Kľúčové slovo Literature
Neverná 2002
Pekná plavovláska Connie žije s manželom a osemročným synom v rodinnom dome neďaleko New Yorku. Na výlete do mesta náhodne stretne sympatického Paula, ktorý ju vezme do svojho bytu plného starožitných kníh. Pri ich prvom stretnutí sa nič nedeje, ale žena stále myslí na bohémsky vyzerajúceho mladého muža. Ona ho opäť vyhľadá a stanú sa z nich milenci. Sexuálny experiment prerastie do vášnivého erotického vzťahu, ktorý sa nakoniec odhalí. Podvedený manžel nechá Connie sledovať, získa dôkazy v podobe kompromitujúcich fotografií a navštívi svoju rivalku. V záchvate zúrivosti Paula zabije a jeho mŕtvoly sa zbaví. Connie však čoskoro zistí pravdu...
Kliatba bratov Grimmovcov 2005
Zberatelia bájí a povestí, teraz nazvaní Jake a Will, cestujú z dediny do dediny, zbierajú tajomné kliatby a predpokladajú, že tak dokážu ochrániť ľudí z mesta pred zázračnými príšerami a zaklínadlami. Budú však potrebovať veľkú dávku odvahy, pretože sa aj osobne stretnú so skutočnými čarodejnicami a čarami.
Hodiny 2002
Virginia začína v azyle svojho vidieckeho domu písať jedno zo svojich vrcholných, najintímnejších a vnútorne najkomplikovanejších diel - román pani Dallowayovej. V Los Angeles roku 1951 si touto knihou presvetľuje depresiu denného stereotypu tehotná žena v domácnosti Laura Brownová. Aj moderná pani Clarissa Vaughnová, emancipovaná nakladateľka z New Yorku, chystá v roku 2001 oslavu pre muža, ktorého miluje. Jeden deň zo života troch rôznych žien, obývajúcich tri rôzne časopriestory, ponúka meditáciu nad neistotami i bolestnými víťazstvami modernej ženskej feminity. Nad ich pochybnosťami ohľadne sebarealizácie v súkromí i práci, nad ich milostnými túžbami k mužom a ženám.
Finding Forrester 2000
Heavenly Creatures 1994
Sebastian 2024
Horšie to už nebude 2006
Po desiatich rokoch namáhavej práce konečne dokončuje spisovateľka Karen Eiffelová svoju najnovšiu a pravdepodobne aj najlepšiu knihu. Jedinou úlohou, ktorá ju od dokončenia delí, je nájsť spôsob, ako ukončiť život hlavnej postave, Haroldovi Crickovi. Netuší však, že Harold Crick, nech to znie akokoľvek nevysvetliteľne, skutočne existuje...a počuje jej slová. Skutočnosť a príbeh sa začnú prelínať, keď sa Harold, ohromený, ale pevne rozhodnutý odolávať, dozvie, čo s ním Karen zamýšľa. Uvedomí si, že musí za každú cenu zmeniť jej i svoj koniec...
Gemma Bovery 2014
Capote 2005
Shadowlands 1993
Mary Shelley 2017
Vášnivá a rebelská Mary Wollstonecroftová nájde spriaznenú dušu v básnikovi Percym Shelleym. Búrlivá aféra zasiahne do spoločenského života slušnej spoločnosti, ktorá sa cíti pobúrená ich bohémskym životom. Keď ich naviac zasiahne tragédia, v podobe smrti čerstvo narodené dieťa, Mary v sebe nájde silu pretaviť svoje utrpenie v legendárne literárne dielo, Frankensteina. A toto všetko už v dobe, keď ma len osemnásť rokov...
銀河鉄道の夜 1985
秋日和 1960
Liberal Arts 2012
Bedári: od románu k filmu a muzikálu 2013
Čo majú spoločné Victor Hugo a Cameron Mackintosh? Obrovský úspech jedného príbehu o nezlomnej sile človeka... "Les Misérables" alias "Les Miserables". Titul, ktorý si dnes väčšina z nás spája s veľmi úspešným muzikálom, ktorý sa pred desiatimi rokmi dočkal rovnako úspešného filmového spracovania. V dnešnom dokumente sa pozrieme na históriu príbehu, ktorý fascinuje ľudí od jeho prvého vydania v roku 1862, a spolu s tvorcami muzikálu aj filmu sa zamyslíme nad dôvodmi, prečo jeho popularita stále neutícha. Temný osud odsúdeného Jeana Valjeana, naplnený ďalšími tragickými príbehmi vedľajších postáv, je obrazom sociálnej nespravodlivosti a boja za lepší zajtrajšok, ale nechýba v ňom ani nádej a viera. Každý, kto čítal román alebo videl aspoň jednu z jeho mnohých filmových adaptácií, to dobre vie. Všetci, ktorí sa zúčastnili na muzikáli, sú však očarení aj Bludičkami...
Howl 2010
Albatross 2011
Entre les murs 2008
Bungo Stray Dogs 2016
Atsushi Nakajima was kicked out of his orphanage, and now he has no place to go and no food. While he is standing by a river, on the brink of starvation, he rescues a man whimsically attempting suicide. That man is Osamu Dazai, and he and his partner Kunikida are members of a very special detective agency. They have supernatural powers and deal with cases that are too dangerous for the police or the military. They're tracking down a tiger that has appeared in the area recently, around the time Atsushi came to the area. The tiger seems to have a connection to Atsushi, and by the time the case is solved, it is clear that Atsushi's future will involve much more of Dazai and the rest of the detectives!
