Harry Potter a Kameň mudrcov

Harry Potter a Kameň mudrcov 2001


Harry Potter prežíva ako sirota neradostné detstvo. Blížia sa však jeho jedenáste narodeniny a vtedy mu obor Hagrid vyjaví tajomstvo jeho života: Harry je totiž čarodejník! Vzápätí v čarodejnom svete nastáva veľký rozruch - chlapec, ktorý už ako batoľa porazil mocného pána zla, ktorého meno sa každý bojí vysloviť, sa totiž konečne vydáva na cestu, ktorá mu bola predurčená.


Harry Potter a Väzeň z Azkabanu

Harry Potter a Väzeň z Azkabanu 2004


Trinásťročný Harry Potter nie je vôbec nadšený, že musí stráviť ďalšie leto u Dursleyovcov. Snaží sa správať vzorne a nevenuje sa žiadnym kúzlam, ale iba dovtedy, kým ich nepoctí návštevou naozaj príšerná teta Marge. Keď sa nechá uniesť emóciami a teta Marge sa vznesie ako akýsi nadrozmerný balón k oblohe a vzápätí revúc na celé mestečko odletí nevedno kam, Harry sa obáva trestu, pretože čarodejnícke zákony nedovoľujú používať študentom kúzla počas prázdnin – a tak radšej utečie! Prenocuje v starom hoteli, kde sa náhodou stretne s ministrom kúziel Kornéliom Fudgeom, ktorý mu hroziaci trest odpustí a zároveň mu prezradí, že z väzenia v Azkabane utiekol nebezpečný zlý čarodejník Sirius Black. Práve on je vraj zodpovedný za násilnú smrť Harryho rodičov – a teraz sa zrejme pokúsi zabiť aj Harryho! Jediným bezpečným miestom sa zdá byť Rokfort, nad ktorým krúžia krutí strážcovia - dementori.


Charlieho malé tajomstvá

Charlieho malé tajomstvá 2012


Príbeh o dospievaní 15-ročného Charlieho. Roztomilý a naivný outsider sa vyrovnáva s prvou láskou, samovraždou svojho najlepšieho priateľa a vlastnou duševnou chorobou, zatiaľ čo sa usilovne snaží nájsť skupinu ľudí, do ktorej patrí.







A-TEEN 2018


It's easy to talk about teenagers, but we are now in our teens for the first time. All the moments were too serious to say I was not worried. Teenage school romance web drama.


100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School 2014


With real life and teen drama awaiting her after 8th grade graduation, CJ Martin has only a short time left to make the most of her middle school years. Together with her two lifelong best friends Fenwick and Crispo, she is determined to get the most out of this time, using an ever-expanding list of challenges as a guide. For this group, growing up means trying everything and taking chances while they still can.


Gank Your Heart

Gank Your Heart 2019


Their meeting was a recipe for disaster, but their romance is sweet. This is a love story between an e-sports gamer and a Tsundere live streamer. Ji Xiang Kong had the reputation, the good looks and the hoards of fangirls. Qiu Ying meets him during an international competition and jumps at the chance to boost her own popularity, oblivious to the fact that his reputation in the world of e-sports is strangely tarnished. Instead of helping her, the association hurt her even more. The experience turns out to be a blessing in disguise as Qiu Ying finds her calling. By chance, she discovers that he is actually a misunderstood genius.


Let's Meet Now

Let's Meet Now 2022


Once childhood friends, Ji Qiu and Zhou Zi Qian reunite unexpectedly and find themselves working together on the reality show "Let's Meet Now".


In the Dark

In the Dark 2017


DI Helen Weeks grapples with pregnancy as she undertakes a very personal abduction case.


Binary Love

Binary Love 2022


Zhou Linlin is a student who is good at some subjects but fails horribly at others. Through the meticulous study plan laid out for her by straight-A student Fang Yuke, Lin Lin manages to catch up and gain admission to the top university in the country. After school starts, the plain-spoken Zhou Linlin accidentally gets herself into a huge mess with rising tennis star Wen Tao and Fang Yuke’s good friend Xie Duanxi. She also bonds sisterly with her dorm mates Ye Ruting and Zhu Li. Through the help of Da Zui, Old Ding, and many others, it looks like Fang Yuke's long-distance marathon of love has finally reached the finish line. However, Zhou Linlin and Fang Yuke encounter various tests along the way. Yet from beginning to end, for the two of them, there is only you.


Who Sleeps My Bro

Who Sleeps My Bro 2016


The movie follows a group of freshmen in college as they navigate through the wild days of friendship, pranks, and love. ~~ Based on the song written about friendship growing apart after college.


Pinaki & Happy - The Bhoot Bandhus

Pinaki & Happy - The Bhoot Bandhus 2020


An 11-year-old boy Pinaki, raised by a family of Bhoots (ghosts) within the four walls of a mansion, decides to step out for the first time into the real world. This is where things go crazy and bhoot funny! Will it be easy for him to make new “living” friends and blend in? The answer would have been a probable yes! but not for his family of Bhoots! Will Pinaki be able to strike a balance between being a normal kid while keeping his family happy and away from all the trouble at school? Well, this is for all of us to see!


Waiting For You In A Long Time

Waiting For You In A Long Time 2018


A story about the joys and sorrows of the young generation born in the 1990's. It follows four people who have a secret that they keep. Because of an incident when she was in high school, Luo Xi (Tian Xiwei) transformed into a submissive and weak person when she entered university. Li Xin (Zhang Yongbo) discovers that Luo Xi was the hero who saved him in the past, so he sets out to help her regain the part of her that she lost. Their youth is filled with embarrassing moments, but in each of their hearts is a secret. When it comes to family, friendship and love, what choice will they make? - chinesedrama.info


Boys Will Be Boys

Boys Will Be Boys 2006


A story about 4 twelve years old friends - Arne, Bønna, Petter and Eivind.


Dear Stranger

Dear Stranger 1970


Bintang (17), Zalika (17), and Surya, have been friends since childhood. Their friendship started when Zalika moved to the house next door to Bintang and Surya, who are brother and sister. One day, an incident made Zalika lose and forget Bintang. Bintang, who had harbored feelings for Zalika for a long time, did various ways to make Zalika remember him again. However, unexpectedly, all of Bintang's efforts ended in a reality he didn't expect.


Hakusai Anime

Hakusai Anime 2013


Follow the school life of Shirona Hakusai and her friends.