Vzostup zla

Vzostup zla 2023


Večne rozcestovaná Beth sa rozhodne po rokoch navštíviť svoju staršiu sestru Ellie, ktorá žije s tromi deťmi v stiesnenom byte v Los Angeles. Návštevu však preruší nečakaný objav tajomnej knihy, ktorá vyvolá prastaré zlo a v budove rozpúta peklo. Keď Ellie posadne neľútostný démon, jej blízki musia bojovať o prežitie a čeliť tej najhoršej verzii rodiny, akú si viete predstaviť.


Všetkým chalanom, ktorých som milovala

Všetkým chalanom, ktorých som milovala 2018


Lara Jean má záľubu v písaní milostných listov chalanom, ktorí sa jej páčia. Len ich nikdy neodošle. Schová ich doma do krabice a tam bezpečne čakajú. Lenže jedného dňa listy zmiznú a Lara veľmi rýchlo pochopí, že listy našli svojich adresátov. Možno by to nebola taká katastrofa, keby jedným z adresátov nebol jej najlepší kamarát a ex priateľ jej staršej sestry.


Blízko od seba

Blízko od seba 2013


Členovia rodiny Westonovcov sa po dlhšej dobe opäť schádzajú pri príležitosti pohrebu otca, umelca a alkoholika, ktorý spáchal samovraždu. Vzťahy v rodine nikdy neboli dobré a matka ani pri tejto príležitosti neustupuje pred spormi so svojimi tromi dcérami. Tie to však tiež nemajú v živote jednoduché - jednej sa rozpadáva manželstvo, ďalšia sa snaží utajiť dlhoročný vzťah s vlastným bratrancom a posledná prišla na pohreb v spoločnosti pochybného snúbenca.


The Sinner

The Sinner 2017


In a small New York town, a haunted detective hunts for answers about perplexing crimes while wrestling with his own demons.


Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar

Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar 2024


In 1940s British India, archnemeses Mallikajaan and Fareedan are locked in a battle of succession of Heeramandi, an elite house of courtesans, while seeds of rebellion take root in the world around them.


Dear Sister

Dear Sister 2014


Growing up, sisters Misaki and Hazuki couldn't have been more different. Misaki's charming personality and popularity stood in sharp contrast to the older, more responsible yet timid Hazuki. After high school, the two lose touch once Misaki leaves their home, only to be reunited many years later, when Misaki returns, harboring a secret.


Phoenix Rising

Phoenix Rising 2007


When their parents died at birth, three sisters were sent to orphanages and were later adopted into three different homes with different backgrounds. When one of the sisters gets sent to prison for killing her stepmother, but one of the other two sisters tell officials she committed the crime to save her sister from going to jail. The youngest sister forges evidence to save them both, but gets caught and gets sent to jail, too. This television series uses women in jail as its storyline, describing the dark side of women in prison.


Sisters of Pearl

Sisters of Pearl 2010


Set in 1960s Hong Kong, "Sisters of Pearl" centers on the daughters of a jewelry merchant vying for the heirship of their family business. The dying tycoon asks his eldest daughter Chu Pik-Wan to take over the company with the aid of second daughter Chu Pik-Ha, who has just returned home after the death of her husband, and the still-in-school youngest daughter Chu Pik-Lam. Conflict brews between the siblings as Pik-Wan suspects that her husband Ho Cheung-Hing still harbours illicit desires for Ha. When a woman suddenly appears and claims to be their father's mistress, can the Chu sisters put aside their differences and unite against a common enemy?