Končí sa to nami

Končí sa to nami 2024


Krátko po tom, čo si Lily otvorí kvetinárstvo, stretne očarujúceho neurochirurga Rylea. Vznikne medzi nimi intenzívne spojenie, no hoci je Lily čoraz viac zamilovaná, nedokáže ignorovať Ryleovu temnú stránku. Po tom, čo narazí na svoju prvú lásku Atlasa, sa jej vzťah s Ryleom obráti naruby a Lily si uvedomí, že musí objaviť vlastnú vnútornú silu a urobiť neľahké rozhodnutie, ktoré ovplyvní celý jej život.



Chudiatko 2023


Neuveriteľný príbeh a fantastický vývoj Belly Baxterovej, mladej ženy, ktorú priviedol späť k životu skvelý a neortodoxný vedec. Aby uspokojila svoju túžbu po poznaní a zážitkoch, uteká za búrlivým dobrodružstvom naprieč kontinentmi. Zbavená predsudkov svojej doby odhodlane bojuje za rovnosť a oslobodenie.



Neviditeľný 2020


Keď Cecilia pochopila, že chodí s psychopatom, bolo už žiaľ neskoro. Odrezaná od sveta v luxusnom sídle majetníckeho vynálezcu pochopí, že ak chce prežiť, musí ujsť. Podarí sa jej to, a keď sa od ex partnerovho právnika navyše dozvie, že ten jej odchod neuniesol a spáchal samovraždu, môže sa po rokoch znovu slobodne nadýchnuť. Okrem toho je ešte aj veľmi bohatá, lebo jej mŕtvy milenec z nejakého zvláštneho zvráteného dôvodu zanechal obrovský majetok. Tak prečo je stále taká nepokojná? Prečo sa okolo nej dejú veci, ktoré si nevie vysvetliť a ktoré majú stále desivejší priebeh a dôsledky? Existujú len dve vysvetlenia. Buď sa Cecília celkom vážne zbláznila, alebo sa v jej blízkosti pohybuje niekto doslova neviditeľný, niekto, kto má jediný cieľ – pripraviť Cecíliu o všetko, na čom jej v živote záleží.



Posadnutosť 1981


Anna opustila svojho manžela Marka aj ich syna Boba. Mark je rozhodnutý vypátrať pravdu a začne svoju ženu sledovať. Sprvu si myslí, že je za všetkým iný muž. Čoskoro ale spoznáva, že Anna našla niečo iné, čo miluje a nehodlá sa toho vzdať. Jej podivné správanie a bizarné udalosti naznačujú, že ide o niečo temné a znepokojujúce ...


Kde raky spievajú

Kde raky spievajú 2022


Príbeh mladej ženy Kyi, ktorú v detstve opustila celá jej rodina a až do dospelosti vyrastala sama v nebezpečných močiaroch Severnej Karolíny. Celé roky sa šírili v pokojnom mestečku Barkley Cove strašidelné historky o „Dievčati z močiara“, ktoré izolovali Kyu od miestnej komunity. Keď sa v Kyinom živote objavia dvaja mladí muži z mesta, začne sa postupne otvárať novému, neznámemu svetu. Lenže vo chvíli, keď v mestečku dôjde k vražde jedného z nich, miestna komunita ju bezdôvodne označí za hlavnú podozrivú...


Dievča vo vlaku

Dievča vo vlaku 2016


Rachel každé ráno cestuje rovnakým vlakom do Londýna, aby nikto z jej okolia neprišiel na to, že prišla o prácu. Je celkom na dne - jej manželstvo sa rozpadlo a musela sa presťahovať do lacného podnájmu. V jednom z domov pri železničnej trati pozoruje šťastný a na prvý pohľad dokonalý pár a celkom im závidí. Jedného dňa však v tom dome uvidí niečo veľmi zvláštne a od toho okamihu za začne odvíjať šokujúci príbeh, ktorý jej obráti život naruby.


Noci s nepriateľom

Noci s nepriateľom 1991


Laura Burneyová (Julia Robertsová) si zmenila meno, zmenila svoj výzor, a to všetko z jedného dôvodu - aby sa zachránila pred najnebezpečnejším mužom, ktorého pozná. Pred svojím manželom Martinom (Patrick Bergin). Úspešný finančný poradca Martin je totiž despotický žiarlivec, psychopatický brutálny tyran a chorobný puntičkár. Neváhal svoju ženu biť hoci len pre - podľa neho - nesprávne zložené uteráky. Laura žila v ustavičnom strachu pred jeho výbuchmi, slovným i fyzickým týraním. Podarí sa jej uniknúť pred tyranom?



