Kung Fu Panda 4

Kung Fu Panda 4 2024


Po se pregătește să devină liderul spiritual al Văii Păcii, dar are nevoie și de cineva care să-i ia locul ca Războinic Dragon. Ca atare, el va antrena un nou practicant de kung fu și va întâlni un răufăcător numit Cameleonul care evocă răufăcătorii din trecut.


Neînfricata Mulan

Neînfricata Mulan 1998


Într-o Chină antică plină de prejudecăți, o tânără pregătită pentru întâlnirea cu pețitoarea se face de râs, neaducând onoare familiei. În același timp, hunii atacă teritoriul chinez, iar împăratul decretează mobilizarea recruților și a rezerviștilor. Tristă că nu și-a mulțumit tatăl, Mulan pleacă în locul acestuia la încorporare, deși pedeapsa pentru fetele care îndrăznesc să se încorproreze în armată este moartea. Recruții sunt lăsați să se antreneze cu un tânar căpitan, iar armata permanentă pleacă să-i înfrunte pe huni. Mulan este ajutată în drumul ei de un dragon și de un greieraș norocos, precum și de un cal falnic. Până la urmă Mulan aduce onoare familiei ei, iar Mushu, dragonul, este avansat la nivelul de gardian al străbunilor. Și familia este mândră deoarece, după terminarea războiului, la Mulan vine un tânăr chipeș, nimeni altul decât conducătorul acelei oști.


Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda 2008


În Kung Fu Panda Jack Black este Po the Panda, un sărman ospătar într-un restaurant de tăieței, care este înnebunit după kung fu, dar al cărui fizic nu-i permite să practice acest sport. De fapt, Po este definit ca fiind cel mai leneș animal din întreaga Chină antică. Iar asta este o problemă, deoarece dușmani puternici sunt la granițele țării, iar toate speranțele se adună în profeția care îl desemnează tocmai pe Po drept "The Dragon warrior" (Războinicul Dragon) pentru a salva situația. Un grup de maeștri în arte marțiale vor avea nevoie de o centură neagră la răbdare, pentru a-l transforma pe acest leneș într-un luptător, înainte de a fi prea târziu.



Mulan 2020


Acţiunea va merge pe urmele lui Hua Mulan, fiica unui bătrân luptător, care se deghizează în bărbat şi îi ia locul tatălui său în armată. Călătoria epică o va transforma într-un războinic venerat, îi va aduce respectul întregii națiuni și îl va face mândru pe tatăl ei.


Kung Fu Panda 3

Kung Fu Panda 3 2016


Po și tatăl lui vizitează un sat secret de urși panda, dar un spirit malefic amenință întreaga Chină și îl forțează pe Po să formeze o armată pestriță pentru a riposta.


Marele zid

Marele zid 2016


Aflați în căutarea prafului de pușcă în China dinastiei Song, niște mercenari europeni sunt prinși într-un război epic între eroii țării și niște monștri sălbatici.


Mumia: Mormântul împăratului Dragon

Mumia: Mormântul împăratului Dragon 2008


Rick O'Connell ajutat de fiul său Alex, soția sa Evelyn și fratele acesteia, Jonathan, trebuie să lupte împotriva mumiei împăratului Qin Shi Huang. Când neînfricatul aventurier Alex O'Connell îl trezește din somnul etern pe împărat, el trebuie să-i caute și să le ceară ajutorul singurilor oameni care știu mai multe decât el despre mumie: părinții lui.


007 și Imperiul Zilei de Mâine

007 și Imperiul Zilei de Mâine 1997


Ziua de ieri e doar o amintire, azi este istorie, iar ziua de mâine se află în mâinile unui singur om! Restul îl cunoașteți... Să nu credeți niciodată ce scriu ziarele! Veștile rele sunt cele mai înspăimântătoare și, daca Elliot Carver (Jonathan Pryce) reușește să-și ducă la capăt planul diabolic, va izbucni un război. O navă britanică se scufundă lângă coastele Vietnamului și oficialitățile din sud și nord încearcă sa descopere cauza tragediei. De ce o navă de război ar traversa apele chinezești? De ce un MIG chinezesc ar lansa torpila care a ucis tot echipajul? Răspunsul se afla undeva in Hamburg, în cartierul general al lui Carver. Numai un singur om poate descoperi răspunsul și, astfel, să împiedice izbucnirea unui război dat în numele profitului și al puterii. Numele lui este Bond. James Bond...


Infernul din zgârie-nori

Infernul din zgârie-nori 2018


Un consultant de securitate nu se dă în lături de la absolut nimic ca să-și salveze familia luată prizonieră atunci când teroriștii atacă cea mai înaltă clădire din lume.


