Kľúčové slovo Next Door Neighbor
Darček 2015
Simon a Robyn sú mladý manželský pár, ktorého život sa odohráva presne podľa predstáv a plánov. A to až do dňa, keď náhodne stretnú Gorda, Simonova dávneho známeho zo strednej školy. Od tej chvíle sa ich budúcnosť začína pomaly ale isto rozbiehať ako na desivom a šialenom kolotoči. Po niekoľkých ďalších náhodných stretnutiach a nečakaných návštevách Simon a Robin začínajú byť z Gordovho správania a slov znepokojení. A navyše sa začnú objavovať záhadné dary, vďaka ktorým sa odkrývajú podivné tajomstvá z minulosti. Robyn sa tak nielen dozvedá znepokojujúcu pravdu o tom, čo sa odohralo pred dvadsiatimi rokmi medzi Simonom a Gordym, ale predovšetkým stojí pred nečakanými otázkami. Ako dobre naozaj poznáme nám najbližší ľudí? Je dávna minulosť navždy už len minulosťou?
Mack & Rita 2022
Lepšie ako kedykoľvek inokedy 2019
Martha sa dozvie, že má rakovinu. Jej prvý pocit je uzavrieť sa pred svetom a potichu vyčkať na príchod konca. Presťahuje sa do komunity seniorov, kde však natrafí na Sheryl – ženu, ktorá jej nedovolí, aby sa ľutovala, pričom jej dodá životnú energiu a stratený elán. Vďaka tomu začne Martha auvažovať o dávnych snoch, ktoré by si ešte mohla na staré kolená splniť. Rozhodne sa založiť seniorský klub roztlieskavačiek a nové kamarátky jej v tom s radosťou a nadšením pomáhajú.
Šialená jazda 1999
Nicole si môže nápadníkov vyberať, ale ten, ktorý sa jej páči, už má inú. Na vytúženom rande sa nakoniec ocitne so svojím, trochu čudáckym, susedom. Nicole a Chase sú dvaja susedia, ktorí sa nemajú príliš v láske. Jeden je opakom toho druhého. To sa ale zmení v deň, kedy je Nicole odvrhnutá svojím priateľom a kedy Chase dostáva od svojej priateľky kopačky. S veľkou neochotou spolu naplánujú, ako víťazne preplávať mínovými poľom stredoškolských lások. Ich plán znie: Vzbudiť túžbu a žiarlivosť u svojich bývalých náprotivkov a tak ich získať späť. Ale uprostred všetkého toho plánovania Nicole a Chase zisťujú, že ten, po ktorom túžia, nie je zase až tak ďaleko.
Le locataire 1976
Neighbors 1981
Sons of the Desert 1933
Driveways 2020
The Good Neighbor 2016
Elsa & Fred 2014
Becky 2024
Love on Fire 2022
Turtle Diary 1985
Working Man 2019
Saatanan kanit 2017
Dziewczyna z szafy 2013
Du bist nicht allein 2007
My Little Happiness 2021
A story of urban workplace romance follows a legal intern and a surgeon who reunite as adults. They become colleagues and neighbors. As evenly matched as they are, a relationship starts to blossom.
The Neighborhood 2018
The nicest guy in the Midwest moves his family into a tough neighborhood in Los Angeles where not everyone appreciates his extreme neighborliness. That includes their new next-door neighbor Calvin.
Szomszédok 1987
Szomszédok was a Hungarian television series, occasionally called the Hungarian Dallas, that ran from 1987–1999 and produced 331 episodes, airing its grand finale on December 31, 1999. The series was a soap opera, dealing with the lives of ordinary people, living and working in or around an average lakótelep. Its characters were explored, over time, in equal depth: ranging from elderly pensioners, busy middle aged professionals, up-and-coming young people, and children growing into their teens. Many consider Szomszédok to be the definitive Hungarian television series, being a period piece of sorts that covers the last few years of the communist era, the rendszerváltozás, and nearly a decade of the new market economy Hungary thereafter.
Dennis the Menace 1959
This 1959-1963 television situation comedy series follows the lives of the Mitchell family, Henry, Alice, and their only child Dennis, an energetic, trouble-prone, mischievous, but well-meaning boy, who often tangles with his peace-and-quiet-loving neighbor George Wilson, a retired salesman, or, later, with George's brother John, a writer. Dennis is basically a good, well-intentioned boy who always tries to help people, but who winds up making situations worse – often at Mr. Wilson's expense.
Fear Thy Neighbor 2014
These are the terrifying tales of the unwanted neighbors who turn home sweet home into home sweet hell. A look inside the lives of horrific neighborly disputes and what happens when a simple issue turns into the worst night of a family's life. Do you really know who lives next door? This true-crime series tells the chilling tales of those with the misfortune to unwittingly take up residence within a stone’s throw of a psycho or killer.
Aquí no hay quien viva 2003
A caustic satire of many of the 'types' found in Spanish society.
Flesh and Blood 2020
Three adult siblings find their family thrown into disarray when their recently widowed mother, Vivien, declares she is in love with a new man. The tension his presence creates threatens to drag the whole family towards tragedy, and perhaps crime.
My Fated Boy 2021
31-year old Lin Yang is accomplished at work but does not have her own else and even her apartment was rented. In her boring life, suddenly appears 24-year old Lu Zheng An. Lu Zheng An was her neighbour who grew up with her, and has returned from studying overseas. He tries hard to enter her life, and eventually succeeds in moving into her house and intruding into her work. Lin Xiang constantly reminds herself that Lu Zheng An is a younger brother, but ultimately could not withstand Zheng An's charms. Her boring life and sleeping heart was awakened with the appearance of Zheng An, and she finds herself falling for him.