Ringenes herre - To tårn

Ringenes herre - To tårn 2002


Brorskapet har blitt splittet, men målet om å tilintetgjøre ringen er ennå ikke fullbyrdet. Frodo og Sam legger sine liv i Gollums hender for å finne veien til Mordor. Mens Sarumans hær nærmer seg, må de overlevende i brorskapet, sammen med mennesker og alver fra Midgard, forberede seg til strid. Krigen om ringen har startet.


Headspace Guide to Sleep

Headspace Guide to Sleep 2021


Learn how to sleep better with Headspace. Each episode unpacks misconceptions, offers friendly tips and concludes with a guided wind-down


The National Geographic Guide to Birding in North America

The National Geographic Guide to Birding in North America 2017


Birding expert James Currie presents components of birding: - essentials of bird anatomy and taxonomy, and how this knowledge helps the student critically in the field; - how to identify birds, plus related topics such as birding by ear, birding at night, bird behavior, avian migration; - optical equipment for birding, highlighting binoculars and spotting scopes, and how to use them; - the exciting activity of locating, approaching, and observing birds in the field: stealth techniques for tracking and approaching birds; ways to attract birds by mimicking bird calls and predators; and how to bring birds into your own yard or surroundings.