Bohovia Egypta

Bohovia Egypta 2016


Nemilosrdný boh temnoty Set obsadil egyptský trón. Kedysi mierumilovné a prosperujúce impérium sa teraz jeho vinou zmieta vo vojne a chaose. Setovej krutovláde si trúfa vzdorovať len hŕstka odvážnych povstalcov. Obyčajný zlodejíček Bek a mocný boh Horus uzavrú prekvapivé spojenectvo. Dych berúci boj proti Setovi a jeho krvilačným poskokom ich zavedi do podsvetia aj na nebesia. Smrteľník aj boh musia prejsť skúškami odvahy a obetavosti. Inak nebudú mať najmenší šancu nakoniec zvíťaziť.


Hnev Titanov

Hnev Titanov 2012


Desať rokov po tom, čo hrdinsky porazil obrovského Krakena, sa Perseus, poloboh a Diov syn, snaží viesť pokojný život ako dedinský rybár a otec desaťročného syna Helia. Medzitým zúri boj o moc medzi bohmi a titánmi. Bohovia sú nebezpečne oslabení nedostatkom oddanosti ľudí. Strácajú kontrolu nad uväznenými titánmi a ich hrôzu naháňajúcim vodcom Kronom, otcom dlho vládnucich bratov Dia, Hada a Poseidona. Tento triumvirát premohol svojho mocného otca už dávno a nechal ho hniť v ponurej, bezodnej priepasti Tartaru - väzení, ktoré leží hlboko v podsvetí. Perseus nemôže ignorovať volanie spravodlivosti, keď sa Hades a Diov božský syn Ares dohodnú s Kronom na zajatia Dia. Sila a moc titanov je stále väčšia, zato Diovi jeho božská sila dochádza a na zemi sa rozpúta peklo. S pomocou kráľovnej Andromedy, Poseidonove polobožského syna Argenora a padlého boha Hefaista sa Perseus vydáva na zradnú a nebezpečnú výpravu do podsvetia, aby oslobodil Dia, premohol titánov a zachránil tak celé ľudstvo.


Súboj Titanov

Súboj Titanov 2010


Vo filme Súboj titanov stavia boj o moc muža proti kráľom a kráľov proti bohom. Boj medzi bohmi samotnými môže zničiť celý svet. Perseus - syn boha vychovávaný človekom - neuspeje v záchrane svojej rodiny pred Hadom, pomstychtivým bohom podsvetia. Keď už nemá čo stratiť, rozhodne sa pre nebezpečnú misiu, cieľom ktorej je zničiť Háda skôr, než sa jemu podarí zničiť Dia a rozpútať peklo na zemi. Perseus sa s vernými spolubojovníkmi vydáva na nebezpečnú cestu hlboko do zakázaných svetov. Musí sa stretnúť s pekelnými démonmi a desivými obludami. Zvíťazí iba, ak prijme svoju moc a silu ako boh a vzoprie sa svojmu osudu a pôjde svojou vlastnou cestou.


Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat 2021


Cole Young je bojovník MMA. Nevie však nič o tetovaní draka, s ktorým sa narodil, o svojom dedičstve, ani o tom, prečo cisár Vonkajšieho sveta Shang Tsung vyslal svojho najlepšieho bojovníka Sub-Zera, aby Colea chytil. V strachu o svoju rodinu prijme Cole radu veliteľa špeciálnych jednotiek Jaxa a vydá sa hľadať Sonyu Blade. Vďaka tomu sa dostane do chrámu Lorda Raidena, ochrancu Zeme, ktorý dušiam s dračím znamením poskytuje útočisko. Cole uňho začne trénovať so skúsenými bojovníkmi Liu Kangom, Kungom Lao a žoldnierom Kanom, aby sa pripravil na zápas najlepších svetových bojovníkov s nepriateľmi z Vonkajšieho sveta. V stávke je totiž osud celého vesmíru...


Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat 1995


Na počiatku démonický zloduch a hltač duší Shang Tsung rôznymi úskokmi priláka na palubu starobylej plachetnice skupinu bojovníkov - mnícha Liu Kanga, ktorý chce pomstiť smrť svojho mladšieho brata, herca Johnnyho Cage, ktorého už nebaví hrať v hlúpych filmoch, policajtku Sonju Bladeovú, ktorá prenasleduje nebezpečného zločinca. Loď trojicu odvezie do inej dimenzie, kde sa má na tropickom ostrove celý turnaj konať. Ich radcom a duchovným vodcom sa stane mystický Lord Rayden, boh hromu a blesku. Ten hrdinom odhalí, že ich víťazstvo či prehra rozhodne o budúcnosti sveta, pretože nejde o obyčajný turnaj, ale o mystické stretnutie dobra a zla.


