Sicario: Nájomný zabijak

Sicario: Nájomný zabijak 2015


Agentka FBI je zaradená do elitnej vládnej jednotky, ktorá má za úlohu pomáhať vo vojne proti drogám na hranici medzi USA a Mexikom. Je to územie nikoho, kde neplatia žiadne zákony a pre členov tímu sa misia stáva otázkou života a smrti.


Bojová loď

Bojová loď 2012


Ešte donedávna by ste v americkom námorníctve len s veľkou námahou našli dôstojníka, ktorý tak rýchlo vystúpal po kariérnom rebríčku ako Alex Hopper. Lenže potom, presne v duchu známeho príslovia „keď je koze dobre, ide na ľad tancovať“, urobil osudovú chybu, ktorá ho môže raz a navždy zraziť medzi obyčajný plebs – ako na potvoru sa totiž zamiloval akurát do krásnej Sam, dcéry námorného admirála Shanea. A to je naozaj veľký problém, s ktorým mu pri najlepšej vôli nedokáže pomôcť ani jeho starší brat Stone, veliteľ bojovej lode USS Samson... Alex má navyše len minimum času na analýzu svojho osudu, pretože počas medzinárodného cvičenia námorných síl v Pacifiku sa jeho jednotka zrazu ocitne v nezávideniahodnej situácii, na ktorú by ho nedokázala pripraviť ani tá najlepšia vojenská škola sveta – uprostred šíreho oceánu totiž flotilu napadnú gigantické bojové stroje mimozemskej veľmoci!


Ona je on!

Ona je on! 2006


Viola je hráčka v dievčenskom futbalovom tíme. Po tom, čo sa jej tím rozpadne, Viola sa rozhodne, že bude hrať v chlapčenskom družstve. Ale to jej vedenie tímu nepovolí z jednoduchého dôvodu - je dievča. Lenže Viola je tvrdohlavá a keď si niečo zaumieni, tak to dosiahne. Rozhodne sa teda predstierať, že je dvojča svojho brata Sebastiana. V prezlečení za Sebastiana sa Viola začlení do chlapčenského tímu. A tak sa začínajú dobrodružstvá, ktoré dajú Viole poriadne zabrať. Čo však absolútne neplánovala, je, že sa zamiluje do svojho spoluhráča Dukea. Návrat Sebastiana však Viole všetko skomplikuje. Sebastian totiž netuší, že jeho miesto v tíme zaberá jeho sestra. Podarí sa nakoniec Viole priviesť veci na správnu mieru, vrátane vzťahu s Dukeom?


Hurá na futbal

Hurá na futbal 2013


Amadeo už od malička trénuje so svojimi kamarátmi futbal. Myslíte, že behá po trávniku? Omyl! Jeho spoluhráči sú sedem palcov veliké figúrky a ihriskom futbalový stôl. Mimo to pracuje v malom bare v zapadnutej dedinke a je zamilovaný do Laury, svojej najlepšie kamarátky. Je však natoľko hanblivý, že sa jej bojí otvoriť svoje srdce. Ako čas plynie, vyrastie z neho najtalentovanejší hráč v stolnom futbale všetkých čias. Jedného dňa sa ale stane niečo, čo navždy zmení jeho doteraz pokojný život. Do dediny sa vráti Ace, najlepší svetový futbalista a chce odvetu za jedinú porážku, ktorú kedy utrpel. Bez varovania nechá zničiť futbalový stôl, zdemolovať bar a chystá sa zrovnať dedinu so zemou. Amadeo so zlomenou dušou nad ruinami vyroní slzu, ktorá privedie k životu figúrky z jeho milovaného fotbálkového stola a tým odštartuje neobyčajné dobrodružstvo.


Ružový panter

Ružový panter 2006


Svetoznámy futbalový tréner Yves Gluant sa svojím francúzskym futbalovým mužstvom práve zvíťazil nad tímom Číny. Vo chvíli, keď slávi triumf so svojimi oddanými fanúšikmi a krásnou milenkou, medzinárodnou popovou hviezdou Xaniou, je však náhle napadnutý otrávenou šípkou. V panike sa záhadne stratí jeho diamantový prsteň nevyčísliteľnej hodnoty - Ružový panter. Prípadom je poverený hlavný inšpektor Dreyfus, ktorý sa však usiluje o prestížne vyznamenanie, o ktoré sa v minulosti neúspešne pokúšal už šesťkrát. S vedomím, že nesmie spraviť žiadnu chybu, donúti k prípadu nezdolného inšpektora Clouseaua.



