
Insidious 2011


Príbeh o mladej rodine a ich synovi, ktorý sa po tragickej nehode nachádza v kóme. Vyzerá to, že situácia nemôže byť horšia, ale rodičia ešte netušia, že telo ich chlapca slúži ako vstupná brána pre pomstychtivých duchov zatiaľ čo jeho duša je uväznená v temnom zabudnutí.


Norman a duchovia

Norman a duchovia 2012


Kto zachráni malé ospalé mestečko, keď ho prepadne horda zombíkov? Neohrozený hrdina sa volá Norman. Má jedenásť, miluje horory a rád sa rozpráva s mŕtvou babičkou. Norman má totiž jednu zvláštnu schopnosť, povedzme šiesty zmysel. Vidí duchov a vie sa s nimi na všeličom dohodnúť. To sa v aktuálnej, veľmi neistej situácii môže náramne hodiť. Než sa ale Norman postaví do čela miestneho odboja proti živým mŕtvym, bude musieť všeličo prekúsnuť, čo sa stáva väčšine detí s nálepkou čudáka a mimoriadnymi schopnosťami. Rodičia ho nechápu, staršia sestra ním pohŕda, spolužiaci ho šikanujú alebo ignorujú a jediný, s kým vychádza, je tlsťoch Neil, s ktorým sa tiež nikto iný nekamaráti. Ešte si rozumie s duchmi väčšiny nebožtíkov z okolia, ale tí sa nedajú počítať. Normanov život naberie úplne netušený smer, keď mu čudácky strýko prezradí, že mestečko čo nevidieť stihne pradávna kliatba a že práve on ju môže vďaka svojim záhrobným komunikačným schopnostiam zastaviť.


Personal Shopper

Personal Shopper 2016


Mladá Američanka Maureen sa živí v Paríži ako osobná nákupkyňa oblečenia pre obletovanú mediálnu celebritu. Svoj voľný čas trávi v zvláštnom opustenom dome, kam sa nasťahovala po smrti jej brata. Je presvedčená, že s ním vie nadviazať kontakt.


Insidious: Posledný kľúč

Insidious: Posledný kľúč 2018


Štvrtá časť kultovej hororovej série Insidious odhalí záhadnú minulosť dnes vyhľadávanej démonologičky Elise. Tá v mladosti žila v malom mestečku v Novom Mexiku, avšak jej domov bol i domovom temných síl a netrvalo dlho, kým sa jej život obrátil naruby. Teraz ju jej najnovší klient privedie späť do domu hrôzy a Elise sa musí vyrovnať s vlastnou desivou minulosťou.


Prízrak v Benátkach

Prízrak v Benátkach 2023


Prízrak v Benátkach, nový detektívny thriller na motívy románu “Halloweenská párty”od kráľovnej detektívok Agathy Christie a v réžii držiteľa Oscara® Kennetha Branagha v hlavnej úlohe slávneho detektíva Hercula Poirota. V Benátkach po druhej svetovej vojne sa slávny detektív Hercule Poirot, ktorý je už na dôchodku a žije vo vlastnom exile, neochotne zúčastní na jednej seanse. Keď je však jeden z hostí zavraždený, je na bývalom detektívovi, aby opäť odhalil vraha.



Witchboard 1986


Skupinka priateľov sa na jednom večierku rozhodne pohrať. Vyberie si však nesprávnu hračku - špiritistickú tabuľku ouiju. Podarí sa im vyvolať ducha malého chlapca, jeden zo zúčastnených, Jim sa však začne z toho vysmievať, vypukne hádka a večierok končí. Linda je však zvedavá a aj napriek varovaniu, aby sa s tým nehrala sama, začne s tabuľkou experimentovať. Bola to však veľká chyba a za tie sa platí...



Sirotinec 2007


Laura stravila najstastnejsie roky svojho detstva v sirotinci na morskom pobrezi, spolu s vychovavatelmi a spolubyvajucimi, ktory ju milovali ako vlastnu sestru. Po 30-tich rokoch sa spolu s manzelom Carlosom a ich syno Simonom vracia na toto miesto. Chce si splnit svoj sen, zrekonstruovat a znovu otvorit opusteny sirotinec ako domov pre postihnute deti. Nove zahadne prostredie vzbudi v sedemrocnom Simonovi predstavivost a v chlapcovej mysli sa zacinaju spriadat fantazijne predstavy. S bliziacim sa dnom otvorenia noveho domova narasta aj napatie v rodine. Carlos zacina byt skepticky a neveri Simonovym predstavam. Laura sa vsak pomaly presviedca, ze nieco tajomne a strasidelne sa nachadza v starom dome, nieco cakajuce na vhodnu prilezitost sposobit hrozostrasnu tragediu ich rodine.



Rašómon 1950


Akira Kurosawa sleduje vo svojom najväčšom diele pohyb hľadania a re-konštrukcie skutočnosti. Ukazuje, že tajomstvo síce môže stále unikať a stávať sa centrálnym prvkom, ale zároveň aj prvkom prázdnym, podobne, ako v prípade japonského kráľovského mesta. Rašómon pojednáva o udalosti, ktorá, napriek štyrom svedeckým výpovediam ostane neodhalená.


French Exit

French Exit 2021


Frances Price, členka vysokej spoločnosti, zostala bez peňazí. Jej manžel zomrel pred 12 rokmi a ona dúfala že zomrie, než minú celý majetok. Lenže plán jej nevyšiel. Predáva teda všetko, čo jej zostalo a odchádza žiť spolu so svojím nepraktickým synom Malcolmom do požičaného bytu v Paríži. Spoločnosť im robí kocúr menom Malý Frank, ktorý môže, ale nemusí byť duchom zosnulého manžela.



