Corrado Gaipa A Spiral of Mist The Eroticist The Godfather 1901–1959: The Complete Epic Parole e sangue Death Walks on High Heels The Fifth Cord My Dear Killer Chino The Boss The Godfather Execution Squad The Red Nights of the Gestapo The Man with Icy Eyes Riot in a Women's Prison Metello Crazy Desires of a Murderer The Black Hand The Criminals Attack. The Police Respond 1931: Once Upon a Time in New York Malombra The SuperVips The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine Idea di un'isola Shadows Unseen Anna: the Pleasure, the Torment Giordano Bruno Family Killer Tony Arzenta A School Trip All for the Moral Majority! A Drama of Jealousy (and other things) That Splendid November The Four Days of Naples The Monsters The Sicilian Connection Without Family What Have They Done to Your Daughters? Illustrious Corpses Perils of Problemina Ritratto di Donna Velata Marco Polo