Grimsby 2016


Nobby má všetko, čo si muž môže priať - 9 detí a priateľku, ktorú nadovšetko miluje. Chýba mu len jediné: jeho mladší brat Sebastian, ktorého už 28 rokov márne hľadá. Keď Nobby svojho brata konečne nájde, netuší, že má pred sebou najnebezpečnejšieho agenta MI6, ktorý práve odhalil tajné plány teroristického útoku. Sebastian je však krivo obvinený a dáva sa na útek. S hrôzou si uvedomí, že ak má zachrániť svet, nezaobíde sa bez pomoci najväčšieho blbca na zemi - svojho brata.


Víkendoví rebeli

Víkendoví rebeli 2023


Malý Jason nezapadá do triedy, pretože má poruchu autistického spektra. Hoci je veľmi inteligentný, škola rodine odporúča, aby ho dala do špeciálnej školy. Medzi ním a jeho otcom Mircom však vznikne nečakaná dohoda - ak mu Mirco pomôže vybrať jeho obľúbený futbalový klub, bude sa snažiť v škole spôsobovať čo najmenej problémov. Má to však háčik... Jason chce navštíviť všetky štadióny v Nemecku!


Pelé: Zrodenie legendy

Pelé: Zrodenie legendy 2016


Príbeh jednej z najväčších legiend najpopulárnejšieho športu na svete, Edisona Arantesa do Nascimenta, známeho po celom svete pod prezývkou "Pelé". "Dico" je malý chlapec, ktorý nadovšetko miluje futbal. Nakoľko žije v jednej z najchudobnejších štvrtí, spolu s kamarátmi nemá najmenší problém, aby si vyrobili loptu z množstva starých handier, ale i vlastných tričiek. Keď jeho milovaný tím národného mužstva Brazílie v roku 1950 záverečnou prehrou s Uruguajom príde o titul majstra sveta, svojmu plačúcemu otcovi dáva odvážny sľub: on pre svoju rodnú krajinu onen posvätný pohár Julesa Rimeta získa. Neubehne dlhý čas a "Dico" dostane ako jeden z najmladších hráčov v histórii MS príležitosť, aby splnil svoj sľub.





After a disastrous defeat at the 2018 World Cup, Japan's team struggles to regroup. But what's missing? An absolute Ace Striker, who can guide them to the win. The Japan Football Union is hell-bent on creating a striker who hungers for goals and thirsts for victory, and who can be the decisive instrument in turning around a losing match...and to do so, they've gathered 300 of Japan's best and brightest youth players. Who will emerge to lead the team...and will they be able to out-muscle and out-ego everyone who stands in their way?


Inazuma Eleven

Inazuma Eleven 2008


Mamoru Endou is a cheerful goalkeeper in Raimon Jr High, with six other players in the team. But there was a day when the team was almost lead to disbandment by Natsumi unless they are able to win the match against the Teikoku Gakuen, currently the best team in Japan. He tried to save the club by gathering four more players to join the team.


Captain Tsubasa

Captain Tsubasa 2018


The passionate story of an elementary school student whose thoughts and dreams revolve almost entirely around the love of soccer. 11-year-old Tsubasa Oozora started playing football at a very young age, and while it was mostly just a recreational sport for his friends, for him, it developed into something of an obsession. In order to pursue his dream to the best of his elementary school abilities, Tsubasa moves with his mother to Nankatsu city, which is well-known for its excellent elementary school soccer teams. But although he was easily the best in his old town, Nankatsu has a lot more competition, and he will need all of his skill and talent in order to stand out from this new crowd.


Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars 2021


Female soccer teams comprised of celebrities and non celebrities, working together to battle it out on the soccer field. Most have little soccer experience, but with the coaching from various Korean soccer legends, the team members grow with a fierce passion that leads to inspiring victories and regretful losses. Each team is grouped by certain types i.e. comedians, models, foreigners, actresses, etc. Unpredictable and exciting, the games are filled with fun intensity and emotions on high.


Match of the Day

Match of the Day 1964


BBC's football highlights and analysis. "The longest-running football television programme in the world" as recognised by Guinness World Records in 2015.


Captain Tsubasa

Captain Tsubasa 1983


Tsubasa Ozora loves playing football since he was a little child. After moving to the japanese town of Nankatsu together with his mother, the 11-year-old boy quickly finds friends and joins the local football team of his elementary school. Together with his newly made friends and Brazilian mentor Roberto, Tsubasa starts his exciting journey to chase after his most desired dream - one day winning the FIFA World Cup.


Brazil Avenue

Brazil Avenue 2012


Brazil Avenue is a dynamic, lifelike, and modern telenovela that reveals how unrelenting ambition and inflicted cruelty can change a young girl’s destiny and lead her to seek revenge.


Ted Lasso

Ted Lasso 2020


Ted Lasso, an American football coach, moves to England when he’s hired to manage a soccer team—despite having no experience. With cynical players and a doubtful town, will he get them to see the Ted Lasso Way?



