Prázdniny pána Beana

Prázdniny pána Beana 2007


Pán Bean vyhrá v súťaži zájazd na Francúzsku riviéru, k nemu určitú sumu peňazí a videokameru, aby všetky svoje zážitky poctivo nakrútil. Samozrejme, nebol by to pán Bean, keby sa zámysel nezmenil na úplnú katastrofu. Už cestou na vlak spôsobí prvú, keď prekazí malému ruskému chlapcovi Stepanovi nástup do vlaku, v ktorom mal s otcom, režisérom Emilom Dačevským cestovať do Cannes. A keďže Bean je v podstate dobrák, rozhodne sa chlapca vziať so sebou a dostať ho do Cannes za každú cenu.



Encounter 2018


It all started with an encounter between a young, ordinary man and a woman whose life has been designed by her influential parents. May it be fate or sheer coincidence, it was a picturesque sunset-lit evening in Cuba that brought them together. And as if they were put under a spell, they were drawn to each other despite the hardships and agony that they were meant to face inevitably. To those around them, the man’s actions and words may seem like nothing but of a young, foolish man’s youthful infatuation, but to them, it is love.


First Dates Hotel

First Dates Hotel 2017


Fred from First Dates invites single people to his very own summer season of love at a luxury hotel in the south of France