Usagi Tsukino is a clumsy teenage girl who becomes a Magical Girl named Sailor Moon after meeting a cat named Luna, who tells her she is a destined warrior who must find the reincarnated princess of a lost kingdom. Along the way, she meets other reincarnated warriors who join her group known as the Sailor Senshi who fight the forces of the evil mastermind behind the Dark Kingdom.
- 1. I'm Sailor Moon2003-10-04
- 2. Ami-chan Joins Up2003-10-11
- 4. Infiltrate the Party!2003-10-25
- 5. Is Usagi-chan a Real Friend?2003-11-01
- 7. Someone Saw Me Transform!2003-11-15
- 8. Rei and Her Father2003-11-22
- 9. Protect the Silver Crystal!2003-11-29
- 11. I Met the Real Minako-chan!2003-12-13
- 12. Sailor V is Actually the Princess!2003-12-20
- 14. Usagi Has Become a Youma?2004-01-10
- 15. Punish the Burglar2004-01-17
- 16. Got to Save Osaka-san!2004-01-24
- 17. Minako Transforms Before Rei!2004-01-31
- 19. Usagi's Exciting Valentine2004-02-14
- 20. Hina-san Was Mamoru's Fiance...2004-02-21
- 21. What Have You Done to Ami-chan?!2004-02-28
- 24. Can't Forget Chiba Mamoru2004-03-20
- 26. Usagi is the Real Princess!2004-04-03
- 27. Luna Became a Sailor Guardian!2004-04-17
- 28. Welcome Back, Ami!2004-04-24
- 30. Mio Deceives Usagi2004-05-08
- 31. Jupiter Awakens Her Senshi Powers!2004-05-15
- 32. Mamoru Came Back2004-05-22
- 33. Ami is Changing Schools?2004-05-29
- 34. A Mother-and-Daughter Talk2004-06-05
- 36. Princess Sailor Moon Appears!2004-06-19
- 40. Minako vs Rei, Where's the Battle?2004-07-17
- 41. Actually, I'm a Senshi!2004-07-24
- 43. Usagi and Mamoru's Promise2004-08-07
- 44. Zoisite Turned Back into a Stone2004-08-14
- 45. Youma Metalia's Violent Attack2004-08-21
- 47. Goodbye, Minako2004-09-04
- 48. Mamoru is Captured by Metalia!2004-09-18