Chlapčenstvo 2014


Počas dvanástich rokov natáčania s rovnakými hercami vznikol tento prielomový film. Strhujúci príbeh o dospievaní je práve vďaka dĺžke natáčania jedinečným filmovým experimentom. Ethan Hawke a Patricia Arquette kraľujú hviezdnemu obsadeniu snímky v úlohách rodičov Masona (Ellar Coltrane). Práve on je chlapcom, ktorý na plátne rastie doslova pred očami. Film úplne novým spôsobom skúma strasti detstva a ponúka pesničkové hity vrátane Yellow skupiny Coldplay a Deep Blue od Arcade Fire. Ide zároveň o nostalgickú spomienku na minulé doby a zároveň ódu na dospievanie a rodičovstvo


Zlo medzi nami

Zlo medzi nami 2003


Erik má 18 rokov a jeho životom sa tiahne línia násilia a konfliktov. Po vyhodení zo školy, je poslaný na internátnu školu Stjärnsberg. Tá má byť poslednou šancou ako ho odtrhnúť od starého života a vrátiť späť k štúdiu. Na internáte sa ale dá zlu ťažko uniknúť - panuje tu systematický teror páchaný na mladších študentoch. Dokáže Erik zlu čeliť, bez toho, aby porušil pravidlá a riskoval tak svoje vylúčenie a celú budúcnosť? Zlo medzi nami je dramatický príbeh o medziľudskom násilí, ale aj o skutočnom priateľstve a zrode lásky.


Dievča, ktoré sa hralo s ohňom

Dievča, ktoré sa hralo s ohňom 2009


Novinár spolupracujúci s časopisom Milénium a jeho partnerka sú zavraždení krátko pred publikovaním materiálu o detskej prostitúcii, korupcii a obchodu s bielym mäsom. Na zbrani nájdenej na mieste činu sa nájdu odtlačky Lisbeth Salanderovej (Noomi Rapace), ktorá sa po roku strávenom v zahraničí vrátila späť do Švédska, aby svojmu opatrovníkovi pripomenula ich starú dohodu. Jej poručník je ale čoskoro nájdený mŕtvy a Lisbeth je aj v tomto prípade podozrivú číslo jedna. Polícia po Lisbeth zahajuje celoštátne pátranie, podporované mediálnou kampaňou, v ktorej sa vyťahujú na svetlo škandalózne informácie o jej potenciálnej nebezpečnosti a problematické minulosti. Novinár Mikael Blomkvist (Michael Nyqvist) je ale presvedčený o jej nevine ...


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1999


In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Let Me Introduce Her

Let Me Introduce Her 2018


In order to live, a woman named Eun Han risks her life by going through a dangerous surgical procedure for a new face. However, due to the after-effects of surgery, she loses her memory. She tries to find the missing pieces of her memory and while suffering from a different face and not knowing about herself, Kang Woo appears in front of her. Kang Woo has been hurt as his lover left him. He suffers as his relationship with his father gets worse. Like they were destined, Eun Han and Kang Woo reunites. He becomes determined to help Eun Han find her memory. As they work together, Kang Woo slowly opens up his closed heart to Eun Han. Meanwhile, Chan Ki, the morning news anchor, lives a perfect life. However, he seems to have a dark side which no one would have ever imagined. This mystery melodrama takes people to unexpected places with unexpected people.



Maid 2021


After fleeing an abusive relationship, a young mother finds a job cleaning houses as she fights to provide for her child and build them a better future.


Fishbowl Wives

Fishbowl Wives 2022


Due to an accident, Sakura Hiraga gave up on her dream. She is now married and her husband runs a hair salon. They live in a luxurious penthouse apartment. Her life seems glamorous and she is envied by everyone. What everyone does not know is that Sakura Hiraga is abused physically and verbally by her husband. She is unable to leave her situation. Sakura Hiraga considers herself a goldfish in a fishbowl. One day, due to a goldfish, she meets a man.


Speed Grapher

Speed Grapher 2005


In the new Tokyo, where every fetish has a face, burned-out war photographer Tatsumi Saiga is slumming in the tabloid wasteland. Sent to dig up dirt on the underground elite, he stumbles upon a depraved ritual below the city—and before the night ends, a single kiss from a young beauty named Kagura Tennouzu ignites a chain of events that could force the entire ruling class to their knees.


The Crack of Dawn‎

The Crack of Dawn‎ 2022


The story tells about the life of an ordinary woman, who needs to work hard to have a stable life. After facing the betrayal of her husband as well as other hardships of life, she manages to have a story of self-salvation.


