Môj dokonalý ex

Môj dokonalý ex 2011


Anna Faris a Chris Evans žiaria v hlavných úlohách neskutočne vtipnej komédie, ktorá hľadá odpoveď na otázku: Nebol medzi 19 bývalými náhodou aj ten pravý? Keď si Ally Darling (Faris) prečíta článok, ktorý v nej vyvolá pocit, že zostane naveky sama, pustí sa do divokého pátrania po tom najlepšom zo svojich "ex". Allyina snaha ale prináša množstvo smiešnych zisteníod Bábkár, ktorý je drevěnější než jeho bábky, až ku gynekológovi s "deravou" pamäťou. Len vďaka tomu všetkému Ally pochopí, že muža svojich snov zrejme nájde tam, kde by to vôbec nečakala.



Arachnid 2001


Tajuplný ostrov obohnaný jemnou pokrievkou pavučiny. Štyri páry tenkých nôh čakajú na jej záchvev, signalizujúcu korisť. Hmyzie oči, pozorujúce márne snaženie budúcej potravy, vyslobodiť sa. Pevné kusadlá pripravené vnoriť sa do pevných útrob obete. Agónia bolesti zmiešaná s hrôzou. A potom ... nič. Smrť. Pavúčiky vraj prinášajú šťastie. Obrovský pavúk by mal priniesť veľké šťastie. Nie je tomu vždy tak. Tento prináša smrť. Bolestivú a strašnú smrť.


High Desert

High Desert 2023


Peggy Newman, a woman with a checkered past, makes the life-changing decision to become a private investigator following the death of her beloved mother, who she lived with in the small desert town of Yucca Valley, California.


Jeanne's Judgment

Jeanne's Judgment 2024


Sanpuu Minami is a popular shojo manga artist who is believed by many to be a woman. In actuality, though, his real identity is Eichizen Gotaro, a single father with two children. One day, he receives a notification from the court that he has been appointed as a prosecutor's office examiner. With the deadline for his manga approaching, he requests a withdrawal but this is declined due to a lack of special circumstances. He joins 11 other people randomly selected from ordinary Japanese citizens, who each have unique personalities and give off the impression that they would like to get this over and done with. At first, Gotaro has a negative attitude towards the Prosecution Review Board, but as he gets closer to the thoughts of those behind the case, he starts to appreciate how important this job is.



Dahaad 2023


Women are disappearing without a trace in Rajasthan and nobody seems surprised. But police officer Anjali Bhaati notices a similarity in the cases: long nightly phone calls and a boyfriend that no one in the neighbourhood has ever seen.