Záhrada pekných slov

Záhrada pekných slov 2013


Takao, ktorý sníva o tom, že sa stane obuvníkom, vynechá školu a kreslí topánky v záhrade uprostred Tokia. Stretáva tajomnú ženu Yukino, ktorá je od neho staršia. Potom, bez toho, aby si dohodli čas, sa títo dvaja začnú znova a znova stretávať, ale len počas daždivých dní.


Na férovku, pán učiteľ

Na férovku, pán učiteľ 2017


Je posledný deň školy a všetci sa už tešia na prázdniny. Študenti nekontrolovane vystrájajú a utiahnutý učiteľ angličtiny Andy Campbell sa spoločne s ostatnými kolegami snaží chaos posledného dňa nejako prežiť. Prísny učiteľ dejepisu Ron Strickland však nechce žiakom povoliť uzdu ani deň pred prázdninami. Chystá sa študentom pustiť film o vojne Severu proti Juhu, bohužiaľ mu ale nefunguje videoprehrávač. Požiada Campbella, aby mu s tým pomohol. Vzápätí si všimne, že študent Neil televíziu úmyselne vypína pomocou smartfónu. Rozzúrený Strickland následne vezme hasičskú sekeru a rozmláti lavicu, v ktorej Neil sedí. Obaja učitelia musia ísť na koberček k riaditeľovi. A keďže im hrozí vyhodenie zo školy, Campbell svojho kolegu potopí a ten dostane padáka. Strickland potom vyzve Campbella na staromódny pästný súboj za školou. Plachý Campbell musí rýchlo vymyslieť niečo, aby sa výprasku vyhol.



Evolúcia 2001


Bývalý vedec, dnes vysokoškolský učiteľ Ira Kane a jeho kamarát, vedec a športový tréner Harry Block trávia svoje všedné dni márnym čakaním na niečo, čo by zmenilo ich život. To sa však stane rýchlejšie, ako sa stihnú nazdať. Na Zem dopadne záhadný meteorit, obsahujúci zárodky vesmírnych organizmov. Evolúcia, ktorá by vo vesmíre trvala desiatky tisíc rokov, prebehne na Zemi za jediný mesiac. Na našej rodnej planéte nastane obrovský chaos a ľudstvo sa pripravuje na koniec sveta. Jedinou jeho záchranou sa stane vedec s pochybnou minulosťou Ira, ktorý kedysi pracoval pre armádu, ale po jednom z nevydarených experimentov bol prepustený, jeho bláznivý kamarát Harry, požiarnik Wayne a svedomitá biologička Allison. Práve Allison, pôsobiaca v štátnom výskume, spočiatku absolútne nedôveruje Iraovým schopnostiam. Ide ale do tuhého a jej nezostáva nič iné, ako to risknúť a spojiť sa so skupinou bojujúcou s nebezpečnými votrelcami.


Profesor v ringu

Profesor v ringu 2012


V komédii Profesor v ringu je bývalý vysokoškolský zápasník Scott Voss, teraz 42ročným apatickým učiteľom biológie na upadajúcej strednej škole. Keď hrozí, že škrty ohrozia hudobný program a dočasne prepustia učiteľa, Scott začína zarábať peniaze ako zápasník bojových umení. Každý si myslí, že sa Scott zbláznil - predovšetkým školská zdravotná sestra Bella - ale Scott pri svojom hľadaní získa niečo, čo nikdy nečakal - stane sa senzáciou, ktorá dá dokopy celú školu.


Náš vodca

Náš vodca 2008


Nemecko. Súčasnosť. Učiteľ gymnázia Rainer Wenger sa rozhodne behom týždňového projektu na tému "Štátne formy" vyskúšať jeden pokus, aby priblížil študentom počiatok diktatúry. Pedagogický experiment s ničivými následkami. Najskôr to začalo neškodne s pojmami ako disciplína a pospolitosť, ale behom niekoľkých dní sa teória zmenila v prax. Názov projektu: Vlna. Už tretí deň začínajú študenti tých, ktorí zmýšľajú inak, odstrkovať. Keď sa situácia na turnaji vo vodnom póle nakoniec vyhrotí, rozhodne sa učiteľ experiment zrušiť. Príliš neskoro! Vlna sa už dávno dostala mimo kontrolu ...


Júlia, demoverzia

Júlia, demoverzia 2018


Annie uviazla v dlhodobom vzťahu s Duncanom – fanatickým fanúšikom obskúrneho rockera Tuckera Crowa. Keď sa objaví akustická demo nahrávka Tuckerovho hitu spred 25 rokov, jej vydanie vedie k stretnutiu so samotným tajomným rockerom, ktoré Annie zmení život. Adaptácia románu Nicka Hornbyho s rovnomenným názvom je komédiou o druhých šanciach v živote.


Zvedený učiteľkou

Zvedený učiteľkou 2013


Študentka strednej školy Jamie randí so spolužiakom - basketbalistom Dannym, ktorého trochu štve, že s ním Jamie nechce spávať. Horšie je, že na školu prichádza nová učiteľka, ktorá Dannyho zvedie a omotá si ho okolo prsta. Jamie začína tušiť, že ju Danny podvádza, preto ho sleduje, ako odchádza k učiteľke domov a jej obavy sa potvrdia. Danny si uvedomí, že sa nezachoval správne, ospravedlní sa Jamie a chce všetko napraviť. Rozhodne sa vzťah s učiteľkou ukončiť, no to vzápätí kruto oľutuje. Učiteľka totiž s rozchodom nerátala a neváha sa Dannymu pomstiť.


Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad 2008


Walter White, a New Mexico chemistry teacher, is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given a prognosis of only two years left to live. He becomes filled with a sense of fearlessness and an unrelenting desire to secure his family's financial future at any cost as he enters the dangerous world of drugs and crime.


P. E. Teacher

P. E. Teacher 2014


Retired mobster tries to get back in business by making friends with the kid of his ex-boss. To do so, he must became PE teacher in kid's school.


A.P. Bio

A.P. Bio 2018


When disgraced Harvard philosophy scholar Jack Griffin loses out on his dream job, he is forced to return to Toledo, Ohio, and work as a high school Advanced Placement biology teacher.


Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road 2006


Waterloo Road is a UK television drama series the first broadcast was in the United Kingdom on BBC One on 9 March 2006. Originally set in a troubled comprehensive school in Rochdale, England, the location of the show was moved to the former Greenock Academy in Greenock, Scotland in 2012. The series focuses on the lives of the school's teachers and students, and confronts social issues such as extramarital affairs, abortion, divorce, child abuse, and suicide. Waterloo Road is produced by Shed Productions, the company responsible for Bad Girls and Footballers' Wives.


30 Vies

30 Vies 2011


Inspiring journey into a high school class – every challenge faced, every life lesson learned – seen through the eyes of the teachers.


The Steve Harvey Show

The Steve Harvey Show 1996


Down on his luck and out of money, former R&B star Steve Hightower lands a music teacher gig at an inner-city Chicago school. Showing who's in charge with his unorthodox approach, Steve discovers a new groove at Washington High School.


A Good Day to be a Dog

A Good Day to be a Dog 2023


Hae-na who is bound to inherit her family curse which is turning into a dog after getting her first kiss. The only way to break the curse is to get a second kiss. The problem is the guy who gave Hae-na her first kiss is afraid of dogs.


Bad Teacher

Bad Teacher 2014


An always inappropriate, fearless and unapologetic former trophy wife masquerades as a teacher in order to find a new man after her wealthy husband leaves her penniless.


Room 222

Room 222 1969


Room 222 is an American comedy-drama television series produced by 20th Century Fox Television. The series aired on ABC for 112 episodes from September 17, 1969 until January 11, 1974. The show was broadcast on Wednesday evenings at 9:00 for its first two seasons before settling into its best-remembered time slot of Friday evenings at 9:00, following The Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family, and preceding The Odd Couple and Love, American Style. In 1970, Room 222 earned Emmy Awards in three categories: Outstanding New Series, Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series, and Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.



Teachers 2001


The chaotic lives, loves and drinking sessions of a group of hapless teachers. They might be qualified to teach, but they've still got a lot to learn...


A Teacher

A Teacher 2020


Claire Wilson, a young teacher at a suburban Texas high school, begins an affair with her student, Eric Walker. But their relationship accelerates faster than anticipated and the permanent damage becomes impossible to ignore.


English Teacher

English Teacher 2024


A high school teacher in Austin tries to balance the competing demands of the students and their parents in a world where the rules seem to change every day.


Mr. Novak

Mr. Novak 1963


Mr. Novak is an American dramatic series starring James Franciscus in the title role, which aired on NBC for two seasons, from 1963 to 1965.


Bad Education

Bad Education 2012


Young teacher Alfie Wickers is "the worst teacher ever to grace the British education system" – at Abbey Grove School, in Watford, Hertfordshire.


Dangerous Minds

Dangerous Minds 1996


Dangerous Minds is an American drama television series that aired on ABC network between September 1996 and March 1997. The series is based on the motion picture film, Dangerous Minds. Annie Potts stars in the lead role originated by Michelle Pfeiffer.


Mr. D

Mr. D 2012


Based on Gerry Dee's real-life experiences as a high school teacher before he switched to comedy full-time, MR. D is a story about a charming, under-qualified teacher trying to fake his way through a teaching job, just like he often fakes his way through life.


The Man Who Kills Troubles

The Man Who Kills Troubles 2019


Fixers will use any means necessary to help the triads solve the most difficult problems. Karson Chung, a fixer for a Chinese-Australian triad, wishes to leave the triads and be together with his loved one but she dies in an accident. At the same time, he is framed for murdering a triad leader. He fakes his death to escape to Hong Kong, where he starts a new life as a high school gym teacher. Jovy Cheung, a new teacher at the school, is actually the daughter of a triad leader. Her father's retirement from the triads causes waves on both the lawful and unlawful sides and even affects the school community. Karson is forced to take up his identity as a fixer again to protect Jovy and the students. When Jovy's father is murdered, Jovy is forced to take over as a triad leader to bring control to the chaotic underworld. As Karson is in love with Jovy, he swears to help and protect her. Facing a new realignment in the good and bad spheres, who can set things right again?


The Mess You Leave Behind

The Mess You Leave Behind 2020


A teacher starts her job at a high school but is haunted by a suspicious death that occurred there weeks before and begins fearing for her own life.


Mr. Iglesias

Mr. Iglesias 2019


Hilarious high school teacher Gabriel Iglesias tries to make a difference in the lives of some smart but underperforming students at his alma mater.


Wena profe

Wena profe 2017


When the musical career of a failed upper-class musician, ends up collapsing, he decides to fool the rigid director of a school in Santiago, assuring that he is a teacher who seeks job. He will demonstrate to a group of young people that more important than to be successful, is to do things with passion.