Súboj Titanov

Súboj Titanov 1981


Perzeus bojuje s čarami, s antickými bohmi a príšerami, aby zachránil krásnu Andromedu pred morským netvorom. Ako syn boha Dia a pozemskej krásky je však nevedomky zatiahnutý do žiarlivých scén Diovej manželky Héry a hnevlivých konfliktov ostatných bohov. Perzeus využije magické zbrane, ktorými ho vyzbrojili bohovia na príkaz Dia, a v nebezpečnej nočnej výprave sa mu podarí odhaliť odpoveď na novú hádanku Andromedy, ktorú musí uhádnuť ten, kto si ju chce vziať za ženu. Radosť však netrvá dlho, lebo márnivá kráľovná Kasiopeia urazí Thetis a bohyňa žiada za odplatu Andromedinu smrť. Kasiopeia ju musí za tridsať dní na morskom brehu obetovať Krakenovi. A tak má Perzeus len tridsať dní na to, aby svojej milovanej žene zachránil život.


Herkules a stratené kráľovstvo

Herkules a stratené kráľovstvo 1994


V dávnych dobách si bohovia pohrávali s ľuďmi ako s bábkami. Herkules, sprevádzaný krásnu Déianeirou, sa vydáva zachrániť Tróju. Bohyňa Héra však nemanželskému synovi svojho muža Dia nepraje...


Herkules a Amazonky

Herkules a Amazonky 1994


Herkules sa vracia do dediny z jedného zo svojich dobrodružstiev a je privítaný Lolausom. Ten mu oznámi, že sa bude ženiť a požiada ho, či by mu nešiel za svedka. Obaja muži kráčajú lesom a nostalgicky spomínajú, ako je to dlho, čo sa nevideli. Lolaus rozpráva Herkulesovi a o svojej nastávajúcej, ktorá sa volá Ania. V tom počuje na dievčenský plač ozývajúci sa neďaleko obetného oltára. Dievča im rozpráva, že monštrum zabilo jej otca, keď spolu obetovali bohyňi. Herkules skúša utíšiť dievča a pýta sa, ako by jej mohol pomôcť, ale ona sa náhle premení v monštrum. Hercules jej odsekne hlavu a myslí si, že je mŕtve. Spoločne s Lolausom odchádza, ale keď sa otočí, zistí, že monštrum nie je mŕtve, ale v mieste odseknutej hlavy mu narástli dve nové hlavy...


Mythica: Železná koruna

Mythica: Železná koruna 2016


Mladá mocná čarodejnica Marek získala posledný kúsok prekliateho magického artefaktu. Lenže ustrážiť ho dokážu len bohovia. Čarodejnica sa preto vydá na cestu v sprievode nesúrodej skupiny hrdinov, ktorí ukradli obrnený parostroj. Čoskoro sa všetci ocitajú v nebezpečnom zovretí medzi neúprosnými žoldniermi a trojicou zlovoľných démonov. Čarodejnica sa musí naučiť veriť v samu seba, inak príde o magický artefakt, jej priatelia zahynú a zlý černokňažník zamorí svet légiami mŕtvych.


Herkules a ohnivý kruh

Herkules a ohnivý kruh 1994


Kráľovná bohov Héra odniesla pochodeň s večným ohňom a ľudstvu hrozí záhuba. Nepremožiteľný Herkules je povolaný, aby dal veci do poriadku. Ako vždy mu na stojí v ceste mnoho prekážok...


Herkules v podsvetí

Herkules v podsvetí 1994


Tentoraz Herkules cestuje do ríše mŕtvych, musí zachrániť dedinu, kde praská zem a otvára sa podsvetie. Vydáva sa na cestu a netuší, že bohyňa Héra sleduje každý jeho krok a ohrozuje všetko, čo je mu drahé. Hrdina však odhalí každú pasť...


