Nebezpečná rýchlosť

Nebezpečná rýchlosť 1994


Policajný špecialista Jack Traven s pomocou Annie Porterovej musí zneškodniť bombu umiestnenú na autobuse pomstychtivým vydieračom Howardom Payneom. Autobus musí udržovať rýchlosť nad 100 km/h, inak bomba exploduje. A to nie je v uliciach Los Angeles vôbec jednoduché.


Nočný let

Nočný let 2005


Lisa Reisertová veľmi nerada lieta, ale hrôza, ktorá sa jej zmocní v priebehu nočného letu do Miami, nemá so strachom z lietania nič spoločné. Vo chvíli, keď lietadlo vzlietne, prezradí Lise na prvý pohľad sympatický spolucestujúci Jackson pravý dôvod svojho pobytu na palube: Pripravil plán na zavraždenie mocného biznismana a Lisa má byť jeho kľúčom k úspechu. Ak odmietne spolupracovať, jej otca zastrelí nájomný vrah, ktorý čaká na Jacksonov telefonát. Uväznená v obrovskom lietadle a 10 000 metrov nad zemou nemá kam utiecť a koho volať o pomoc. Miami sa nebezpečne blíži. Lise zúfalo ubieha čas a pokúša sa nájsť riešenie, vďaka ktorému by mohla spacifikovať zločinca na vedľajšom sedadle a zabrániť tak vražde...


Expresná zásielka

Expresná zásielka 2012


Uhýbanie sa rýchlym autám, bláznivým taxikárom, otvoreným dverám a ôsmym miliónom chodcov je dennou rutinou Wileeho, najlepšieho newyorského cyklo-messengera. Vyžaduje si to špeciálny výcvik jazdiť na superľahkých bicykloch, na jednom prevode, bez bŕzd. Chlapík, ktorý vystavuje takýmto spôsobom svoj život každý deň, sa zrazu dostane do situácie, na akú nie je zvyknutý ani on. Pri bežnej preprave sa jeho život zmení na naháňačku Manhattanom na život a na smrť. Obálka ktorú má Wilee doručiť totiž nie je po chuti istému skorumpovanému policajtovi.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.



Trace 2020


The major case squad within the public security organization tackles a series of perplexing cases, led by forensic expert Liao Yan and criminal psychology specialist Liang Maiqi. Both are young professionals returning from abroad, leveraging their expertise to solve unusual cases. Through close collaboration with their teammates, they navigate dangerous situations, using their intelligence and bravery to resolve crises and complete missions. Meanwhile, other young officers in the squad also develop friendships and grow personally through their involvement in solving these intriguing mysteries.



Sisyphus 2020


Zhang Hai Feng quits his job as a police officer after the death of his daughter, Duo Duo. However one day a serial murder case reveals new-found evidence about the the accident that led to Duo Duo's death. In order to find out the truth, Zhang Hai Feng starts to pursue the serial murderer and in the process, dies together with him. When he wakes up, he find himself back in the past; one day before his death occurs. He decides to make use of the wormhole to save Duo Duo from her death. Eventually, he starts to unravel deeply hidden secrets of the people around him, and the web of conspiracy that was planted 20 years ago.


Wulin Heroes

Wulin Heroes 2023


Ye Xi, a kindhearted woman determined to become a martial arts hero, had fantasies about the martial arts world and true love when she first entered this world. She kept fighting for the weak against the strong, yet she didn't know that human beings could be evil and was repeatedly exploited, cheated and betrayed. She was even betrayed by the "kind martial arts master" who she had thought she could rely on. Her reputation was ruined and someone attempted to murder her for a few times. However, despite those heavy setbacks, Ye Xi remained true to her original aspiration and believed that good would always prevail over evil. She tried her best to reveal the truth and clear her name. During this time, Bai Yue, a miracle-working doctor saved her many times and was always by her side. Ye Xi also grew up, became stronger and more confident and learned what real love and martial arts spirit truly are. With Bai Yue's help, Ye Xi wiped out the evil people who framed her and became a true hero.


American Hostage

American Hostage 1970


A psychological thriller anthology series focusing on a different hostage case every season.