
Encanto 2021


Povestea unei familii extraordinare, Madrigalele, care trăiesc ascunse în munții Columbiei, într-o casă magică, într-un oraș vibrant, într-un loc minunat și fermecat numit Encanto. Magia Encanto a binecuvântat fiecare copil din familie cu un dar unic, de la super-puteri la puterea de a vindeca. Fiecare copil cu excepția unuia, Mirabel. Dar când ea descoperă că magia din jurul lui Encanto este în pericol, Mirabel decide că ea, singurul Madrigal obișnuit, ar putea fi ultima speranță a familiei sale excepționale.


Era și timpul

Era și timpul 2013


După încă o altă petrecere nereușită de Anul Nou, tatăl lui Tim îi spune fiului său că bărbații din familia lor au avut dintotdeauna abilitatea de a călători în timp. Tim nu poate schimba istoria, dar poate schimba ceea ce se întâmplă în viața lui, așa că se hotărăște să-și facă viața mai bună... găsindu-și o iubită. Din nefericire, această misiune se dovedește a fi mult mai grea decât își imaginase.


Orfana: Îngerul morții

Orfana: Îngerul morții 2022


Saga terifiantă a lui Esther continuă, când călătorește în America, dându-se drept fiica dispărută a unei familii înstărite. Dar are loc o răsturnare de situație, care o pune față-n față cu o mamă dispusă să facă orice ca să-și protejeze familia.


Povești de groază de spus pe întuneric

Povești de groază de spus pe întuneric 2019


Încercând să fugă de agresori, un grup de adolescenți aflați la colindat de Halloween se ascund într-o casă bântuită unde descoperă o serie de povești înfiorătoare.



Moştenirea 2020


Inheritance este povestea conducătorului unei familii extrem de bogate şi puternice, care moare subit şi îşi lasă fiica şi soţia în posesia unei „moşteniri” terifiante - un secret şocant, ce ameninţă să le distrugă vieţile.


Secrete de familie

Secrete de familie 2005


O tânără descoperă că bunica ei ar fi inspirat personajul dnei Robinson din „Absolventul” și începe să-l caute pe singurul bărbat care știe adevărul.


Vederi criminale

Vederi criminale 2020


Lumea detectivului Jacob Kanon este distrusă atunci când fiica și ginerele său sunt uciși brutal în timp ce se aflau la Londra în luna de miere. Incapabil să stea degeaba, Jacob solicită ajutorul unui jurnalist scandinav și călătorește la Londra pentru a obține răspunsurile de care are nevoie. Între timp, detectivul află despre o serie de crime similare care au loc în toată Europa. Singurele indicii sunt cărțile poștale cu imagini trimise unor jurnaliști aleși aparent aleator de un criminal narcisist, care anunță următoarea crimă oribilă. În aceste circumstanțe, Jacob pornește într-o cursă contracronometru pentru a opri oribilele crime odată pentru totdeauna. Oare va reuși să facă dreptate?


Ținutul din mijlocul verii

Ținutul din mijlocul verii 2013


Când tatăl lor dispare, trei femei cu voință de fier se întorc în casa unde au copilărit, la mama lor care are o voință la fel de puternică.


La abuela

La abuela 2022


Susana își părăsește viața la Paris, unde lucrează ca model, și se întoarce la Madrid pentru a avea grijă de bunica ei, Pilar.


Love is Drop By Drop

Love is Drop By Drop 2016


Eun Bang Wool falls in love with Park Woo Hyuk who received a heart transplant from her ex-boyfriend.


Secret of the Heart

Secret of the Heart 1998


Secret of the Heart is a 1998 TVB production that was first aired from February 16,1998 to May 10, 1998. The drama had a powerful roster that is made up of Gallen Lo, Felix Wong, Amy Kwok, Kathy Chow, Sunny Chan, Ada Choi, Jessica Hsuan and Nick Cheung. It won three TVB Anniversary Awards, including Best Actor for Gallen Lo, Best Actress for Ada Choi and Best On-Screen Improvement Award for Nick Cheung. The drama also received a late night hour rerun during 2003 and 2010. It was digitally remastered for the 2010 rerun.


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters 2023


After surviving Godzilla's attack on San Francisco, Cate is shaken yet again by a shocking secret. Amid monstrous threats, she embarks on a globetrotting adventure to learn the truth about her family—and the mysterious organization known as Monarch.


