Tăcerea mânioasă

Tăcerea mânioasă 1960


Când sindicatul din fabrica lui pornește o grevă, un bărbat familist refuză să participe, riscând să își înfurie colegii și să fie victima represaliilor lor.


Aici e viața ta

Aici e viața ta 1966


În Suedia, la începutul secolului al XX-lea, un adolescent din clasa muncitoare se maturizează brusc atunci când e nevoit să muncească pentru a-și întreține familia.


His Excellency

His Excellency 1952


Un guvern britanic socialist numește un membru al sindicatului docherilor drept guvernator al unei insule din Mediterana aflată sub jurisdicția sa.


The True Believers

The True Believers 1988


The True Believers is a 1988 Australian mini series which looks at the history of the Australian Labor Party from the end of World War Two up to the Australian Labor Party split of 1955. It was co-written by Bob Ellis who focused on three characters "Chifley, the unlettered man of great dignity; Menzies, who used to stand for something but eventually stood only for Menzies; and Evatt, the grand idealist... It's almost like Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1. It's a chunk of national history during Australia's great era of change after the war."


Bastard Boys

Bastard Boys 2007


Bastard Boys is an Australian television miniseries broadcast on the ABC in 2007. It tells the story of the 1998 Australian waterfront dispute. The script, published by Currency Press, won the 2007 Queensland Premier's Literary Award for Best Television Script.


The Struggles for Poland

The Struggles for Poland 1987


This 9-episodes documentary series extensively examines the history of Poland in the 20th Century, telling the story through archival films, newsreels, interviews, and readings from novels and poems.