Lecture Room 2001
Apostrophes 1975
Apostrophes was a live, weekly, literary, prime-time, talk show on French television created and hosted by Bernard Pivot. It ran for fifteen years (724 episodes) from January 10, 1975, to June 22, 1990, and was one of the most watched shows on French television (around 6 million regular viewers). It was broadcast on Friday nights on the channel France 2 (which was called "Antenne 2" from 1975 to 1992). The hourlong show was devoted to books, authors and literature. The format varied between one-on-one interviews with a single author and open discussions between four or five authors.
Hyouka 2012
Oreki Houtarou is a minimalistic high school boy. One day, he joins the Classic Literature Club at his elder sister's request. There he meets Chitanda Eru, Fukube Satoshi, and Ibara Mayaka. Chitanda is a calm beautiful girl but she turns into an embodiment of curiosity once she says, "I'm curious." Fukube is a smiling boy with a fantastic memory who calls himself a database. Ibara is a short girl and is strict with others and herself. They begin to investigate a case that occurred 45 years ago. Hints of the mystery are buried in an old collection of works of the former members of Classics Club. The collection is titled "Hyouka."
The Water Margin 1998
The trials and tribulations of 108 outlaws during the mid Song Dynasty.
The Great Passage 2016
The publication of a new dictionary titled The Great Passage progresses. Mitsuya Majime, originally from publisher Genbu Shobo's sales department, has been recruited by Kouhei Araki, a veteran editor of the dictionary department who is looking to retire soon. The dictionary department is known internally as the "money-eating insect," but Mitsuya uses his perseverance and attachment to the words in order to become a great editor. Mitsuya, who has poor social skills, finds himself working with another man named Masashi Nishioka, who is able to express himself better.
Aoi Bungaku Series 2009
An animated adaptation of six classical Japanese literature pieces, including No Longer Human (Ningen Shikkaku) and Run, Melos (Hashire, Melos) by Osamu Dazai, Kokoro by Natsume Souseki, Hell Screen (Jigoku Hen) and The Spider's Thread (Kumo no Ito) by Ryunosuke Akutagawa and In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom (Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita) by Ango Sakaguchi.
O Maidens in Your Savage Season 2019
The girls in a high school literature club do a little icebreaker to get to know each other: answering the question, "What's one thing you want to do before you die?" One of the girls blurts out, "Sex." Little do they know, the whirlwind unleashed by that word pushes each of these girls, with different backgrounds and personalities, onto their own clumsy, funny, painful, and emotional paths toward adulthood.
斯文江南 2022
Wishbone 1995
Wishbone is a children's television show. The show's title character is a Jack Russell Terrier of the same name. Wishbone lives with his owner Joe Talbot in the fictional modern town of Oakdale, Texas. He daydreams about being the lead character of stories from classic literature He was known as "the little dog with a big imagination". Only the viewers and the characters in his daydreams can hear Wishbone speak. The characters from his daydreams see Wishbone as whatever famous character he is currently portraying and not as a dog.
Softly from Paris 1986
An anthology of erotic stories by famous writers like Guy de Maupassant, Nicolas Edme Restif de La Bretonne, Marquis de Sade, Giovanni Boccaccio, Marquis de Foudras, Daniel Defoe, Anton Tchekov, Jin Ping Mei, and Aristophanes.
The Mess You Leave Behind 2020
A teacher starts her job at a high school but is haunted by a suspicious death that occurred there weeks before and begins fearing for her own life.
Senryu Girl 2019
At first glance Yukishiro Nanako seems like a normal high school girl, but she has a notable eccentricity: instead of speaking, she communicates only through written senryu poetry! This means she expresses herself only in 5-7-5 syllables. To most this might seem like an inconvenience, but for Nanako and her ex-delinquent bestie, Busujima Eiji, it adds to the experience of their high school lives as they run the Literature Club.
A Life Worth Living 2019
A dreamy seamstress and mother of three's life is turned upside down when she's wrongly diagnosed with a terminal disease along with an actually terminally ill wealthy book publisher.
O Maidens in Your Savage Season 2020
When Kazusa enters high school, she joins the Literature Club, where she leaps from reading innocent fiction to diving into the literary classics. But these novels are a bit more...adult than she was prepared for. Between euphemisms like fresh dewy grass and pork stew, crushing on the boy next door, and knowing you want to do that one thing before you die--discovering your budding sexuality is no easy feat! As if puberty wasn't awkward enough, the club consists of a brooding writer, the prettiest girl in school, an agreeable comrade, and an outspoken prude. Fumbling over their own discomforts, these five teens get thrown into chaos over three little letters: S...E...X...!
Miss Bernard Said. 2016
"Miss Bernard" herself, Machida Sawako, and her book-loving friends live their literary days in the library. This gag series glorifying famous literature is filled with love for books of all sorts, as well as the kinds of things that all readers experience!
Bungo and Alchemist -Gears of Judgement- 2020
Based on the popular mobile game of the same name. Bungo and Alchemist -Gears of Judgement- is set in a fantasy world with famous and handsome historical figures from the field of literature, who must call upon their magical abilities to save books that have been tainted by evil forces.
A Hero of Our Time 2007
1837: Another year of the grueling Caucasian war. A young officer, Grigory Pechorin, was sent into exile to the active army for participating in a duel. Here in the Caucasus, Pechorin will have to become an unwitting participant in rapidly unfolding events - a fight with smugglers, the abduction of a young Circassian princess, another duel. And when the whole world turns against Pechorin, and a close friend falls by his hand, he will continue his journey alone, a hero, a product of the new age...
My Sister And Her Books 2020
Sisters Laura and Diana enjoy reading, but Laura is passionate about it. She tells different stories from Peruvian and world literature, among which there are novels, poems, short stories and oral stories. Each one transmits a message.
Book Girl: Memoire 2010
Based on the light novel series by Nomura Mizuki.