
Land 2021




Sucho 2021


Agent Aaron Falk sa po dlhých dvadsiatich rokoch vracia do rodného mesta, aby sa zúčastnil na pohrebe starého priateľa z detstva Luka, ktorý údajne zabil svoju ženu a dieťa a potom si vzal život. Zrejme sa stal obeťou šialenstva, ktoré sužuje miestnych obyvateľov už viac ako desať rokov strašného sucha. Falk neochotne sľúbi, že tu chvíľu zostane a prípad vyšetrí. Jeho návrat však otvorí staré rany a odhalí temné tajomstvá odľahlého mestečka, ako napríklad nevysvetliteľnú smrť sedemnásťročnej Ellie Deaconovej. Falk má podozrenie, že tieto dve tragické udalosti spolu nejako súvisia, hoci ich delia desiatky rokov. Keď sa snaží dokázať svoju a Lukovu nevinu, narazí na hradbu predsudkov a nahromadený hnev vydesenej komunity.


We Have Always Lived in the Castle

We Have Always Lived in the Castle 2019


Izolovaná rodina, ktorá už zažila stratu štyroch členov vďaka otrave, používa rituály a talizmany aby si udržala odstup od nepriateľských obyvateľov.


Nič ma nezastaví

Nič ma nezastaví 2015


Lisa Brennan, agentka FBI a slobodná matka malej dcérky Sophie, si ide po ťažkom období v pracovnom aj osobnom živote oddýchnuť na dovolenku do Maroka. Tá sa však zmení na najhoršie peklo po tom, čo jej dcérku unesú ľudia z medzinárodnej organizácie obchodu s deťmi. Zúfalá matka sa pri hľadaní dcérky nezastaví pred ničím. Nezastavia ju ani drsné zranenia, ktoré počas pátrania utrpí. V pustej krajine však môže dôverovať len sama sebe. Vďaka jej prepojeniu na USA sa postupne ukazuje, že v stávke je oveľa viac, ako sa na prvý pohľad zdalo...


Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan 2013


Many years ago, the last remnants of humanity were forced to retreat behind the towering walls of a fortified city to escape the massive, man-eating Titans that roamed the land outside their fortress. Only the heroic members of the Scouting Legion dared to stray beyond the safety of the walls – but even those brave warriors seldom returned alive. Those within the city clung to the illusion of a peaceful existence until the day that dream was shattered, and their slim chance at survival was reduced to one horrifying choice: kill – or be devoured!


Blood Blockade Battlefront

Blood Blockade Battlefront 2015


One day, New York City as we know it vanished overnight into a mysterious fog. Now known as Hellsalem's Lot, it has become a place where another world beyond imagining is connected to our reality. The balance within this new world is protected by a secret society known as Libra. Leo, a journalist and photographer who arrives in the city, is unexpectedly recruited to join their ranks.



Hinterland 2013


Tom Mathias comes to Aberystwyth having abandoned his life in London. He's a brilliant but troubled man. Despite his faults he is an excellent detective, who knows that the key to solving the crime lies not in where you look for truth, but how you look.


One of Us

One of Us 2016


A horrific double murder rocks the lives of two families living side-by-side in isolated rural Scotland. But instead of focusing on the investigation, One of Us explores the fallout for the grieving relatives, and the dark consequences that threaten to shatter their lives.



Southcliffe 2013


Following a raft of shootings in an English market town, the crimes are retold in a nonlinear narrative structure through the eyes of a journalist and the tragedies' victims.


Water Under the Bridge

Water Under the Bridge 1980


Water Under the Bridge is a 1980 mini series based on the 1977 novel by Sumner Locke Elliott.


The Half Brother

The Half Brother 2013


Revolving around the life of un-produced screenwriter Barnum Nilsen, The Half Brother is a dramatic family saga that offers an historical parable of 20th century Europe. On V Day, May 1945, as a continent emerges from war, Barnum’s mother Vera is raped in her attic in Oslo by an unknown man, leading to the birth of Barnum’s half brother, Fred. When Barnum is born five years later, to the man that Vera has since met and married, the Nilsen family, like Europe, is already splitting in two. Growing up together during the Cold War – Barnum with his father, Fred searching for his – the half brothers become estranged and Fred eventually disappears. At the film festival in Berlin in 1990, as the Wall is still coming down, Barnum learns that Fred has returned. Finally, as the true identity of Fred’s father comes to light, the two half brothers may once again be reunited.