Lo que callamos las mujeres

Lo que callamos las mujeres 2013


Anthology series that deal with different stories of women, who must endure the abuses and injustices of life.


Last Friends

Last Friends 2008


The series follow the life of Michiru Aida, a beauty parlor assistant who returns to Tokyo after 4 years. Bullied by her seniors at work and abused by her boyfriend, she is reunited with her best friend during high school, Ruka Kishimoto, a skilled motocross racer. Takeru, a make-up artist, is introduced to Ruka by her housemate, Eri and thus begin a journey of friendship.


The Shining

The Shining 1997


A new caretaker moves with his family into the mysterious Overlook Hotel for the winter.



Querer 2024


Miren goes to the police station with her lawyer and denounces her husband for continuous rape during a marriage, perfect for everyone who knows them, which has lasted more than 30 years. Her husband claims not to have done anything wrong and feels a victim, outraged and wronged. Their eldest son decides to support his father because he himself is afraid of having crossed that line. Their youngest son decides to support his mother because he has also felt that invisible violence.



Daughters 2020


Five teenagers suffered neglect from their families. They were entangled in various problems such as rape, homophobia, prostitution, domestic abuse, and drug addiction. One day, all of them decided to flee their house and gathered under one roof, resorting to drugs to numb the pain caused by their problems.


I Bought Boyfriend with Loan

I Bought Boyfriend with Loan 2018


Tae Ukishima works at the front desk for a company. Her dream is to marry a competent man and live as a housewife. Her boyfriend is Shunpei Shiraishi and he works at the same company. They have dated for the past year. To marry him, Tae Ukishima pretends to act like a naive and shy person in front of him. Her real personality though is to speak frankly and making sharp remarks. Tae Ukishima wants to relieve her stress and she decides to purchase Jun Setsuna as her boyfriend. To pay off his debt, Jun Setsuna becomes an obedient boyfriend to Tae Ukishima.


Le Jun Kai

Le Jun Kai 2013


A man lives his life trying to foster a hatred for his enemy and devising ways to seek revenge. Le Jun Kai decides to marry his enemy's daughter, Ye Zi, and then proceeds to mistreat her and make her life as miserable as possible. But his master plan gets complicated when he falls in love with his wife.


I Dated a Psycho

I Dated a Psycho 2013


Girl meets guy; girl falls for guy; guy turns out to have a dark and deadly secret. You know the drill. As women tell their real-life "I Dated An Axe Murderer" stories, police, psychologists and dating experts help unravel the mystery and explain how these relationships went tragically wrong.


The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall 1996


The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is a 1996 British television serial adaptation of Anne Brontë's novel of the same name, produced by BBC and directed by Mike Barker. The serial stars Tara FitzGerald as Helen Graham, Rupert Graves as her abusive husband Arthur Huntington and Toby Stephens as Gilbert Markham.


Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets

Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets 2023


A limited docuseries exposing the truth beneath the wholesome Americana surface of reality tv’s favorite mega-family, The Duggars, and the radical organization behind them: The Institute in Basic Life Principles. As details of the family and their scandals unfold, we realize they’re part of an insidious, much larger threat already in motion, with democracy itself in peril.


Married to Evil

Married to Evil 2023


Think you know the person you married? Think again. These gripping true stories explore the wickedness behind the wedding and show the devastating consequences of what happens when people are betrayed by those who should love them the most.


Sleepless Society: Two Pillows & A Lost Soul

Sleepless Society: Two Pillows & A Lost Soul 2020


An ex-actress who is now the wife of a famous politician is suddenly caught in a murder case. After a party goes haywire, the wife wakes up to the dead body of the stripper her friends hired. The same day she's being questioned, a man turns himself in. The brother of the "murderer" doesn't believe that his brother would truly hurt someone. In order to find out the truth, he gets close to the older married woman who woke up beside the dead body. What started out an investigation will end up as a bittersweet romance, leaving no one without scars.



Ángela 2024


Angela's comfortable London existence implodes when she recognizes domestic mistreatment. A detective unveils her spouse's ominous mysteries, disorienting Angela. Craving freedom, she abandons routine for a dangerous truth-chase.


Angela Black

Angela Black 2021


Angela Black leads a seemingly idyllic life with two beautiful sons and a charming, hard-working husband while covering the fact that she is a victim of domestic violence. Until one day when Angela is approached by Ed – a Private Investigator - and he smashes her already strained domestic life to pieces.