Deň pred krízou

Deň pred krízou 2011


Erica Dalea, šéfa úseku správy rizík, nečakane prepustili po 18-tich rokov vyčerpávajúcej práce, a s ním aj osemdesiat percent finančníkov pracujúcich na jeho poschodí. Lenže nikto netušil, že v Ericovom počítači tiká nastražená bomba. Bomba v podobe analýzy, ktorá nemilosrdne ukazuje, že firma stojí na pokraji nepredstaviteľnej krízy. Straty prevyšujú hodnotu majetku firmy. K destabilizácii ekonomickej situácie došlo vďaka obchodom s hypotekárnymi istinami s fixnou sadzbou. Krátko po polnoci zvolajú mimoriadnu poradu najvyššieho vedenia firmy. Situácia na Wall Street sa začína vymykať spod kontroly bankárov. Bohatí a mocní muži sa však neštítia žiadnych špinavostí, záchrana ich vlastných miliónov je pre nich prioritou, a to bez ohľadu na globálne dôsledky.


Moja krásna učiteľka

Moja krásna učiteľka 2011


Larry, chlapík v strednom veku, ktorý „vďaka“ ekonomickej kríze stratí prácu. Do vtedy pracoval ako úspešný šéf v hypermarkete. Larry príde na to, že bez vzdelania dobrú prácu nezíska, a preto sa rozhodne pre návrat do školských lavíc. Chce si rozšíriť svoje obzory, ale hlavne získať lepšiu kvalifikáciu pre svoje budúce povolanie. V škole sa zapíše na hodiny komunikácie a nečakane sa zamiluje do svojej učiteľky Mercedes (Julia Roberts), ktorá vo svojom osobnom živote rieši spory s manželom. Obyčajný chlap ako Larry, ktorý má veľa dôvodov sa domnieva, že mu život už nič mimoriadne neprinesie dostane novú životnú lekciu: Keď si myslíš, že všetko čo malo zmysel je už dávno preč, objavíš dôvod prečo žiť.



Korporácia 2003


Od konca 18-teho storočia, americké právne rozhodnutie, že na organizačný model obchodných spoločností sa nazerá ako na osobu, sa stalo dominantnou ekonomickou, politickou a spoločenskou silou na celej Zemi. Tento film do hĺbky psychologicky skúma organizačný model skrz rozličné prípadové štúdie. Čo štúdia osvetľuje je, že vo svojom správaní, sa tento typ "osoby" typicky správa ako nebezpečne deštruktívny psychopat bez svedomia. Ďalej vidíme hrozbu, ktorú tento psychopat predstavuje pre náš svet a našu budúcnosť, ale tiež čo môžu ľudia s odvahou, inteligenciou a odhodlaním urobiť, aby ju zastavili.



Collapse 2009


Film sa zaoberá nielen o kolapse našej civilizácie tak, ako ju poznáme, ale tiež životom bývalého policajta Michaela C. Rupperta. Michael predstavuje svoju víziu kolapsu na konci veku ropy, kvôli ktorej ľudia vedú vojny, podplácajú a vraždia a ktorú v budúcnosti nebude možné ničím nahradiť. V dokumente sú použité ako oficiálne dokumenty a vyhlásenia, tak i sedliacky rozum a kritické myslenie zmieneného protagonistu. Námet vychádza z knižky A Presidential Energy Policy. Dokument je vyústením Ruppertovej práce investigatívneho žurnalistu, ktorým bol po zhruba tridsať rokov, keď sa zaoberal problematikou pašovania drog CIA, vládnej korupcie, 11. septembra, vojny na Strednom východe, ekonomiky, fosílnych palív, atď.


How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom

How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom 2021


Suddenly summoned to a fantasy world and betrothed to the princess, Kazuya Souma is crowned the new king. Unlike the royalty before him, he won’t be using swords and magic to rule; will administrative reform really get this kingdom back on track?



Precht 2012


German talkshow hosted by Richard David Precht, a well known german philosopher and publisher, in which he speaks with a guest about a topic from culture, science, economy or politics in every episode


[C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control

[C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control 2011


Kimimaro works two jobs to make ends meet. He could go from pauper to prince in a parallel world called the Financial District—if he’ll invest his future as collateral in a dangerous game. Winning gets you more wealth, but losing could erase you from existence. When the destructive forces at play compel Kimimaro to confront the most powerful player, can he save the real world from total collapse?


101 East

101 East 2007


Bold, untold stories from across Asia and the Pacific. Al Jazeera's in-depth, weekly current affairs programme from the world's most populated region.


Fatos e Versões

Fatos e Versões 1970


Cristiana Lôbo receives in the studio, renowned journalists from newspapers and magazines to talk about the main themes of the week in Brasilia, revealing what is happening behind the scenes regarding politics, economy and the judiciary.


Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box 1992


Pandora's Box is a six-part 1992 BBC documentary television series which examines the consequences of political and technocratic rationalism. The episodes deal, in order, with communism in The Soviet Union, systems analysis and game theory during the Cold War, economy in the United Kingdom during the 1970s, the insecticide DDT, Kwame Nkrumah's leadership in Ghana during the 1950s and 1960s and the history of nuclear power.


Crash Course Economics

Crash Course Economics 2015


In which Adriene Hill and Jacob Clifford teach you all about economics.


Visionaries: Small Solutions to Enormously Large Problems

Visionaries: Small Solutions to Enormously Large Problems 1970


An anthology series of seven documentary films written and directed by Tony Gailey and Julian Russell. Each piece examines the work of a living person who is a revolutionary thinker in their field. What the subjects have in common is a creative contribution to humanity that has the potential to elicit a paradigm shift—either by addressing global socioeconomic problems, or providing a radical scientific model to understanding a complex system.


The Western Tradition

The Western Tradition 1989


Covering the ancient world through the age of technology, this illustrated lecture by Eugen Weber presents a tapestry of political and social events woven with many strands — religion, industry, agriculture, demography, government, economics, and art. A visual feast of over 2,700 images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art portrays key events that shaped the development of Western thought, culture, and tradition.


Teenage Boss

Teenage Boss 2018


Hosted by Australia's star mathematics teacher, Eddie Woo, follow fifteen teenagers from across Australia, as they take control of the family finances for a month, with some surprising (or perhaps not so surprising) results.


Wasted Windfall

Wasted Windfall 1994


Three part documentary series about the discovery and exploitation of North Sea oil and its political and economic consequences.


The Silver Platter

The Silver Platter 2015


The Silver Platter is an award-winning 3-episode documentary focused on Israel's economic and social issues, which was created by Doron Tsabari, one of Israel's most decorated documentary filmmakers, and Amir Ben-David. Tsabari is a film director and a professor of film and television at Sapir Academic College. Tsabari directed 11 films and television series and won 6 Ophir Awards, Israel most prestigious film award.