Kľúčové slovo Housewife
Revolutionary Road 2008
Thelma a Louise 1991
Louise Sawyerová (Susan Sarandon) pracuje ako servírka vo fastfoode a doslova trpí vzťahom so svojim partnerom. Ten je ako hudobník neustále na cestách a Louise si svojou samotou môže akurát tak písať denník. Alebo rovnako tak sa môže stretávať so svojou najlepšou priateľkou Thelmou Dickinsovou (Geena Davis). Tá má pre zmenu opačný problém. Jej násilnícky muž by bol najradšej, aby jeho poslušná manželka sedela neustále v kuchyni, zatiaľ čo on otvára jedno pivo za druhým počas nekonečných hodín sledovania futbalu. Niet sa preto čomu čudovať, keď pohár trpezlivosti raz pretečie. A tak sa Thelma a Louise ocitnú v aute na úteku pred svojimi stereotypnými životmi a nevšímavými partnermi. Ich dobrodružný výlet však pretne konflikt, po ktorom sa o Thelmu a Louise zaujíma aj polícia. Ich cieľom je Mexiko...
Madisonské mosty 1995
Na farme Johnsonovcov sa stretnú súrodenci Caroline a Michael, aby v spoločnosti právnika vybavili pozostalosť po ich matke. Prekvapí ich jej posledná vôľa, podľa ktorej si žiada, aby bola spopolnená a jej popol bol rozprášený z neďalekého Rosemanovho mosta. Potom však medzi vecami po matke objavia závet akéhosi Roberta Kincaida, kde si želá, aby bol jeho popol rozprášený z toho istého miesta, vzápätí sa z matkinho listu dozvedia o jej krátkom milostnom vzťahu s Robertom. Súrodenci, šokovaní týmto zistením, začnú čítať jej denník. Všetko sa odohralo v roku 1965, kedy Francesca zostala na farme sama, pretože Caroline, Michael a ich otec odcestovali na niekoľko dní na výročný trh do Illinois...
Stepfordské paničky 2004
Čo znamená stať sa manželkou zo Stepfordu, ženou až neuveriteľne dokonalou? Opýtajte sa stepfordských manželov, ktorí vytvorili dokonalé, avšak z istého pohľadu desivé mestečko. Joanna Eberhartová (Nicole Kidmanová) sa s manželom Walterom (Matthew Broderick) a deťmi presťahujú do dokonalého moderného mestečka Stepfordu. Všetko sa zdá také perfektné, že je to až neuveriteľné. Všetky ženy sa skvelo starajú o svojich manželov, o domácnosť a dokonale si plnia svoje manželské povinnosti. Prečo je v Stepforde všetko také dokonalé?
Šesť vrážd stačí, mamička 1994
Beverly R. Sutphinová je dokonalou gazdinkou a vzornou manželkou zamestnaného zubára Eugena a chápavou matkou dvoch dospievajúcich detí. Je však trocha neurotická a neupokojí ju nič iné, len kruté ohováranie, ba často až obscénne hovory, ktorými najčastejšie obťažuje susedku. Na jej reči, pohoršovanie či šírenie klebiet doplatí životom niekoľko obyvateľov mestečka. Dôkazy proti Beverly vedú až k jej zatknutiu a následnému súdnemu procesu. Žena je veľmi populárna a obyvatelia ju nevnímajú ako vraha, ale ako významnú miestnu celebritu, ktorá preslávila ich mestečko.
Little Children 2006
Safe 1995
Mr. Mom 1983
Brief Encounter 1945
Downloading Nancy 2008
The Rain People 1969
Cougars, Inc. 2011
Príbeh o láske, sexe a vysokom školnom. Zoznámte sa so Samom Lowellom. Priateľom, milencom, študentom, učiteľom a majiteľom vlastného eskort servisu. Spolu s ďalšími „malými pomocníkmi atraktívnych matiek“ spoznáva nielen lásku, ale aj skutočný život, v ktorom si deti prajú dospieť, zatiaľ čo ich rodičia túžia po opätovnom získaní stratenej mladosti.
The Lunchbox 2013
Sinful Obsession 1999
Switch 2011
Swallow 2020
Desperate Housewives 2004
Looking down on her friends and family isn't a way of life for Mary Alice Young... it's a way of death. One day, in her perfect house, in the loveliest of suburbs, Mary Alice ended it all. Now she's taking us into the lives of her family, friends and neighbors, commenting from her elevated P.O.V.
Bewitched 1964
Samantha Stephens is a seemingly normal suburban housewife who also happens to be a genuine witch, with all the requisite magical powers. Her husband Darrin insists that Samantha keep her witchcraft under wraps, but situations invariably require her to indulge her powers while keeping her bothersome mother Endora at bay.
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman 1976
In the fictional town of Fernwood, Ohio, suburban housewife Mary Hartman seeks the kind of domestic perfection promised by Reader’s Digest and TV commercials. Instead she finds herself suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune: mass murders, low-flying airplanes and waxy yellow buildup on her kitchen floor.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta 2008
Bravo's cameras turn to the Southern states as the network presents this inside look at the Real Housewives of Atlanta. These women handle the personal dramas that affect their affluent lifestyles with a signature Southern brand of “style” and “grace.”
