
Oddanosť 2022


Na základe rovnomenného knižného bestselleru. Film rozpráva skutočný príbeh dvoch elitných stíhacích pilotov amerického námorníctva, ktorí pomohli zvrátiť priebeh najbrutálnejšej bitky kórejskej vojny - Jesseho Browna, prvého černošského letca v histórii námorníctva, a jeho kolegu a priateľa Toma Hudnera. Ich hrdinská obeta a trvalé priateľstvo z nich nakoniec urobili najslávnejších wingmanov námorníctva.


Mandžuský kandidát

Mandžuský kandidát 1962


Pri nepodarenej vojenskej operácií v Perskom zálive veliaci dôstojník Ben Marco upadne do bezvedomia a seržant Raymond Shaw zachráni nielen jeho, ale aj celú ich jednotku. Marca prenasledujú zvláštne sny po tom, čo sa v skutočnosti stalo. Je možné, že by celá vojenská jednotka bola unesená a mozgy mužov naprogramované tak, aby uverili, že Shaw je vojenský hrdina? Zdá sa, že Biely dom je v ohrození a jediný kto môže zachrániť situáciu je Marco...


Bitka o Inčchon

Bitka o Inčchon 2016


Len niekoľko mesiacov po takmer absolútnom obsadení krajiny inváznymi silami Kórejskej ľudovej armády v roku 1950 vydal americký generál námornej pechoty Douglas McArthur (Liam Neeson) priamy rozkaz na tajnú operáciu s názvom X-Ray, ktorá by podľa jeho osobného názoru v prípade úspechu priviedla celú obrovskú námornú flotilu spojeneckých vojsk v počte takmer 80 000 k samotným brehom prístavného mesta Inčchon. Ale plytké vody okolo geograficky strategického prístavu okupovanej krajiny boli posiate podmorskými mínami, ktorých rozmiestnenie naplánoval jediný muž, tyranský severokórejský veliteľ Gye-jin Lim (Beom-soo Lee). Juhokórejský veliteľ Hak-soo Jang (Jeong-jae Lee) sa s generálovým požehnaním vydáva so siedmimi členmi na samovražednú misiu, ktorá má rozhodnúť o výsledku celej kórejskej vojny.



M*A*S*H 1970


Kapitán dr. Benjamin Fraklin Pierce, prezývaný Hawkeye, je s kapitánom dr. Augustom Bedfordom Forrestom, prezývaným Duke, prevelený do mobilnej armádnej chirurgickej nemocnice MASH 4077. Nemajú vôbec vojenskú morálku, neuznávajú armádu a radi si robia srandu. Opilstvo nie je u nich nič neznáme a sestry si u nich nemôže byť isté. Ani ich veliaci plukovník dr. Hendry Braymore Blake, ani úradník jednotky desiatnik Walter Eugen O'Reilly, prezývaný Radar, si s nimi nevedia rady. Pridá sa k nim ešte Pierceho kamarát dr. John Francis Xavier McIntyere, prezývaný Trapper. A ešte pohnevať vrchnú sestru majora Margaret O'Hulihanovú, obľúbenú to Štabajznu, Hrma a poručíka Dishovú a tiež kňaza jednotky Johna Francisa Patrika Mulcahyho.



Ayla 2017




M*A*S*H 1972


The 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital is stuck in the middle of the Korean war. With little help from the circumstances they find themselves in, they are forced to make their own fun. Fond of practical jokes and revenge, the doctors, nurses, administrators, and soldiers often find ways of making wartime life bearable.


Eyes of Dawn

Eyes of Dawn 1991


During the Japanese control of Korea during WWII and before, they used Korea women as prostitutes for their Military Officers and Korean men as grunt soldiers to fight in the trenches during the war with the USA.


Seoul 1945

Seoul 1945 2006


Seoul 1945 is a 2006 South Korean television series starring Ryu Soo-young, Han Eun-jeong, So Yoo-jin, Kim Ho-jin, and Park Sang-myun. It aired on KBS1 from January 7 to September 10, 2006 on Saturdays and Sundays at 21:30 for 71 episodes. Set around 1945 right after Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule when the nation was engulfed by ideological turmoil, the story revolves around the rivalry between Suk-kyoung, a renowned pianist and daughter of a rich pro-Japanese politician, and Hae-kyung, a headstrong servant; both women love Woon-hyuk, whose ambition to become a lawyer gets thwarted due to his political ideology.


Legend of the Patriots

Legend of the Patriots 2010


Legend of the Patriots is a remake of the 1975 South Korean drama Comrades. Its production was spawned to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean War. The story centers around the lives of eleven Korean soldiers fighting in the Korean War. Director Kim Sang-hwi remarked that the series is not about the ideologies of South and North Korea, but rather focuses on the struggles of ordinary people who lived through the war.


Road No. 1

Road No. 1 2010


A high-budget war epic, Road Number One commemorates the sixty years that have passed since the Korean War. It's based around the historical Route 1, a national highway that served as the main passageway between North and South Korea during the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950. Lee Jang Woo, the son of a poor peasant, has been in love with his master's daughter, Soo Yeon, since childhood. He joins the military in order to put her through medical school and becomes a brilliant officer, leading his men to victory through guerilla warfare. Mistakenly believing that Jang Woo was killed in battle, Soo Yeon becomes engaged to military officer Tae Ho. Jang Woo returns on the eve of their wedding, and the two are briefly, painfully united, but the eruption of war tears them apart once again, forcing him to fight alongside Tae Ho on top of everything. Jang Woo keeps fighting to get back to his love, but the war continues to find new ways to keep them apart. Leading drama stars So Ji Sub and Kim Ha Neul portray star-crossed lovers who are torn apart by war.


Battle of Shangganling

Battle of Shangganling 2024


In 1952, during the Korean War, the volunteer army gains the upper hand after numerous battles. To strengthen their position at the negotiation table, the United Nations Forces make a final stand at Shangganling, launching a fierce assault on October 14. For 43 days, the volunteer soldiers bravely resist and endure intense tunnel warfare under harsh conditions, demonstrating their resilience and determination to leave a lasting impact on the course of history.


Rustic Period

Rustic Period 2002


This historical drama focuses on the life of Du-han Kim, who survived the times of trials and tribulations. It takes you inside the world of strong-willed men who had to live the dark days of Korean history.


Korea: The Unfinished War

Korea: The Unfinished War 2003


It was the first war the UN would fight in, the opening salvos of the Cold War. A war that would redefine global politics & shape a Region. This is the Story of the Korean War. Through gripping reenactments & the words of those who fought & lived through it, this four part series will take you through the horrors of the war.


War Correspondent

War Correspondent 1970


a TV series about War correspondent Marguerite Higgins and Korean War.