Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Forrest Gump je jednoduchý muž, ktorý od detstva robil, čo mu povedali, riadiac sa dobrými radami svojej starostlivej mamičky a osvedčeným pravidlom, že keď nastanú problémy, je potrebné utekať. Tak postupne prebehol vysokou školou i bojiskami Vietnamu a dostal sa i do Bieleho domu. Jeho rozprávanie je prierezom americkými dejinami od päťdesiatych do osemdesiatych rokov, podaným z pohľadu zdanlivo nezaujatého pozorovateľa...


Power Rangers

Power Rangers 2017


Nudný život pätice stredoškolákov sa obráti naruby v okamihu, keď objavia starú vesmírnu loď. Každý z nich vďaka tomu získa nejakú superschopnosť a stanú sa z nich Power Rangers – Strážcovia vesmíru. Oni jediní môžu zachrániť svoje malé mestečko i celú planétu pred inváziou mimozemskej civilizácie. Ale predtým musia prekonať množstvo osobných problémov a spojiť svoje sily, aby dokázali odvrátiť hrozbu skôr ako bude neskoro.


Rain Man

Rain Man 1988


Charlie Babbitt práve zistil, že má autistického brata Raymonda. A zistil to za pomerne dramatických okolností. Jeho otec odišiel na druhý svet pred niekoľkými dňami a podstatnú časť dedičstva zanechal niekomu, koho Charlie vôbec nepozná. O to väčšie je jeho zdesenie, že tomu zvláštnemu mužovi v žilách koluje tá istá krv. Pre egocentrického Charlieho sa zdá takmer neuveriteľné, že na svete existuje ešte niekto iný, kto môže byť excentrický ešte viac. A aj keď sa na prvý pohľad zdá, že týchto dvoch môžu spájať iba spoloční predkovia, nie je to celkom tak. O chvíľu sa začne veľké dobrodružstvo, na ktorého konci ich čaká vzájomné porozumenie. Pocit blízkosti, ktorý nikoho nenechá chladným



Účtovník 2016


Christian je matematický génius, ktorý má lepší vzťah k číslam než k ľuďom. Pod zásterkou malomestskej účtovníckej kancelárie, pracuje ako nezávislý účtovník pre niekoľko najnebezpečnejších zločineckých organizácií na svete. S postupným sťahovaním slučky zo strany oddelenia pre boj s organizovaným zločinom ministerstva financií, prijme legálneho klienta: prosperujúcu spoločnosť zaoberajúcou sa robotikou, v ktorej účtovníčka zistila nezrovnalosti. Čím viac Christian odkrýva účtovné záznamy a približuje sa k odhaleniu pravdy, tým viac začína v jeho okolí stúpať počet mŕtvych.



Ezra 2024




Kocka 1997


Šesť cudzincov sa z každodenného života prebudí v tajomnom fantastickom väzení. V nekonečnom reťazci vzájomne prepojených ciel v tvare kociek. Policajt. Profesionálny zlodej. Študentka matematiky. Psychologička. Architekt. Dospelý autista. Výber individualít sa zdá byť náhodný. Nikto z nich nevie, ako sa tam dostali. Čoskoro však vyplynie, že každý z nich má schopnosti, ktoré môžu prispieť k úniku. Trápi ich množstvo nezodpovedaných otázok. Kto vytvoril toto surrealistické bludisko? S rastúcim napätím sa objavia osobné konflikty a potýčky. Jedna vec je však jasná - ak sa nenaučia spolupracovať pri objavovaní mnohých tajomstiev smrtiacej pasce, nikto z nich nebude dlho nažive.



Adam 2009



Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin 2010


Príbeh o pozoruhodnej žene, u ktorej bol v detstve diagnostikovaný autizmus. Temple Grandinová však dokázala prekonať osudové prekážky a stala sa z nej vedkyňa, spisovateľka, ochrankyňa zvierat a priekopníčka vzdelávania autistov.