The Real Housewives of Orange County 2006
A view into the lives of several women and their families who live in one of the wealthiest communities in the country with the viewer taken "inside the gates" to show their lives aren't always perfect.
Good Girls 2018
Three "good girl" suburban wives and mothers suddenly find themselves in desperate circumstances and decide to stop playing it safe and risk everything to take their power back.
I Love Lucy 1951
Cuban Bandleader Ricky Ricardo would be happy if his wife Lucy would just be a housewife. Instead she tries constantly to perform at the Tropicana where he works, and make life comically frantic in the apartment building they share with landlords Fred and Ethel Mertz, who also happen to be their best friends.
The Real Housewives of New York City 2008
A fast-paced reality show that follows several incredibly busy and ambitious Manhattan women. Watch as they balance envious social calendars, challenging careers, and motherhood, with the hustle and bustle of the big city all around.
Queen of Mystery 2017
Yoo Seol-Ok liked mystery novels and wanted to become a detective, but she gave up her dream after marrying. Now, she is a housewife with a husband who works as a prosecutor. She meets Ha Wan-Seung. He is a passionate detective and they decide to collaborate to solve cases.
Twenty Again 2015
Due to an unplanned pregnancy, Ha No Ra married young and dropped out of school. But after two decades as a housewife, she finally gets the chance to experience college, alongside her 20-year-old son Kim Min Soo and his girlfriend Oh Hye Mi. Further complicating things, No Ra already has a strained student-teacher relationship, as her husband Kim Woo Chul and her first love Cha Hyun Suk wind up being her professors.
Wonder Women 2019
A housewife's self-identity is challenged when her husband cheats on her and moves out of the apartment. To help pay for her mortgage, she rents out a room in the apartment. The new tenant just so happens to be tall, handsome, and rich.
The Real Housewives of Potomac 2016
Just up the river from our nation’s capital lies a hidden gem—Potomac, Maryland. Its rolling hills, gated mansions, sophisticated prep schools, and exclusive country clubs all serve to keep the area invitation-only. Sprinkled throughout this community are a handful of old-line, wealthy African-American families who have historically broken racial barriers to provide a life of privilege for their children. In a town where entry is granted only through class, pedigree, and lineage, how far will the ladies go to secure their spot at the top of this prestigious circle?
The Real Housewives of New Jersey 2009
We head to the Garden State for this installment of the “Housewives” franchise, focusing on affluent Jersey girls who are more than just friends. The cast has changed through the seasons but the featured housewives through the years have included Caroline Manzo, a devoted wife and mother of three adult children; former Las Vegas cosmetologist Jacqueline Laurita, who is now a full-time housewife; and Teresa Giudice, a mother of four who runs her household without help from a nanny or personal assistant.
Doctor Cha 2023
Twenty years after leaving her medical career, a housewife returns as a first-year resident — struggling to find her footing in a job full of surprises.
Love in Sadness 2019
The essence of love is fading and is evermore harder to do. In this day and age, will there be love that is woeful and forlorn just for the sake of love itself? Love in Sadness is a love story that encapsulates the mythical-like fate of love that is so coveted that it ignores all bounds. In it, love outweighs what the world thinks, ignores the pain and anguish with it, and pursues its destiny. In the drama, Ma Ri is a beautiful girl, married into wealth with a seemingly perfect life. Ironically, her husband, In Wook, who looks like a more than ideal husband, is an obsessive lunatic who is also violently abusive. When he pushes her too far, she reaches out for help from Jung Won, an honest, smart, handsome plastic surgeon. And when he agrees to help her escape from her husband's hands, they fall in love. But In Wook, who is consumed by his obsession for her, isn't going to let her get away from his grasp. Watch as these two characters struggle to stay on their arduous road to love.
Fragrance You Inherit 2024
Hirose Sakura had the worst day of her life when Monet, the person she loved, got married, but she was later given the greatest treasure. Fifteen years later she is living together with her treasured son, Toki, a high school student, and the two of them were living a normal but happy life. One day, Tooki brings along a girlfriend, Kano, who looks just like Monet, who loved cherry blossoms. From Sakura to Toki, what will happen to the love that has been handed down over two generations...?!
227 1985
A housewife sits on the stoop of her apartment building in a black neighborhood of Washington, D.C., and discusses all manner of things with her neighbors.
The One and Only 2021
A contract killer gets entangled with a murder case and three terminally ill women who have each decided to end the life of one person before they die.
The Real Housewives of Miami 2011
Six of the most influential and connected women live life to the fullest in the sunny city where both the party and the drama never stop.
The Real Housewives of Cheshire 2015
The series steps inside the champagne fuelled lives of Ampika Pickston, Dawn Ward, Lauren Simon, Leanne Brown, Magali Gorré and Tanya Bardsley. Throughout the series we’ll get to know these amazing characters and their intertwining lives. In the extreme world of Cheshire’s rich and famous residents, life moves fast and each day has its dramas, ensuring every episode will be action packed and entertaining. All with the gorgeous backdrop of the lavish homes and the exclusive locations that these women live in. The Housewives’ wealth and connections also mean that through them, you'll get unique access to the elite events and fabulous social occasions that punctuate the Housewives’ extraordinary lives.