je akceptovateľný pre jej rodinu, známych a susedov. Fassbinder v tomto filme odhaľuje predpojatosť a xenofóbiu ľudí, ktorým vadí vysoký vekový rozdiel manželov a rovnako to, že Ali je cudzincom, ale predovšetkým ich spoločné šťastie.


Ip Man: Zrodenie majstra

Ip Man: Zrodenie majstra 2008


Ip Man je mladý majster kung fu, ktorý bojuje štýlom wing chung. V meste bojových umení Fuoshan je najlepší, ale neprijíma žiadnych žiakov, ani nevyučuje. Situácia sa obracia, keď vypukne vojna a japonská armáda obsadí Čínu. Do Fuoshanu prichádza generál Sanpo, ktorý sám ovláda japonské bojové umenie a tunajším majstrom poskytne možnosť zaobstarať jedlo: musia si ho však vybojovať proti Sanpovým vojakom...


The Boy Next Door

The Boy Next Door 2017


Neighbors Kyu-tae and Gi-jae can't seem to escape one another - they discover they have a mutual acquaintance in Min-ah, and they even end up living together.


Good Morning Shanghai

Good Morning Shanghai 2007


You Hao Yun is a cute and kind-hearted Korean girl. Even though her name means \"fortunate\", in reality bad luck seems to accompany her wherever she goes. As a child, her brother passed away trying to rescue her, leaving a wound in her family that never healed. Wanting to move away from her family, Hao Yun and her friend Xiao Mei rents an apartment, but finds out that their estate agent had run away with their money.


Dear B&B Houseguest

Dear B&B Houseguest 2016


When Kanta Yamashita loses his job, he decides to open a bed–and–breakfast rather than tell his wife the truth. Challenges abound in their new work.


Spy Meshi: Ikoku Gourmet Sennyu Ki

Spy Meshi: Ikoku Gourmet Sennyu Ki 2022


Public security investigators Kijima and Nakajo are investigating foreign neighborhoods across Japan in pursuit of a foreigner with a red bag containing mysterious confidential information. In order to find accurate information about the local area, we infiltrate an exotic restaurant run by a local foreigner and try out unknown foreign cuisine! Existing famous restaurants serving exotic cuisine are appearing one after another. A new type of gourmet drama where you can enjoy the exotic atmosphere while staying in Japan!