Jang Bo Ri Is Here

Jang Bo Ri Is Here 2014


A story about the life of a mother and her two daughters; a real daughter and an adopted daughter whose fates are twisted and lives change due to the real daughter and the adopted daughter have been swapped, cause intense conflicts within the family.


I Will Never Let You Go

I Will Never Let You Go 2019


The story revolves around a young wanderer with an extraordinary business sense and the masked hero who saves her which ultimately results in them falling in love. When the wanderer is revealed to be the Divine Maiden who will obtain a legendary treasure, various enemies hunt her down. She then lives life on the run and meets her savior who turns out to be the ambitious prince that wants to take the throne.



Killjoys 2015


An action-packed adventure series following a fun-loving, hard living trio of interplanetary bounty hunters (a.k.a. Killjoys) sworn to remain impartial as they chase deadly warrants around the Quad, a system of planets on the brink of revolution.


Wonderful Mama

Wonderful Mama 2013


Wonderful Mama is a 2013 South Korean television series starring Bae Jong-ok, Jeong Yu-mi and Jung Gyu-woon. It premiered on April 13, 2013, and ended on September 22, 2013, airing on SBS every Saturday and Sunday at 20:40 for 48 episodes.


SKY Castle

SKY Castle 2018


For the families living at Sky Castle, an exclusive residential community that's home to Korea's elite, their children’s success means everything.


Big Little Lies

Big Little Lies 2017


The tale of three mothers of first graders whose apparently perfect lives unravel to the point of murder.


To Dear Myself

To Dear Myself 2020


Three female friends – Li Si Yu, Gu Xiao Ling, and Zhang Zhi Zhi – have a close bond and a shared goal: to make a success of their busy urban lives. But their lives have taken very different paths, and now present them with a host of very different obstacles. Li Si Yu is a focused woman with a brilliant career as a sales rep. She thinks she has met her perfect match in a boyfriend who also has a successful career. However, when he suddenly loses his job, the pressure starts to take a toll on their relationship. Things are a little different for Gu Xiao Ling, who has been holding out for Mr. Right. Beautiful and attractive, she has always relied on her many charms to help her on her quest, but she discovers that age is no longer on her side… until she meets a certain someone. Zhang Zhi Zhi, meanwhile, wants a quiet life.


Chinese Paladin

Chinese Paladin 2005


Chinese Paladin is a Chinese television series produced by Chinese Entertainment Shanghai Ltd. It was first broadcast on CTV and CBG in Taiwan and mainland China respectively in January 2005. The series is based on the original version of the RPG The Legend of Sword and Fairy. It was followed by Chinese Paladin 3 in 2009. The series brings together cast members from China, Hong Kong and Singapore.


Back of Father

Back of Father 2014


A 10-part omnibus drama by 10 different scriptwriters on the theme of fathers and their sons and daughters.


Beautiful Secret

Beautiful Secret 2015


Twenty years ago, singer Wang Xuan spent all her savings trying to treat the illness of her daughter, but to no avail. In the end, she had to give her up for adoption, while hiding the truth from the world. Jiang Mei Li was adopted by Jiang Wei Guo and his wife, and suffers from amnesia after contracting a high fever. Unable to find her daughter, Wang Xuan decided to put all her love into her step daughter Xu Rou Lin. Twenty years later, Ruo Lin enters a singing competition to win back her ex-boyfriends, producer Guan Yi. While coming out to support her sister Jiang Mei Yan, Jiang Mei Li ends up being a competitor in the same competition. During the course of the competition, complicated relationships between love interests and family occur.


Panda and Hedgehog

Panda and Hedgehog 2012


Ms Panda and Mr Hedgehog is a South Korean romantic comedy television series starring Lee Donghae of Super Junior and Yoon Seung-ah. It was broadcast on Channel A from August 18, 2012 to October 7, 2012. The story is about Go Seung-ji, a prickly patissier who teams up with Pan Da-yang, an easygoing pastry shop owner, to open a successful new cafe.


The Legacy

The Legacy 2014


The death of a matriarch brings forgotten secrets out into the open and causes a prolonged battle for the family inheritance.


Queen of the Ring

Queen of the Ring 2017


Nan Hee is an ugly girl and this has influenced her to become mean. One day, she receives a ring which holds a family secret. Se Gun is handsome, but he has a cold-blooded personality. Due to the magic of the ring, he declares Nan Hee as his ideal woman with a beautiful appearance.