
Oppenheimer 2023


Keď Druhá svetová vojna ešte vyzerala nerozhodne, na diaľku sa odohrával dramatický súboj medzi Spojenými štátmi a Nemeckom, kto prvý zostrojí atómovú bombu a získa tak rozhodujúcu prevahu nad nepriateľom. V USA bol tento tajný výskum známy ako Projekt Manhattan a jedným z jeho kľúčových aktérov bol astrofyzik Robert Oppenheimer. Pod obrovským časovým tlakom sa spolu s tímom ďalších vedcov snažil zostrojiť vynález, ktorý mal potenciál zničiť svet. Bez jeho včasného dokončenia by sa ten istý svet nedal zachrániť…


Čierna krv

Čierna krv 2007


Film Až na krv sa odohráva v Kalifornii na prelome storočia, v období ropného boomu. Príbeh dokumentuje vzostup Daniela Plainviewa, osamelého otca, ktorý sa z živoriaceho baníka v striebornej bani vypracuje na pozícii ropného magnáta. Keď Plainview dostane záhadný tip, že smerom na západ leží mestečko, v ktorom prýšti zo zeme oceán nafty, vydá sa so svojím synom H.W. skúsiť šťastie v zaprášených uliciach mesta Little Boston. Plainview a H.W. sa v tomto chudobnom meste, ktorého hlavnou atrakciou je kostol s charizmatickým kazateľom Elim Sundayom, pokúšajú prelomiť doterajšiu smolu. Ale aj keď sa im začína dariť, nedokážu uniknúť konfliktom, v ktorých sú všetky základné hodnoty – láska, nádej, pospolitosť, viera, ambície a dokonca aj puto medzi otcom a synom – ohrozované korupciou, podvodmi a prúdmi ropy.


Fanny a Alexander

Fanny a Alexander 1982


Rozsiahla rodinná sága rozprávaná očami desaťročného Alexandra je akousi tvorcovou autobiografiou, ktorá nielen odráža spomienky na detstvo a vyrovnanie sa so strasťami a nástrahami života, ale predstavuje aj mnohoročné skúsenosti a nezabudnuteľný filmárov rukopis. Fanny a Alexander sú dvojičky, ktoré prežívajú šťastné detstvo so svojimi rodičmi na začiatku 20. storočia vo Švédsku. Keď však otec zomrie, matka sa rozhodne vydať za miestneho biskupa. Rozpory medzi chlapcom a otčimom na seba nenechajú dlho čakať a chlapec uniká do sveta predstáv a fantázie, čo však biskup tvrdo trestá. Ľudské chmúry a hrôzy sa tu však zobrazujú s nadhľadom a uvoľnenosťou a prinášajú tak divákom akúsi oslavu ľudského spoločenstva a lásky.


Mladý Törless

Mladý Törless 1966


Film sleduje počínanie chlapcov k sebe navzájom, pričom sa na povrch derú motívy sadizmu či homosexuality. Film získal vďaka šesťdesiatročnému odstupu od románu aj ďalšiu významovú vrstvu. Diváci v ňom mohli (retrospektívne) vidieť obraz podhubia, z ktorého sa zrodil neskorší nacistický režim.



Vlny 2024



Golden Kamuy

Golden Kamuy 2018


In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi “Immortal” Sugimoto scratches out a meager existence during the postwar gold rush in the wilderness of Hokkaido. When he stumbles across a map to a fortune in hidden Ainu gold, he sets off on a treacherous quest to find it. But Sugimoto is not the only interested party, and everyone who knows about the gold will kill to possess it! Faced with the harsh conditions of the northern wilderness, ruthless criminals and rogue Japanese soldiers, Sugimoto will need all his skills and luck—and the help of an Ainu girl named Asirpa—to survive.


When Calls the Heart

When Calls the Heart 2014


Elizabeth Thatcher, a young school teacher from a wealthy Eastern family, migrates from the big city to teach school in a small coal mining town in the west.