Víkendoví rebeli

Víkendoví rebeli 2023


Malý Jason nezapadá do triedy, pretože má poruchu autistického spektra. Hoci je veľmi inteligentný, škola rodine odporúča, aby ho dala do špeciálnej školy. Medzi ním a jeho otcom Mircom však vznikne nečakaná dohoda - ak mu Mirco pomôže vybrať jeho obľúbený futbalový klub, bude sa snažiť v škole spôsobovať čo najmenej problémov. Má to však háčik... Jason chce navštíviť všetky štadióny v Nemecku!


Príšerne nahlas a neuveriteľne blízko

Príšerne nahlas a neuveriteľne blízko 2011


Príbeh začína v mysli Oskara Schella, vynaliezavého jedenásťročného chlapca, ktorého otec zahynul 11. septembra vo Svetovom obchodnom centre. Oskar nájde vo veciach svojho otca kľúč a začne bezodkladne hľadať zámok, ku ktorému kľúč patrí. Pri svojom pátraní narazí na rozmanitú zmes ľudí, ktorí prežívajú po svojom a ktorí sa mu snažia pomôcť odhaliť odkaz jeho otca. Oskar nadviaže kontakt s mužom, ktorý ho naučí prekonať strach z hlučného a nebezpečného sveta okolo...



Výnimoční 2019


Dvaja muži, ktorí svoje životy venujú starostlivosti a vzdelávaniu detí a dospievajúcich s autizmom.


The Good Doctor

The Good Doctor 2017


Shaun Murphy, a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to join a prestigious hospital's surgical unit. Unable to personally connect with those around him, Shaun uses his extraordinary medical gifts to save lives and challenge the skepticism of his colleagues.



Scorpion 2014


Based on a true story, Scorpion is a high-octane drama about eccentric genius Walter O’Brien and his team of brilliant misfits who comprise the last line of defense against complex, high-tech threats of the modern age. As Homeland Security’s new think tank, O’Brien’s “Scorpion” team includes Toby Curtis, an expert behaviorist who can read anyone; Happy Quinn, a mechanical prodigy; and Sylvester Dodd, a statistics guru.


Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 2022


Brilliant attorney Woo Youngwoo tackles challenges in the courtroom and beyond as a newbie at a top law firm and a woman on the autism spectrum.


Good Doctor

Good Doctor 2013


A man, who is an autistic savant, aspires to become a paediatrician. He overcomes societal discrimination and uses his exceptional abilities to achieve his dreams.


Astrid: Murder in Paris

Astrid: Murder in Paris 2020


Astrid Nielsen works in the library of the judicial police. She has Asperger's syndrome. With an incredible memory, she excels at analyzing files of ongoing investigations. The district commander decides to use it to the fullest, entrusting her with very complex investigations which have remained unsolved to date.



Atypical 2017


Sam, an 18-year-old on the autism spectrum, takes a funny, yet painful, journey of self-discovery for love and independence and upends his family.



Touch 2012


Martin Bohm, a widower and single father, is haunted by an inability to connect to his autistic, mute 11-year-old son, Jake. Their relationship and their lives take an extraordinary turn when he discovers his gifted son has the ability to see things that no one else can and the patterns that connect seemingly unrelated events.



Impulse 2018


16-year-old Henry Coles is an outsider in her new town of Reston, New York. With a major chip on her shoulder and no friends, she remains withdrawn and isolated, but everything changes when a traumatic encounter with a classmate triggers something deep within Henry— unleashing a power she cannot control.


Catch The Ghost

Catch The Ghost 2019


A romantic investigative drama about rookie detective Yoo-Ryung who solves cases with her overflowing sense of justice and exceptional spatial perception but always gets herself into trouble because of her rash actions. She meets the Wangsimni station constabulary chief, a man who avoids cases and seeks stability who always ends up cleaning up after the problems caused by Yoo Ryung and holds the key to solving the cases.


Move to Heaven

Move to Heaven 2021


Finding life in all that’s left behind, a detail-oriented trauma cleaner and his estranged uncle deliver untold stories of the departed to loved ones.