Herkules v bludisku Minotaura

Herkules v bludisku Minotaura 1994


V tomto filme sa s Herkulesom stretávame v dobe, keď sa už zdá, že všetky príšery na svete boli vyhubené. Z Herkulesa sa stal roľník, starajúci sa o svoju rodinu a spomínajúc na staré časy plné dobrodružstiev. Jedného dňa Herkulesa navštívi starý priateľ Lolaos a spolu sa vydávajú do Alturie, aby premohli bájneho Minotaura.


TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy-

TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- 2021


Makoto Misumi is just an ordinary high school student living a regular life, but all of a sudden gets summoned to the other world to become a "hero." The goddess of the other world, however, insults him for being different and strips his "hero" title, before casting him off to the wilderness at the edge of the world. As he wanders the wilderness, Makoto encounters dragons, spiders, orcs, dwarves, and all sorts of non-human tribes. Because Makoto comes from a different world, he is able to unleash unimaginable magical powers and combat skills. But just how will he handle his encounters with various species and survive in his new environment. In this fantasy, Makoto tries to transform the other world into a better place despite the humans and gods having turned their backs on him.


By the Grace of the Gods

By the Grace of the Gods 2020


Only 39 years into a life full of bad luck, Ryoma Takebayashi passes away in his sleep! Taking pity on him, three divine beings show compassion by reincarnating him as a young boy to a magical, new world. Now he spends his time researching and caring for slimes in the forest. But after healing an injured traveler, Ryoma decides to set out with his new friends on a journey to use his power to help others. A whole new world awaits him, where his skills as a magic user and slime tamer continue to elicit surprise and admiration.


Eternal Faith

Eternal Faith 1970


Xie Lian, the crown prince of Xian Le Kingdom, successfully ascends to Heaven during his third trial in spite of successive demotions. However, he accidentally breaks the Gold Palace of heavenly officials. With no human worshiping him, Xie Lian has to descend to the secular world to exorcise ghosts, which may help him sustain his divinity.


Record of Ragnarok

Record of Ragnarok 2021


Before eradicating humankind from the world, the gods give them one last chance to prove themselves worthy of survival. Let the Ragnarok battles begin.


Xena: Warrior Princess

Xena: Warrior Princess 1995


Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Accompanied by her comrade-in-arms Gabrielle, the campy couple use their formidable fighting skills to help those who are unable to defend themselves.


Dragon Ball Super

Dragon Ball Super 2015


With Majin Buu defeated half-a-year prior, peace returns to Earth, where Son Goku (now a radish farmer) and his friends now live peaceful lives. However, a new threat appears in the form of Beerus, the God of Destruction. Considered the most terrifying being in the entire universe, Beerus is eager to fight the legendary warrior seen in a prophecy foretold decades ago known as the Super Saiyan God. The series retells the events from the two Dragon Ball Z films, Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F' before proceeding to an original story about the exploration of alternate universes.


Kamisama Kiss

Kamisama Kiss 2012


Nanami was just a normal high school girl down on her luck until a stranger’s lips marked her as the new Land God and turned her world upside down. Now, she’s figuring out the duties of a deity with the help of Tomoe, a reformed fox demon who reluctantly becomes her familiar in a contract sealed with a kiss. The new responsibilities—and boys—are a lot to handle, like the crow demon masquerading as a gorgeous pop idol and the adorable snake spirit who’s chosen the newly minted god to be his bride. As the headstrong Tomoe tries to whip her into shape, Nanami finds that love just might have cute, pointed fox ears. With romance in the air, will the human deity be able to prove herself worthy of her new title?


The Success Of Empyrean Xuan Emperor

The Success Of Empyrean Xuan Emperor 2021


Wang Fan, who masters the original technique of martial arts, Empyrean Xuan Knack, used to be just a common student in the Golden Academy. However, to get revenge for his senior, he put on the Silver Tiger King Mask, and since then, the name Silver Tiger King has been dominating the world. I’m Wang Fan. Wang stands for the king, and Fan means being common. With the mask, I’m Silver Tiger King, but without it, I am but a common man.


Moon Knight

Moon Knight 2022


When Steven Grant, a mild-mannered gift-shop employee, becomes plagued with blackouts and memories of another life, he discovers he has dissociative identity disorder and shares a body with mercenary Marc Spector. As Steven/Marc’s enemies converge upon them, they must navigate their complex identities while thrust into a deadly mystery among the powerful gods of Egypt.