Payitaht: Abdülhamid

Payitaht: Abdülhamid 2017


The fight of Abdülhamid II to keep the Ottoman Empire and Caliphate alive.


Seoul 1945

Seoul 1945 2006


Seoul 1945 is a 2006 South Korean television series starring Ryu Soo-young, Han Eun-jeong, So Yoo-jin, Kim Ho-jin, and Park Sang-myun. It aired on KBS1 from January 7 to September 10, 2006 on Saturdays and Sundays at 21:30 for 71 episodes. Set around 1945 right after Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule when the nation was engulfed by ideological turmoil, the story revolves around the rivalry between Suk-kyoung, a renowned pianist and daughter of a rich pro-Japanese politician, and Hae-kyung, a headstrong servant; both women love Woon-hyuk, whose ambition to become a lawyer gets thwarted due to his political ideology.



Babydoll 2024


1911, A graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens, Sasha Meshcherskaya returns to a small provincial town. The well-being of her family is based on her relationship with her loving uncle, the owner of the arms factory Nikolai Shumilov. Sashenka's parents: Prince Ivan Sergeevich Meshchersky and Maria Ilyinichna dream of their daughter's early marriage, and she herself dreams of a brilliant career as an architect. Wanting to please her parents, Sasha makes new acquaintances and instantly plunges into a whirlpool of intrigue, where political interests are at stake above personal passions. Cold-blooded murders and blackmail, intricacies of conspiracies, daring provocateurs eluding detection - all this captivates the enthusiastic schoolgirl, who experiences mortal melancholy from the paucity of life prospects. Without noticing it, Sasha becomes an ideal target for terrorist hypnosis.


Nuclear Family

Nuclear Family 2021


Ry Russo-Young turns the camera on her own past to explore the meaning of family. In the late 70s/early 80s, when the concept of a gay family was inconceivable to most, Ry and her sister Cade were born to two lesbian mothers through sperm donors. Ry’s idyllic childhood was threatened by an unexpected lawsuit which sent shockwaves through her family’s lives and continues to reverberate today.


Dime Quién Soy: Mistress of War

Dime Quién Soy: Mistress of War 2020


Amelia Garayoa gives up a comfortable life in her fight for freedom, becoming swept up in the greatest conflicts of the 20th century.


Emily. Queen of the Press

Emily. Queen of the Press 2021


A story about Emīlija Benjamiņa, the “queen of the press” in interwar Latvia, whose wealth and tragic fate have since become folklore. The film’s narrative covers the period from the beginnings of Emīlija’s magazine Atpūta (Recreation), to her arrest and slow demise in a train en route to Siberia. The most prominent clairvoyant of the time - Eugene Fink’s prophecy that Emīlija would die from starvation in a foreign land (which served to be true) weaves through the narrative as a red thread. With this strong woman at the centre of the story, the film shows Latvian society in all its richness and gives the audience the opportunity to meet many well-known historical figures.


Studs Lonigan

Studs Lonigan 1979


The story of the Irish-American Lonigan family between 1918 and 1930.



Ena 1970



Twentieth Century Battlefields

Twentieth Century Battlefields 2007


Father-and-son team Peter and Dan Snow embark on an epic journey to describe battles that transformed the 20th century. Known for its extensive use of "sand table" CGI effects to help viewers visualize the battles.


Surrealist Revolutions

Surrealist Revolutions 2024


Between experiments, mutations and recompositions, the teeming story of the surrealist adventure, the most fertile avant-garde of the 20th century, whose centenary we are celebrating this year.


Anna no Zaļkalniem

Anna no Zaļkalniem 2022


Farmers Maria and Martin wish to adopt a boy from an orphanage and are surprised to receive Anna sent by mistake. Anna quickly wins the heart of Martin but is disapproved of by stern Maria at first.


A Pide Leninha

A Pide Leninha 2023


The life story of Madalena das Dores Oliveira, the first woman to reach the rank of Brigade Chief of the PIDE (the Estado Novo secret police), who became known by the inhuman way in which she acted.