Once 2017


The series revolves around Gabo, a soccer-loving teenager who, upon receiving a scholarship from the prestigious Sports Academic Institute (IAD) of Buenos Aires, will see his dream of playing at Los Halcones Dorados, the renowned amateur team of the school, and also his longing to become a professional footballer.



Aoashi 2022


Ashito Aoi is a young, aspiring soccer player from a backwater town in Japan. His hopes of getting into a high school with a good soccer club are dashed when he causes an incident during a critical match for his team, which results in their loss and elimination from the tournament. Nevertheless, he catches the eye of someone important who happened to be visiting from Tokyo. How will things turn out for Ashito?


Aoki Densetsu Shoot!

Aoki Densetsu Shoot! 1993


Toshihiko Tanaka is a boy who entered Kakegawa High School with his friends Kenji & Kazuhiro, in order to play soccer with Yoshiharu Kubo, a great soccer player whom they have idolized. While his other two friends were reluctant to play again, "Toshi" eventually convinces them to play for the team. The team soon find themselves in the midst of a quest to the All-Japan High School Championship, while overcoming obstacles along the way.


Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002

Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 2001


Tsubasa becomes a superstar amongst soccer players in Brazil. He is now planning to play in Europe. At an important must-win game, as the fans cheer him on, Tsubasa looks back at the days when he started his soccer life. His passion to make goals and win the game is as strong as it was during his childhood. He recalls the games and moments that had decisive impact on his life. He remembers Goalkeeper Wakabayashi, Genius striker Hyuga, tender-hearted Misaki and Coach Roberto. He was happy to meet them, enjoyed playing with them, and learned many things from them. The whistle sounds and the game begins. Tsubasa dashes for the ball!


Inazuma Eleven: Ares

Inazuma Eleven: Ares 2018


Ares depicts an alternative canon following the events of the first season of the original Inazuma Eleven anime after their victory in the Football Frontier, with the alien attack from the second season never occurring. When Japanese soccer has been deemed weak compared to international competition, the Raimon Eleven disbanded with its members transferring into different soccer teams across the country to strengthen Japan's soccer at a national level. Furthermore, sponsorship has become a vital aspect in a Japanese youth soccer team's survival as it prevents a team's disbandment while being essential to partake in matches. The series focuses on the forward Asuto Inamori and his team, Inakuni Raimon, which is made up of players from the remote Inakunijima Island. Needing to maintain their club, they have replaced the original Raimon Eleven as Raimon Junior High's soccer team and compete as underdogs in the annual Football Frontier youth tournament.


The Knight in the Area

The Knight in the Area 2012


Kakeru and Suguru are brothers who both have a flaming passion for soccer. However, while Suguru becomes a rising star in the Japanese youth soccer system, Kakeru decides to take on a managerial role after struggling on the field. But due to a cruel twist of fate, Kakeru ends up reevaluating the role he has chosen. In hopes of one day being able to enter the World Cup by becoming a member of the national team, Kakeru trains harder than anyone else. He isn’t alone in this quest for glory, though. Kakeru's childhood friend, Nana, is a soccer prodigy of her own, with the wicked nickname “Little Witch”. She is a top-ranked player and is already playing for Nadeshiko Japan, the Japanese women’s national team. Nana's success gives Kakeru the extra push he needs to reach for his goals.


Hungry Heart: Wild Striker

Hungry Heart: Wild Striker 2002


Kyosuke Kano has lived under the shadow of his successful brother Seisuke all his life who is a professional soccer player.


Match of the Day 2

Match of the Day 2 2004


A light-hearted look at the United Kingdom's Premier League action, rounding-up the weekend's football action.


Ginga e Kickoff!!

Ginga e Kickoff!! 2012


The story follows a boy who was in a soccer team, but it was disbanded due to not enough players. However, after the boy meets a female professional soccer player, he aims to bring his soccer team back.


Captain Tsubasa J

Captain Tsubasa J 1994


Captain Tsubasa J is a TV anime series that retells the story of the original manga and also adds some arcs from the World Youth Saga manga. The anime was originally broadcast by Fuji Television in Japan from 1994-10-21 to 1995-12-22 with 47 episodes. The animation was done by Studio Comet. The series was suspended due to budget constraints.


Kung Fu Soccer

Kung Fu Soccer 2004


“Kung Fu Soccer” is about the soccer world intwined with talented people. Each character has a special Kung Fu talent that they use to play soccer. Lam Chung Fu was once a great soccer player in China. While at the top of his soccer-playing career, his brother sets him up and he is forced to give up soccer. One day, Lam meets a young man named Shun aka Little Sun and is impressed by his kung-fu and kicking skills. Lam immediately comes up with an idea to form a Kung-Fu soccer team and apply martial arts skill to the game of soccer. However, things do not go as smoothly as he thinks.


Dream Team

Dream Team 1997


On and off pitch battles of of the fictional Harchester United Football Club.