
Teatertosset 1944


A lost hat brings a powerful director and an aspiring actress together.


Kampen om Næsbygaard

Kampen om Næsbygaard 1964


-En gammel godsejers eneste datter er død i Italien, efter at hun forlod familien for 15 år siden. Hjem til Danmark kommer nu hendes søn. Han truer godsejerens nevø for sin arv, hvorfor nevøen iværksætter flere planer for at bringe drengen i ugunst hos hans bedstefar. Planerne lykkes næsten, men takket være hjælp fra bl.a. præsten ender historien med en forening mellem barnebarnet og bedstefaderen.


The Man Who Thought Life

The Man Who Thought Life 1969


The mysterious Mr. Steinmetz has acquired the ability to create things and beings by will alone. Only, after a while his creations invariably disappear. He therefore approaches a famous brain surgeon, Max Holst, who he hopes can help him with this problem. When Max refuses, Steinmetz brings his doppelgänger into being to replace him.



Husmandstøsen 1952


Helga is on a farm, where she is seduced by her husband, Per Mortensen. As it turns out she is with child, she gets a tough time among local residents. They consider it the greatest shame that can befall a young, unmarried girl. Per refuses bargain to be the father of the child. Her parents can not afford to keep the baby, so she tries to go to court - without result. Fortunately, she gets a new duty station at Torpegaarden where she thrives. In particular, she has a good eye to his son on the farm, Gudmund. He also liked the young girl


Father of Four

Father of Four 1953


Everyday portrayal of a single father with four children


Niels Pind og hans dreng

Niels Pind og hans dreng 1941


Det lille lokaltog kommer møjsommeligt tøffende ind på Torslev station. Stationsforstanderen står iført tøfler på perronen og venter på toget. Da det standser, viser det sig, at der er en eneste passager med. En yngre fremmedartet, elegant klædt mand stiger ned på perronen med et par kufferter med en masse flotte mærker fra fremmede lande. Manden hedder Nelson. For mange år siden drog han udenlands. Nu vender han hjem for at se, hvordan det står til i hans fødeby.


Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs

Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs 1958


Tiny Per gets its biggest wish: He becomes a scout. Sister also gets hers biggest wish: She's getting married. So now Mie take over the household and it's not going to go quietly.


Hvad vil De ha'?

Hvad vil De ha'? 1956


Danish Black & White Movie from 1956 starring 32 of the most popular danish actors...


Father of Four: And Uncle Sofus

Father of Four: And Uncle Sofus 1957


At home in the small family is nothing new. Tiny Per is the school's mischief maker, Sister has heartaches, Mie and Ole has to be in the school play, etc. But suddenly something happens. Good old Uncle Anders has a twin brother in the United States. He called Sofus, and now he comes home to celebrate 70th birthday. He was a troublemaker when he left and now he has become even worse


We Meet at Tove's

We Meet at Tove's 1946


Eight old school friends meet at Tove's to discuss what has happened in the last 10 years. Some have made careers, others have become homemakers, some are married and others alone. The community is intact, but what no one knows is that Tove is hiding a big, unhappy secret.


Laan mig din kone

Laan mig din kone 1957


Salgschef Lund øjner muligheden for at blive underdirektør i det babyudstyrsfirma, han arbejder i. Uheldigvis har han hverken kone eller baby. Det er ellers kvalifikationer, som både chefen og en konkurrerende kollega finder helt nødvendige. Lund lader derfor som om, han har været gift længe. Den lille nødløgn får imidlertid uoverskuelige konsekvenser, da chefen inviterer Lund og frue til middag. Lund må på jagt efter en kone til låns og så griber forviklingerne om sig i et rasende tempo.