
Veľryba 2022


Charlie vedie online kurzy štylistiky na univerzite. Snaží sa svojich študentov naučiť písať jasne a presvedčivo. Len tak môžu svoje myšlienky efektívne predávať ďalším. Chce, aby boli úprimní a autentickí. On vidí svojich študentov vo svojom notebooku, ale oni jeho nie. Vyhovára sa na pokazenú kameru, ale v skutočnosti nechce, aby ho videli. Má totiž takmer tristo kíl, je osamelý a pod ťarchou vlastných tráum sa len zložito vyrovnáva s minulosťou. Uzavrel sa vo svojom byte a stresové situácie rieši prejedaním. Hoci jeho zdravotný stav je čoraz horší, odmieta ísť do nemocnice a spolieha sa len na svoju kamarátku Liz, ktorá je ošetrovateľkou v nemocnici. Liz neustále v sebe rieši spor medzi jej povinnosťou rešpektovať želania priateľa a jej túžbou udržať ho nažive.



Summerland 2004


Bradin, Nikki and Derrick are 3 kids from an average normal Kansas household. Their whole life is thrown upside-down when their parents are tragically killed in a car accident. Ava Gregory (their aunt) gets custody of her niece and nephews and they move into her Californian home (in Summerland). Ava, a struggling clothes designer, lives with her best friend and business partner, Susannah Rexford, her friend, an ex- pro.surfer, Jay Robertson and her ex-boyfriend, real estate agent, Johnny Durrant. All four of them are highly unequipped to handle children and are not use to including them in their everyday lives.


Finding Carter

Finding Carter 2014


A teenager finds out she was abducted as a toddler and returns to her biological family.


Red Band Society

Red Band Society 2014


Children and teenagers become friends in a hospital where they are all patients. Together they try to escape the sad reality to create their own world with their own codes , while the nursing staff do their best to bring them a little happiness everyday. Charlie , in a coma for several months, attending meanwhile helplessly bustle around him. He sees nothing , but he hears everything ...


The Red Bracelets

The Red Bracelets 2017


The series tells about a group of teenagers in a children's hospital, about their growing up and struggling with circumstances, about how the characters are friends and love, respond to the challenges of fate and make principled choices.