Heaven Official's Blessing

Heaven Official's Blessing 2020


In a world where select mortals can ascend to godhood and achieve immortality, the disgraced Crown Prince of a centuries-old fallen kingdom ascends to Heaven for the third time after two consecutive demotions, to the dismay of other Heaven Officials. With almost 800 years since his last ascension and all his worshippers long perished, he decides to exorcise ghosts in the mortal world to help him sustain his divinity. An unanticipated encounter with the enigmatic Ghost King whose disdain for the Gods shakes the Heavens finds him solace after prolonged habituated loneliness.


The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses

The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses 2023


After inheriting his late grandmother’s failing café, Hayato sees it as a bother and plans to sell it for a quick buck. Until he discovers five beautiful girls staying there! When they beg him to keep the café open, Hayato reluctantly gives in. Can he manage the seaside shop while learning to live with these unruly women?


The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace

The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace 2021


It has been 800 years since the incredibly fast and powerful gods of battle known as the Idaten had sealed away the demons after an intense battle. Now, that battle is just considered a myth or a fairytale. While the current generation of Idaten who have never even had to fight are enjoying their peaceful lives, someone awakened the demons once again! Armed forces, ingenuity, politics, and intrigue. If you've got it, use everything you can! This three-way battle royale with no rules and no limits is about to begin!!


American Gods

American Gods 2017


An ex-con becomes the traveling partner of a conman who turns out to be one of the older gods trying to recruit troops to battle the upstart deities. Based on Neil Gaiman's fantasy novel.


The Faraway Paladin

The Faraway Paladin 2021


In a city of the dead, long since ruined and far from human civilization, lives a single human child. His name is Will, and he's being raised by three undead: the hearty skeletal warrior, Blood; the graceful mummified priestess, Mary; and the crotchety spectral sorcerer, Gus. The three pour love into the boy, and teach him all they know. But one day, Will starts to wonder: "Who am I?" Will must unravel the mysteries of this faraway dead man's land, and unearth the secret pasts of the undead. He must learn the love and mercy of the good gods, and the bigotry and madness of the bad. And when he knows it all, the boy will take his first step on the path to becoming a Paladin.



Hercules 1998


Follow Herc's many labors during the years he spent training on how to be a hero under the tutelage of satyr Phil. Many of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses pay visit to the young hero-to-be and help or hinder him in his new adventures.


The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure

The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure 2023


After dying in the act of stopping a crime in modern Japan, our hero is reincarnated as Cain von Silford, third son of a noble family in a world of swords and sorcery. In his new life, all children receive a blessing from the gods...but Cain is unexpectedly blessed with an absolutely enormous, over-the-top cornucopia of magical powers. If his dream of traveling the world as a free spirit is to come true, he can't reveal too much of his potential to the wrong people. A light-hearted, escapist adventure in another world begins!


Yuuki Yuuna Is a Hero

Yuuki Yuuna Is a Hero 2014


Yuuki Yuuna is an ordinary second-year middle school student. She gets up in the morning, gets ready for school, goes to classes, participates in club activities, and has fun with her friends. But there is one extraordinary thing about Yuuna -- she belongs to the “Brave Hero Club.” What does the Brave Hero Club do? Who is the mysterious being called “Vertex?” Yuuki Yuuna and her friends’ story takes place in Year 300, Divine Era


Blood of Zeus

Blood of Zeus 2020


In a brewing war between the gods of Olympus and the titans, Heron, a commoner living on the outskirts of ancient Greece, becomes mankind's best hope of surviving an evil demon army, when he discovers the secrets of his past.


Devilman Crybaby

Devilman Crybaby 2018


Akira Fudo learns from his best friend Ryo Asuka that demons will revive and reclaim the world from humans. With humans hopeless against this threat, Ryo suggests combining with a demon. With this, Akira becomes Devilman, a being with the power of demon but with a human heart.


Ah! My Goddess

Ah! My Goddess 2005


Keiichi Morisato is looking forward to university life. But in reality, he has no luck in anything, and he has trouble with clubs, love, etc. The truth is that he has an unlucky star above his head. One day, Keiichi is stuck watching the dorm while his sempai are away, and has a mountain of chores to do to boot. But Keiichi is a good-natured person, and is set about doing his duties. As he is about to finish his final chore, he makes a phone call to his sempai. But the words that came through the receiver are, 'Goddess Help Line.' Shortly afterwards, a beautiful goddess named Belldandy appears in front of him from the mirror of his room.