Skrotená hora

Skrotená hora 2005


Film rozpráva milostný príbeh dvoch mladých mužov – rančera a kovboja – ktorí sa poznali v lete roku 1963 a stali sa priateľmi na celý život. Prežili veľa radosti i tragédie, a vďaka tomu poznali slabosť a silu lásky. Ennis Del Mar a Jack Twist sa zoznámia vo Wyomingu, pracujú kde ako kovboji v horách s názvom Brokeback. Skoro sa stávajú najlepšími priateľmi. Na konci leta ich práca končí a každý ide svojou cestou. Ennis zostáva vo Wyomingu, kde sa ožení s Almou, ktorá mu porodí dve dcéry. Rodina sa pretĺka životom s veľkými ťažkosťami. Jack odchádza do Texasu, kde sa zamiluje do kráľovny rodea Laureen. Zosobášia sa a skoro sa im narodí syn. Ubehnú štyri roky, keď Ennis dostane od Jacka správu, že sa chystá navštíviť Wyoming. Po Jackovom príchode obaja zisťujú, že uplynulá doba na sile ich citu nič nezmenila. V nasledujúcich rokoch sa obaja snažia zo všetkých síl toto puto udržať. Zisťujú, že najdôležitejšie v ich živote je sila priateľstva, lásky a dôvery.



Bros 2022



Uncle Frank

Uncle Frank 2020


V roku 1973, keď sa Frank Bledsoe a jeho 18-ročná neter Beth vydávajú na cestu z Manhattanu do Creekville v Južnej Karolíne na pohreb rodinného patriarchu, sa k nim nečakane pripojí Frankov milenec Walid.


I Love You Phillip Morris

I Love You Phillip Morris 2010


Život Steva Russela sa obráti o sto-osemdesiat stupňov vo chvíli, keď sa dostane do väzenia. Do tej chvíle vzorný otec rodiny sa bezhlavo zamiluje do svojho spoluväzňa Phillipa Morrisa, ktorému však zakrátko trest končí a on je z väzenia prepustený na slobodu. Stev zostává naďalej vo svojej cele a premýšľa ako by sa mohol k svojmu milovanému dostať. Jediná šanca je útek. Začne teda vymýšľať a tiež realizovať stále divokejšie plány na útek, vrátane predstierania vlastnej smrti.



Heartstopper 2022


Teens Charlie and Nick discover their unlikely friendship might be something more as they navigate school and young love in this coming-of-age series.


What Did You Eat Yesterday?

What Did You Eat Yesterday? 2019


Kakei Shiro is a lawyer who works at a small law firm. He is a good cook and a meticulous and thrifty person who keeps the monthly food budget to 25,000 yen. Shiro’s daily routine is to leave work on time and head to a discount supermarket nearby. His partner Yabuki Kenji is the affable hairdresser. The two of them share a two-bedroom apartment and the finer points of two men living together comes up at the dining table every day.


Dragon Age: Absolution

Dragon Age: Absolution 2022


With great power at stake, a group of misfits must work together to steal an artifact from a sinister mage.


Residential Complex

Residential Complex 2018


Story depicts the conflicts and growth of families who live at co-operative houses. Nana Igarashi is 35-years-old and works as a diving instructor. She is married to Daiki who is 32-years-old and works at a toy company. They live in a small apartment, while saving up to buy a house. They enjoy their life. Nana and Daiki decide to buy a co-operative house. They also try to have a baby. Nana and Daiki realize it isn't easy to have baby.


It's All Relative

It's All Relative 2003


Bobby's a bartender and the only son of gregarious, salt-of-the-earth Irish Catholic parents from Boston. His fiancée, Liz, is a toney Harvard student and she's Protestant (no, that's not the problem). Liz has two dads, not one, and they're a worldly pair of well-heeled gay men.



Lovers/Liars 2023


A nonconventional triple-plot drama series that shows the duality between genuine affection and deceitful intentions.


He's Coming To Me

He's Coming To Me 2019


After his death, Met is a ghost that is consumed by loneliness. That is until he meets a strange boy that can see him. The two bond in a state of happiness and joy as they develop into friends. But what happens when Met falls for the boy who is alive?


His - I Didn't Think I Would Fall in Love

His - I Didn't Think I Would Fall in Love 2019


Nagisa is 17 years old and attends second grade in high school. He is apart from his parents and lives alone in the seaside town of Fujisawa in Kanagawa. He is passionate about surfing and works at a bathhouse in a hostel on the island Enoshima linked to Fujisawa. Shun is the same age as Nagisa and visits Fujisawa for spring break. They meet and develop a relationship more than friendship. However, the surfing equipment store owner's daughter, Chika, has been secretly in love with Nagisa.


Papa & Daddy

Papa & Daddy 2021


Damian, 38, is an overseas Taiwanese, divorced his wife and returned to Taiwan to open his restaurant, Verso. While at Verso, he meets Jerry. Their relationship intensifies and Damian yearns to start a family, with Jerry reluctant to take on parental duties at such an early age. Four years later and through surrogacy, they are now gay parents to a four-year-old boy. Jerry still has not come out to his parents and has now become a fulltime dad even though his parents still pressure him to marry a woman. Damian is busier than ever at Verso and their son Kai is just getting ready for pre-school....


That's My Candy

That's My Candy 2022


The story is about Guy and Jing, a couple who've been together for quite some time. Both have their own responsibilities and barely have time to see each other. They have a huge fight and Jing wants to break up, but Guy won't allow it. He tries everything to make it up to Jing, but it's not easy. An uncle whose life Guy had once saved gives him a magical candy that could help him make up with Jing...



CRUSH 2021


CRUSH is a gay series following the adventures of a bunch of boys whose destinies intertwine between love, friendship, passion and betrayal against a backdrop of rock music and lust.


Songkhram Yaeng Phu to Be Continued: Can't Love or Won't Love

Songkhram Yaeng Phu to Be Continued: Can't Love or Won't Love 2016


Following a serious accident that makes him forget the last four years, Choke has recovered and reclaims his life. Hack continued to live his life after having accepted the harsh reality. Choke is now affianced to Frang. The two have bought a property and now want to hire a designer. They call Hack. It's a shock for Hack, but he only wishes the beast for Choke. However, Choke begins having flashbacks and he remembers that something happened to him. Will he remember his forgotten past? Will he choose love or reason?


YandaiXie Street No.10

YandaiXie Street No.10 2016


This is a love story between a ‘weirdo’, the novelist, Liang Ze and a ‘nice guy’, the pet shop owner, Hang Hang. Both of them know each other through Hang Hang’s online pet shop and meet each other for the first time in No.10 YanDaiXie Street, the address of Hang Hang’s physical store. Their funny story begins with the inquiry of Liang Ze to Hang Hang on something about his beloved chinchillas.