Maestrul bețiv 2

Maestrul bețiv 2 1994


Wong Fei-Hong se întoarce în oraşul natal împreună cu tatăl său după o lungă călătorie plină de peripeţii. Fără să vrea, eroul este prins în lupta dintre străinii veniţi să facă comerţ cu obiecte de artă şi artefacte chinezeşti şi apărătorii tradiţiilor vechiului imperiu. Se hotărăşte să îşi ajute compatrioţii în lupta pentru recăpătarea comorilor naţionale. Deşi Wong ştie să lupte, tatăl său nu vrea să audă de aşa ceva. Situaţiile cu umor nu întârzie să apară, căci Wong intră în lupta împotriva contrabandiştilor fără să îşi înştiinţeze tatăl.


Asterix și Obelix: Regatul De Mijloc

Asterix și Obelix: Regatul De Mijloc 2023


Suntem în anul 50 î.Hr. Împărăteasa Chinei tocmai a fost întemnițată în urma unei lovituri de stat provocate de Deng Tsin Qin, un prinț trădător. Ajutată de Finalthesis, negustorul fenician, și de credincioasa ei gardă de corp Mai Wei, singura fiică a împărătesei, prințesa Sass-Yi, fuge în Galia pentru a cere ajutorul celor doi viteji războinici Asterix și Obelix, care sunt înzestrați cu o forță supraomenească datorită poțiunii lor magice. Cei doi eroi inseparabili ai noștri acceptă cu plăcere să o ajute pe prințesă să-și salveze mama și să-și elibereze țara. Și astfel începe o mare călătorie și o aventură pe drumul spre China. Dar Cezar și puternica sa armată, însetați de o nouă cucerire, se îndreaptă și ei spre Regatul de Mijloc...


Red Cliff II

Red Cliff II 2009


În 208 AD, în ultimele zile ale dinastiei Han, prim-ministru perspicace Cao Cao l-a convins pe împăratul Han spulberand singura modalitate de a uni toate fortele din China. A fost să declare război regatele Xu din partea de vest și de Est, Wu în sud. Așa a început o campanie militară de amploare fără precedent, condusa de primul-ministru. Plecat cu nici o altă speranță pentru supraviețuire, regatele Xu și Wu de Est au format o alianță puțin probabilă. Numeroase bătălii de rezistență au urmat, atât pe uscat și pe apă, in cele din urmă culminând cu bătălia de la Red Cliff. In timpul bataliei, două mii nave au fost arse, iar cursul istoriei chineze a fost schimbat pentru totdeauna. Filmul devine captivant cand bătălia de la Red Cliff, în care o forță de cincizeci de mii de "soldati" a învins o armată de aproape un milion de oameni.


Protectorul 3

Protectorul 3 1992


Kevin Chan este unul dintre cei mai buni din forțele de poliție din Hong Kong. Superiorii săi îl desemnează drept „voluntar din oficiu” pentru a colabora cu autoritățile chineze. Misiunea lui: să demonteze o rețea de traficanți de droguri. Ajutați de Yang, un partener pe cât de atractiv, pe atât de formidabil, vor câștiga încrederea criminalilor și se vor infiltra în centrul rețelei. Până când se descoperă înșelăciunea...


The Advisors Alliance

The Advisors Alliance 2017


The story of Sima Yi, a great politician and strategist who lived during the Three Kingdoms era. By his side, Sima Yi has his politically-astute distaff members of his household, and pitted against them are the formidable Cao Cao and his heirs. After defending the Kingdom of Wei from Kongming formidable talents, who will end up with the ultimate power?


Princess Agents

Princess Agents 2017


During the Warring Period, the Western Wei enslaved large numbers of civilians. The slave girl, Chu Qiao, is thrown into a forest along with other slaves and becomes the next hunting target for the rich lords. She is saved by the Prince of Northern Wei, Yan Xun. Afterwards, she is brought into a powerful family of Yuwen and witnesses their bloody power struggle. Seeing this, she swears to take her younger sister and flee from the situation. However, she catches the attention of Yuwen Yue, and undergoes strict training while building a sense of companionship with Yan Xun. Unfortunately, Western Wei goes into battle and Yan Xun’s family is slaughtered. After that incident, Yan Xun grows ambitious and cruel to avenge for the things and the people he lost. He doubts Chu Qiao and takes advantages of her loyalty and love many times, disregarding their relationship as well as the sacrifices he will have to make for power. Disappointed with the man she once loved, Chu Qiao eventually breaks off her relationship with Yan Xun and chooses to fight with Yuwen Yue, destroying Yan Xun’s plans of vengeance. She eventually convinces Yuwen to free the country from slavery, becoming a successful military strategist/female general in the people’s hearts.


