Papierové mestá

Papierové mestá 2015


Quentin Jacobsen je normálny trochu bojazlivý chlapec, ktorý má od detstva rád svoju susedku s menom dlhým ako jej nohy: Margo Rothovou Spiegelmanovou. Quentin je pravidelným svedkom jej neuveriteľných dobrodružstiev a takisto jej tajným ctiteľom. A to až do jednej noci, keď mu Margo zaklope na okno a vytiahne ho na podivuhodnú trestnú výpravu namierenú proti jej bývalému priateľovi spojenú s vtipnou a niekoľkonásobnou pomstou. Vďaka tejto nočnej výprave sa Quentonovi nie len splní sen o zblížení s tajnou láskou, ale prežije aj dobrodružstvo, ktorému sa skôr vyhýbal. Lenže druhý deň ráno ich dobrodružstvo skončí a nastane nový deň. Margo v škole chýba. A aj ďalšie dni. Quentin začne pátrať a skoro si uvedomí, že Margo miluje záhady a takisto, že pre neho zanechala určité stopy a zašifrované odkazy...



Ashby 2015


Keď Ed Wallis nastúpi v novom meste na novú školu, jeho prvou úlohou je napísať esej o niektorom z príslušníkov staršej generácie. Obráti sa preto na svojho suseda, samotára Ashbyho, ktorý mu prisľúbi pomoc, ale len pod jednou podmienkou: keď bude mať Ashby nejaké pochôdzky, musí ho Ed voziť po meste. Chlapec však netuší, že je Ashby bývalý zabijak CIA, ktorému zostáva len pár mesiacov života. A čo viac, Ashby zistí, že na neho pred niekoľkými rokmi jeho bývalí šéfovia ušili búdu a prinútili ho zabiť nevinného muža. Rozhodne sa preto pred svojou smrťou zavraždiť. Ed tak nevedomky robí Ashbymu, ktorý sleduje a zneškodňuje svoje staré kolegov, vodiča na úteku z miesta činu. Počas toho sa medzi nimi vytvorí silné puto. Ashby zapĺňa prázdnotu, ktorú v sebe Ed po otcovom odchode pociťoval, a povzbudzuje ho, aby odhalil svoj skrytý talent a vstúpil do školského futbalového tímu - na veľké prekvapenie všetkých spolužiakov i dievčaťa, ktorú Ed tajne miluje.


13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why 2017


After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice.


The Quintessential Quintuplets

The Quintessential Quintuplets 2019


Fuutarou Uesugi is a poor, antisocial ace student who one day meets the rich transfer student Itsuki Nakano. They argue but when Uesugi realizes he is to be her tutor, he tries to get on better terms. While trying to do so he meets four other girls.


Saved by the Bell

Saved by the Bell 1989


Lovable schemer Zack Morris leads his pals on adventures at California's Bayside High School. The friends navigate relationships, final exams, school dances, breakups and more while frequently frustrating their principal, Mr. Richard Belding, who does his best to keep them in check.


The Queen’s Classroom

The Queen’s Classroom 2013


A lot of stories unfold when Ms. Ma, a cold-hearted witch, becomes a homeroom teacher at an elementary school.


School 2013

School 2013 2012


Go Nam-soon, a young boy, constantly gets bullied by a group in his class. Later, one of his old rivals joins his school. Eventually, they are able to sort out their differences.


The World of My 17

The World of My 17 2020


It tells the story of four high school girls and their struggles, disappointments, and precious memories as they grow together, learning to become true friends for one another. Oh Na Ri is a high school freshman who feels confident after she successfully lost weight. However, her self-esteem is lowered by pretty girls she meets named Im Yoo Na, Im Sun Ji, and Seo Mi Rae. Although she dreams of normal school life, she is met with numerous trials. Im Yoo Na is Na Ri’s childhood friend and a classy girl. She is not lacking in any aspect, whether it’s her appearance or her family background. However, she grows exhausted at fake people around her. She only considers Na Ri as her one true friend. Im Sun Ji, who appears innocent in the appearance, but is in the front to stand up for Na Ri when she faces trouble. Seo Mi Rae is a popular girl among the students. Although she is busy as an idol trainee, she becomes curious about Na Ri after realizing how much Yoo Na admires her.


Thorn Castle

Thorn Castle 1967


A story about two urban boys, who spend a summer at the romantic Kis-Balaton side with an old field keeper, and gradually change their point of view about their civilized life, and fall in love with the nature.