Mesto bohov

Mesto bohov 2002


V 60. až 80. rokoch sa začala písať krvavá história drogovej scény najnebezpečnejšieho a najstaršieho slumu Rio de Janeira. V prachu ulice Cidade de Deus sa s pištoľami hrajú už malí chlapci. Vzory, ktoré sa snažia nasledovať, sú ich starší kamaráti z pouličných zlodejských gangov. Kto sa v miestnych favelas narodil, tiež tu zomrie - možno dosť skoro a násilne. Buscapé vyrastá v neskutočne brutálnom prostredí a až do tej chvíle, kedy sa na priateľov prvýkrát pozrie hľadáčikom fotoaparátu, netuší, že by pre neho mohla existovať spása. Možnosť "inej optiky" sa pre neho stáva prostriedkom, ako sa z aktéra zmeniť v pozorovateľa: zdeseného, ​​súcitiaceho, neschopného zavrieť oči pred beznádejou sveta. Drsná poetická dráma inšpirovaná autobiografickým románom Paula Linsa sa stala najúspešnejším filmom na MFF v Havane 2002.


Život je krásny

Život je krásny 1946


George Bailey je čestný a skromný občan, ktorý vedie malú rodinnú banku, napriek pokusom silného bankára ho zničiť. Na Štedrý večer náhle zmizne veľká suma peňazí, hrozí mu, že vina padne naňho. To by znamenalo nielen úpadok rodinnej banky, ale aj veľký škandál. A tak sa rozhodne spáchať samovraždu, ale keď sa to chystá urobiť, stane sa niečo mimoriadne...


Marriage Story

Marriage Story 2019


Nicole a Charlie sú manželmi stojacimi pred rozvodom, ktorý na začiatku obaja nechcú riešiť právnou cestou. Majú syna, o ktorého sa striedavo starajú po odsťahovaní Nicole k mame v Los Angeles. Neskôr sa Nicole rozhodne využiť právnu pomoc pri rozhodovaní o opatrovníctve syna.



Here 2024




Supergirl 2015


Twenty-four-year-old Kara Zor-El, who was taken in by the Danvers family when she was 13 after being sent away from Krypton, must learn to embrace her powers after previously hiding them. The Danvers teach her to be careful with her powers, until she has to reveal them during an unexpected disaster, setting her on her journey of heroism.


Phineas and Ferb

Phineas and Ferb 2007


Each day, two kindhearted suburban stepbrothers on summer vacation embark on some grand new project, which annoys their controlling sister, Candace, who tries to bust them. Meanwhile, their pet platypus plots against evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz.



Girls5eva 2021


When a one-hit-wonder girl group from the '90s gets sampled by a young rapper, its members reunite to give their pop star dreams one more shot. They may be grown women balancing spouses, kids, jobs, debt, aging parents and shoulder pain, but can't they also be Girls5Eva?


Freaks and Geeks

Freaks and Geeks 1999


High school mathlete Lindsay Weir rebels and begins hanging out with a crowd of burnouts (the "freaks"), while her brother Sam Weir navigates a different part of the social universe with his nerdy friends (the "geeks").


American Dragon: Jake Long

American Dragon: Jake Long 2005


American Dragon is a coming of age comedy-action series about Jake Long, a 13-year-old Asian-American boy who strives to find balance in his life as a skateboard-grinding, New York 'tween while learning to master his mystical powers (in his secret identity) as the American Dragon, the protector and guardian of all magical creatures secretly living amidst the human world.


My Sweet Mobster

My Sweet Mobster 2024


Unexpected excitement charging romance between Ji-hwan, a big build former gang member who has cleared his dark past, and Eun-ha a mini woman who plays with children for her job.


Girls Dormitory

Girls Dormitory 2006


Zeynep relatives come to the land of Fikriye and win the love of the girls with purity. Ati, Zafer and Umutcan decide to keep the house overlooking the Girls Dorm. Men are living inside while girls are strolling in the yard. Insurances and electricity are cut off during the downturn. The plumber Ozgur, who is admired by all the girls, is called to dorm.


Black Fruit

Black Fruit 2024


When Lalo is thrown off course by the sudden death of his father, he suppresses his loss with impulsive actions that disrupt his life. While he and his best friend Karla, both in their mid-twenties, queer and Black in Germany, try to shape who they want to become, they are forced to grapple with the limits of their flexibility.