The Glory of Tang Dynasty

The Glory of Tang Dynasty 2017


It is a adapted from a novel by Cang Min Shui 沧溟水 that tells the life of a woman, intelligent and kind, who becomes a concubine of the inner court while her love for the people enables her to do great things for the country. It's standard palace politics that we've all heard before but also the kind of story that can be so addictively good.


The Legend of Zu

The Legend of Zu 2015


He was the chosen one. Lu Pao is a dangerous swordsman who is out to get his hands on the powerful Red Ghost Stone. The Sushan School, China’s most famous and influential martial arts school, is the guardian of the stone and protector of the world. The school’s headmaster puts the precious Red Ghost Stone into the body of the talented young swordsman Ding Yin in order to keep it from falling into Lu Pao’s hands. Ding Yin enters the Sushan School to train to become the best swordsman in the world and vows to keep the world safe from the evil doings of Lu Pao. But then Ding Yin meets Lu Pao’s daughter, Yu Wu Xing, who looks just like his dead wife. When Ding Yin falls in love with Wu Xing, will he be able to carry out his mission?


The Classic of Mountains and Seas

The Classic of Mountains and Seas 2016


Based on a classical text, the drama tells the tale of a royal who is abandoned at the young age of ten because of a prophecy that said he would kill his father. As he grows up, he must deal with two parts of him that fight between good and evil.


3 Body Problem

3 Body Problem 2024


Across continents and decades, five brilliant friends make earth-shattering discoveries as the laws of science unravel and an existential threat emerges.


Ice Fantasy

Ice Fantasy 2016


The story is set a hundred years after a war between the Empire of Snow (Ice Tribe) and the Fire Tribe, where the Fire Tribe was defeated. However, the war was fatal, leaving Prince Ka Suo and his younger half-brother Ying Kong Shi the only royal heirs and pure-blood ice illusionists left in the Ice Tribe. Conflict ensues after Ka Suo reluctantly ascends to the throne as his lover, Li Luo, and his brother go missing. Ka Suo also accidentally discovers an evil presence lurking in the Ice Tribe's holy shrine. He and his companions enter the mysterious shrine, and defeat head of the shrine, Lady Yuan Ji, only to find out that she has been plotting a conspiracy against him. Ka Suo also experiences hardships in trying to find his lover and brother, not knowing that his brother has lost all of his memories and has become the Fire Prince under his mother's command. A war between the two tribes commences once again, with the two brothers pitted against each other.


Scarlet Heart

Scarlet Heart 2011


Zhang Xiao, a Chinese young woman from the 21st century, accidentally travels back in time to the Qing Dynasty period during the reign of Kangxi Emperor after experiencing a deadly combination of traffic collision and electrocution, resulting her somehow reliving the life of one of her previous incarnations and forcing her to assumes the identity belongs to her past: Maertai Rouxi (Liu Shi Shi), the teenage daughter of a Manchu nobleman, who also had a near-fatal incident in her own time which Zhang awakes from.


LEGO Monkie Kid

LEGO Monkie Kid 2020


Centuries ago, the beloved Chinese Monkey King used his magical staff to capture and trap the evil Demon Bull King deep inside a mountain. Flash-forward to modern-day China, when fate leads MK (aka Monkie Kid), a young noodle shop delivery boy, to find the long-lost staff. Soon, MK and his best friends find themselves entangled in adventures packed full of action, mystery, imagination and magic.


Fighter of the Destiny

Fighter of the Destiny 2017


Chun Changsheng was abandoned in a flowing river and plucked up by a Taoist monk. He’s actually the fourth Prince of the Chen’s Royal bloodline. He’s plagued with an incurable illness, fated not to live past the age of 20. To find a cure, he leaves his temple, armed with a promise of marriage scroll, to become a student at a famous academy. He meets Xu Yourong and they slowly fall in love after hopping through the trials and tribulations of his journey.



Surgeons 2017


Renhe Hospital nurse Zhang Shumei is forced to resign after being suspected of accidentally killing a patient. Zhang Shumei’s 4 year old daughter is abducted, and she herself dies in a car accident a couple of years later. 30 years later, Zhang Shumei’s son Zhuang Shu returns to the hospital as a surgeon who is intent on unraveling the secret behind his family’s misfortune.


Eternal Love

Eternal Love 2017


Three hundred years ago, Bai Qian stood on the Zhu Xian Terrace, turned around and jumped off without regret. Ye Hua stood by the bronze mirror to witness with his own eyes her death. Three hundred years later, in the East Sea Dragon Palace, the two meet unexpectedly. Another lifetime another world, after suffering betrayal Bai Qian no longer feels anything, yet she can't seem to comprehend Ye Hua's actions. Three lives three worlds, her and him, are they fated to love again?


The Princess Weiyoung

The Princess Weiyoung 2016


A princess descended from a ruined noble family disguises herself as the woman who saved her life and embarks on a mission to avenge her loved ones.