Medium 2005


Allison Dubois works in the District Attorney’s office using her natural intuition about people and her ability to communicate with the dead to help to solve crimes. Her dreams often give her clues to the whereabouts of missing people.


Tientsin Mystic

Tientsin Mystic 2017


Frequent flooding and drowning were common occurrences in Tianjin (Tientsin) in the early 1900s. But when a local shipping magnate was found drowned to death chained to a statue on the bottom of riverbed, police department's underwater recovery team captain Guo De You was their primary suspect, since he was the only one in the city who could stay underwater long enough to complete the deed. The businessman son's Ding Mao tried to prove Guo's guilt, but his own forensic discovery and another bizarre drowning in the same vicinity challenged his initial impression. Together with spirit medium Gu Ying and news reporter Xiao Lan Lan, they peeled away the mystery and found the clues pointed to an incident occurred over 20 years ago when an evil cult was ravaging the city. Now, the cult was once again causing havoc. To stop their resurgence, the team must investigate the unexplained, mind-bending cases that plagued their city.


Master's Sun

Master's Sun 2013


Joo Joong-won is the arrogant, greedy CEO of Kingdom, a conglomerate that includes a supermall and a hotel. "Ghost whisperer” Tae Gong-shil, is a misunderstood outcast who can't keep a boyfriend or a job since a near death experience left her seeing needy ghosts. She feels compelled to help them resolve their earthly issues so they can move on to the afterlife... and he feels compelled to think she's crazy. Soon their lives merge into a complicated web of hijinx, misunderstandings, and... yes, love.


The Dead Files

The Dead Files 2011


Psychic medium Amy Allan and former NYPD homicide detective Steve DiSchiavi investigate locations that are reported to be haunted.


The O.K.O. Agency

The O.K.O. Agency 2020


A former opera singer from Petrovka is paired with a psychic girl. With private money, they are engaged in searching for missing persons, investigating murders, deaths and other cases where the police were powerless.



Afterlife 2005


University lecturer Robert Bridge becomes involved in a series of supernatural events surrounding medium Alison Mundy.



Bedlam 2011


Welcome to Bedlam Heights. Converted from an imposing former lunatic asylum, this apartment building offers the ultimate in stylish 21st century urban living. But little do its new residents suspect that behind the luxury fittings lay unimaginable horrors.


Life After Death with Tyler Henry

Life After Death with Tyler Henry 2022


Clairvoyant medium Tyler Henry offers clarity and closure from the beyond while searching through his own family's past in an intimate reality series.


The Holzer Files

The Holzer Files 2019


Paranormal investigator Dave Schrader, psychic medium Cindy Kaza, equipment expert Shane Pittman and researcher Gabe Roth investigate terrifyingly true hauntings from the recently discovered case files of America's first ghost hunter, Dr. Hans Holzer.


The Last Goodbye

The Last Goodbye 2015


Spiritual medium Rebecca Rosen uses her unique gift in an attempt to connect people seeking answers from their deceased family and loved ones.


The One

The One 2008


Seven psychics undergo a series of challenges designed to test their abilities in clairvoyance, telepathy and mediumship, among others. At the end of each episode the judges decide who stays and who goes, until the final instalment, when the audience gets to decide which of the remaining spoon-benders is truly The One.


Lisa Williams: Voices from the Other Side

Lisa Williams: Voices from the Other Side 2008


The spiky-haired British clairvoyant ("Life Among the Dead") returns for a five-episode encore featuring Williams doing one-on-one readings both in a studio and in impromptu meetings with random people to whom she is drawn while walking on the street.


America's Psychic Challenge

America's Psychic Challenge 2007


Sixteen self-professed psychics chosen out of hundreds nationwide compete to prove their psychic abilities. In each episode, four contestants compete in three challenges designed to illustrate their clairvoyance. At the end of each episode, the two psychics with the highest scores move forward to continue in the competition at the quarterfinals and semi-final rounds. Ultimately, the final two psychics face off to compete for the grand prize of $100,000 and the title of "America’s #1 Psychic".


Mama Medium

Mama Medium 2018


Jennie Marie, a doting wife and mother with a larger-than-life personality, is gifted with the extraordinary ability to talk to the dead. Not only is she a medium, psychic, and fourth generation clairvoyant, but she also has an uncanny gift of connecting with people who are otherwise incapable of communicating for themselves.


Seatbelt Psychic

Seatbelt Psychic 2018


Renowned medium Thomas John, a trusted advisor to influencers and celebrities around the country, surprises unsuspecting ride-share passengers with readings.


Cell Block Psychic

Cell Block Psychic 2014


Crime psychic medium Vicki Monroe has closed cold cases and helped solve high profile investigations. Now she's meeting with the most notorious murderers on death row, and delivering messages from the victims they killed.


Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead

Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead 2006


Her spiky hair and outgoing manner may make her look more like a top 40 vocalist than a clairvoyant, but vivacious Lisa Williams has known since childhood that she is able to communicate with the dead, a gift that has garnered her a long list of clients both in the United States and her native England. This hourlong series follows Williams -- whose grandmother, Frances Glazebrook, reportedly provided psychic services to the British royal family -- to various American locales as she meets with clients and also offers impromptu readings to strangers she meets on the street.


Trey: The Lone Star Medium

Trey: The Lone Star Medium 2020


Trey Ganem, a fabricator who specialises in making custom caskets and urns for clients, uses his psychic gift of communicating with the dead to deliver their messages to their respective loved ones.