A Kind of Spark

A Kind of Spark 2023


When she discovers a centuries-old mystery within her town, autistic teen Addie finds her voice and lets her light shine as she stands up for those who were persecuted for being different like her.


Good Doctor

Good Doctor 2018


Minato Shindo has savant syndrome. His memory is amazing, but he has difficulty communicating with other people. When Minato was little, he dreamed of becoming a doctor. He met Doctor Akira Shiga and he wanted to become a pediatric surgeon. Akira was surprised by the 7-year-old's memory of the human organs and he decided to support Minato in achieving his dream. Eventually, Minato graduated from medical school and passed the national exam for medical practitioners. Now, Akira works as a director at a large hospital. He suggests to Minato to work in the pediatric surgery department at the hospital where he works.


Under the Microscope

Under the Microscope 2023


When Shuai Jiamo, who is obsessed with mathematics, stumbles upon a historical problem in Jinhua County, he was met with multiple obstacles in his attempts to correct the mistake, triggering a tension between various stakeholders.


The A Word

The A Word 2016


The various generations of the Hughes family, who all love, work and fight like any other clan, find they must learn to communicate all over again when the youngest member is diagnosed with autism.


The Sound and the Syllable

The Sound and the Syllable 2024


Sarah is a young autistic woman with an extraordinary ability for lyrical singing. She begins taking lessons with renowned soprano Leonor Delise, but there is tension in the relationship. Sarah will learn to turn her silences into emotions; Leonor will have to restore her faith in humanity and reconcile with her daughter. Music will be the bond that transforms their lives.


Walk with the Light

Walk with the Light 2004


Sachiko and Masato Azuma, in their 4th year of marriage, had been so excited about the birth of their long-waited first child. They named their baby boy "Hikaru" (meaning light in Japanese). Nobody doubted that the birth of their precious son Hikaru would bring great happiness to the Azumas' family life. Until one day, Sachiko noticed that there was something different about Hikaru. This heartwarming drama is a story about family. Hikaru's mother goes through so many difficulties raising her autistic son, sometimes so overwhelmed that she doesn't know what to do. Then at Hikaru's school, with the help of one very special teacher, Rio-sensei, she learns to deal with her son's autism and think positive about her family life. Her story will touch the heart of all mothers with young children, mothers who have brought up young children, as well as woman who will be mothers in the future.


The Project 17 : Side by Side

The Project 17 : Side by Side 2019


Ping An is an autistic teenager who gains recognition for being a badminton prodigy. Zihao is his younger brother and a fellow badminton player. Xiao Na is a bright and cheery young woman who helps out at her grandpa's badminton court for the summer. She gets close to both brothers and becomes attracted to Zihao. However, their journey is not as smooth-sailing as they'd hope and the two brothers are pushed to a difficult crossroad.


From the Heart

From the Heart 2000


A young autistic woman, Mayuko, who has difficulty understanding and processing human emotions, meets with a young former psychiatrist, Shinichi, who is still getting over the unexpected death of his longtime girlfriend. Shinichi begins to help her with her skills of human interaction, but as he gets to know Mayuko better, he finds that she may be helping him to remember the feelings of love that he has forgotten in his grief.


As We See It

As We See It 2022


Finding love, making friends, getting a job, adulting. Watch as three roommates on the autism spectrum navigate their early 20s with all its joy, tears and laughter. With the help of their families, aide, and sometimes even each other, these roommates experience setbacks and celebrate triumphs on their own unique journeys towards independence and acceptance.


East Side

East Side 2023


East Side follows Momi, an ex-Secret Service agent-turned-fixer who plays by his own rules as he brokers shady property deals between the Arab residents of East Jerusalem, and the powerful Jewish groups trying to take control of the area by whatever means possible. Brooding and well-connected, Momi slips between communities with ease. But behind his cool facade, the deadly consequences of his double-dealing are taking their toll, and at the center of his world is 18-year-old autistic daughter Maya.