Quanzhi Fashi

Quanzhi Fashi 2016


After waking up, Mo Fan suddenly finds himself in a world where schools teach magic and monsters eat humans. However, his own situation hasn’t really changed that much. Labelled the loser of his school, he wants to afford a better life for his physical disabled sister, who is in a wheelchair, and his father. To make it possible, he took on the goal to become the best magician and to show everyone that one’s status in society is not important to achieve this.


Song of Phoenix

Song of Phoenix 2017


There are some relationships that are doomed from the start. During the Warring States period, Qu Yuan is born into a prominent family and grows up to be a prodigy scholar. But Qu Yuan bucks convention when he falls in love with Mo Chou Nu, a slave. Society forbids such class-breaking relationships, so the lovers decide to elope so that they can be together. Despite their efforts to lead a quiet life, Qu Yuan and Chou Nu become entangled in the political struggles of the power elites within the palace. Can their relationship survive the many obstacles?


Wu Xin: The Monster Killer

Wu Xin: The Monster Killer 2015


Wu Xin is an immortal who doesn't know where he was from, how long he lived, or what he is. He wanders the earth with no purpose in life and no money. During one of his destitute spells, he meets Yue Ya who gives him her last morsel of food. To repay her kindness and get more food in their stomach, he decides to capitalize his only skill set: Killing monsters. They begin a wondrous and often dangerous adventure of fighting supernatural evil, one paying customer at a time.


Game of Hunting

Game of Hunting 2017


Headhunter Zheng Qiu Dong doesn’t know the meaning of defeat. There is no limit to how much he is willing to do to succeed in the hunting ground that is the world of business. He is also incredibly close to his girlfriend, Luo Yi Ren, and truly cares for his best friend from college, Bai Li Qin. Along with the guidance of his mentor Lin Bai, Zheng Qiu Dong tries to rise to the top and goes to war with other headhunters and businessmen. These include the shady and relentless Yuan Kun and the very capable and very dangerous Chen Xiu Feng. It’s a battle of quick wits, and Zheng Qiu Dong slips up. He loses it all. Now out of both time and luck, Zheng Qiu Dong is in prison and at the end of his rope. But if there’s one thing Zheng Qiu Dong doesn’t know, it’s how to give up. With the help of his prison comrade Liu Liang Ti, the once successful Zheng Qiu Dong has to get it all back. But as the former headhunter soon learns, this hunt quickly becomes a game of death.


Xuan-Yuan Sword: Han Cloud

Xuan-Yuan Sword: Han Cloud 2017


After the ancient Emperor defeated the demons, the shattered sword was broken into two parts. Two sword spirits were born - Zhaoyun and Muyun. However, due to the chaos caused by the battles, the two brothers were separated since birth. Zhaoyun was raised by a group of warriors called Flying Feathers, in charge of aiding Gong Yangxiang’s quest to expand the Kingdom of Xiaoyue; while Muyun was under the Bronze Bird army of Wei Kingdom, who are cruel and oppressive, and often invade the neighboring countries. The two brothers were reunited in a battle between their kingdoms. When Zhaoyun discovers the truth, he uses their bloodline to save Muyun from danger. The kind-hearted Zhaoyun was heartbroken to see the people suffering due to war. With the help of Yeyaxi, a princess from a tribe, the two brothers worked together and overcame dangerous and difficult situations. In the end, they found the Emperor sword which symbolizes justice, using it to defeat the cruel and barbaric Chun Yuyue, therefore destroying the Bronze Bird army and bringing peace back to the world.



Sparrow 2016


This drama is set during the revolutionary time in Shanghai, based on a novel of the same name of Hai Fei. During the republican revolution, Chen Shen is a secret agent under Special Operations Executive Director Bi Zhongliang, among the agents called “sparrow” (similar to the program “zero” in Japan)


The Three Heroes and Five Gallants

The Three Heroes and Five Gallants 2016


Zhao Zhan, an expert swordsman, saves the life of Justice Bao Zhen during the Northern Song Dynasty and is rewarded for his brave deed. But Ji Pang, an evil minister who is hungry for power, uses Zhan’s name to provoke a group of legendary swordsmen known as the Five Mice of Xian Kong Island. Bai Yu Tang leads the Five Mice to the capital to locate Zhan and seek revenge. During their journey, the five swordsman hear about the evil doings of Ji Pang and his son and decide to go to Chen Zhou to deal with them first. When Justice Bao is framed by his enemies and put in prison, Zhan is left to protect the Song Dynasty on his own. Zhan needs the help of the Five Mice to protect the court against their mutual enemies, but how willing will Yu Tang be to help when the two men get entangled in a love triangle with Ding Yue Hua, a beautiful woman who wields a deadly sword better than any of her male contemporaries?