Bodyguardul - Misiune in junglă

Bodyguardul - Misiune in junglă 2023


Un fost agent al forțelor speciale acceptă o slujbă pentru a asigura securitatea unei jurnaliste în timp ce aceasta intervievează un dictator, dar o lovitură de stat militară izbucnește în mijlocul interviului, iar cei doi sunt nevoiți să fugă în junglă, unde trebuie să supraviețuiască.


Ultimul rege al Scoției

Ultimul rege al Scoției 2006


The Last King of Scotland (2006) este un film dramatic inspirat din evenimente reale, care urmărește povestea unui medic scoțian, Nicholas Garrigan, ajuns medic personal al dictatorului ugandez Idi Amin. Fascinat inițial de carisma liderului, Garrigan descoperă treptat natura brutală și paranoia regimului acestuia. Filmul oferă o privire intensă asupra uneia dintre cele mai întunecate perioade din istoria Ugandei, explorând corupția puterii și complicitatea tăcută. Forest Whitaker oferă o interpretare magistrală în rolul lui Idi Amin, care i-a adus un Premiu Oscar, iar filmul combină momente de suspans, dramă politică și introspecție morală.


The Man Standing Next

The Man Standing Next 2020


1979, Coreea de Sud. Agenția Centrală de Informații, cunoscută și sub numele de KCIA, este o agenție aflată sub controlul direct al președintelui, care deține o mare putere. Șeful departamentului și oponenții săi politici se angajează într-o luptă acerbă pentru putere.


Arma perfectă

Arma perfectă 2016


Într-un viitor distopic, un asasin de elită arată o urmă de umanitate și devine curând ținta forțelor totalitare pe care le deservea.



No 2012



Cuéntame cómo pasó

Cuéntame cómo pasó 2001


Recounts the experiences of a middle-class family, the Alcántaras, during the last years of the rule of Francisco Franco and the beginning of the Spanish Transition to democracy.


Conta-me Como Foi

Conta-me Como Foi 2007


Conta-me como foi (transl. Tell me how it was) is a Portuguese television drama series which has been broadcast on RTP1 of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal from 2007 to 2011 and since 2019. It recounts the experiences of a middle-class family, the Lopes (Portuguese: Os Lopes), during the last years of the Estado Novo. In February 2019, RTP announced that the series, after eight years shelved, would be renewed, with the storyline moving firmly into the 1980s. The first episode of the sixth season was broadcast on 7 December 2019 with the Lopes entering 1984.


The Dictator's Playbook

The Dictator's Playbook 2018


Learn how six dictators, from Mussolini to Saddam Hussein, shaped the 20th century. How did they seize and lose power? What forces were against them? Learn the answers in these six immersive hours, each a revealing portrait of brutality and power.


Mussolini: The First Fascist

Mussolini: The First Fascist 2022


Mussolini seized power in Italy in 1922, after his March on Rome. He would hold it in his grasp until his death in 1945, establishing a dictatorship that lasted more than 20 years. Long considered a buffoon and a second-rate dictator, Il Duce invented fascism that was imitated by Hitler, who viewed the Italian as his political master. He wanted to transform his country into a warrior nation and promised Italians a return to the grandeur of the Roman Empire. He governed by violence and trickery and was one of the first populist leaders of modern times, leading his country into the catastrophe of the World War II. But who was Mussolini, this former teacher who came from the extreme left to become a newspaper editor and creator of the Fascist Party? Why did he ally himself with Hitler? Were the Italians really behind him? With archives and interviews with the last-surviving witnesses of the era, this portrait takes a look back at one of the most notorious dictators of the 20th century.


Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar 2003


Twenty year-old Julius Caesar flees Rome for his life during the reign of Sulla but through skill and ambition rises four decades later to become Rome's supreme dictator.



Freedom 2000


Freedom is a short-lived 2000 American science fiction television show on the UPN network. There were 12 episodes filmed but only 7 were aired in the US. Some episodes were further aired internationally, and the full series is still occasionally broadcast in Brazil.



Stalin 1990


Three years in the making, this comprehensive study of the Soviet dictator blends documentary footage and interviews with experts and surviving witnesses.