
Troja 2004


Brad Pitt løfter sverdet og bringer en muskuløs, grublende fremtoning til rollen som den greske krigeren Akilles i denne praktfulle gjenfortellingen av Iliaden. Orlando Bloom og Diane Kruger spiller de legendariske elskende som kaster verden ut i krig, Eric Bana skildrer prinsen som våger å konfrontere Akilles og Peter O’Toole regjerer Troja som Kong Priam. Regissør Wolfgang Petersen gjenskaper en svunnen verden av mektige krigsskip, konfronterende arméer, den massive festningsbyen og den ruvende Trojanske hest.



Herkules 1997


Født av guder på det himmelske fjellet Olympen. Oppfostret av mennesker på jorden. Herkules var en uvanlig mann med en enorm styrke...og en umettelig trang til å imponere sin far, den store Zevs. Derfor settes Zevs sin sønn på prøve. Gjennom et antall utfordringer skulle Herkules bevise at han var en helt, og dermed verdig til å bo på Olympen, som var gudenes tilholdssted. Ved hjelp av sin trener Phil og kompisen Pegasus vinner han den ene kampen etter den andre. Likevel er pappa Zevs ikke riktig fornøyd, og Herkules blir fortsatt ikke regnet som en ordentlig helt. Plutselig dukker dødsrikets hersker Hades opp. Hades vil overta Zevs plass på tronen i Olympen. En uvitende Herkules står tilfeldigvis i veien for ham. Når Herkules i kampens hete oppdager sine varme følelser for den skjønne Meg, oppdager han at det ikke bare er muskler av stål som skaper en ekte helt, men likeså mye et hjerte av gull.


300: Rise of an Empire

300: Rise of an Empire 2014


Den persiske hæren, ledet av den hensynsløse Xerxes, angriper det moderne demokratiets vugge, Aten. Når de persiske styrkene truer byen, tvinges atenerne til å nærme seg sine evige fiender, spartanerne, for en skjør allianse.



300 2007


"300" er basert på en storslagen tegneserieroman signert Frank Miller. Filmen er en forrykende gjenfortelling av et stort slag ved Thermopylae i det gamle Hellas. Der slåss kong Leonidas (Gerard Butler) og 300 spartanere mot kong Xerxes og han enorme persiske hær. Spartanernes heltemot og oppofrelse stilt overfor nærmest umulige odds ble en inspirasjonskilde som førte til at et samlet Hellas reiste seg mot sin felles persiske fiende i en innbitt kamp for demokratiet. Filmen gir liv til Millers anerkjente roman ved å kombinere virkelige skuespillere med digitale bakgrunner og landskaper. Millers visjon for denne oldtidshistorien uttrykkes på unikt vis.


Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans 2010


Halvguden Persevs må motvillig bruke kraften fra sin far, Zevs, gudenes konge, for å overvinne Hades, underverdenes hersker og Zevs' bror. Mislykkes Persevs kan menneskeheten møte sin undergang.



Hercules 2014


Etter tolv år i hardt arbeid som har kostet han alt han elsket vender Hercules ryggen til gudene og finner sin eneste trøst i blodig kamp. Mannen og myten Hercules leder en hær av soldater for å avslutte en blodig borgerkrig i et land østover, og føre den rettmessige kongen på tilbake til tronen. Med en sjel som har plaget Hercules helt siden fødselen, er han utstyrt med en guds styrke og et menneskes evne til å føle smerte. Ufattelige og mystiske krefter skal utfordre Hercules makt og stille ham overfor helt nye prøvelser.



Alexander 2004


Dette er en episk historie, like djerv og ambisiøs som sin hovedperson, en utrettelig hærfører og erobrer som 32 år gammel hadde kjempet seg til det største imperiet verden noen gang hadde sett. Fortid og nåtid møtes i et forsøk på å forme puslespillet om Aleksanders liv, et lerret fylt av triumfer og tragedier, der barndomsminner og Aleksanders vei til makten utfolder seg side om side med den senere utvidelsen av riket og dets uunngåelige endelikt.


Wrath of the Titans

Wrath of the Titans 2012


Den heroiske halvguden Perseus reiser inn i Hades for å bekjempe Titanene, fiender av gudene, som har planlagt å ta Zeus til fange i underverdenen.


The Legend of Hercules

The Legend of Hercules 2014


Hercules sloss for å vinne tilbake riket sitt fra den slemme stefaren etter at han har blitt sendt i eksil og gjort til slave. Hercules blir kjent som en gladiator og sverger å slippe sitt folk fri fra tyranni.


Time Bandits

Time Bandits 1981


Denne herlige fantasi-filmen handler om unge Kevin som befinner seg på reise gjennom hull i rom/tid kontinuum i selskap med et halvt dusin dverger. På sin reise møter han Agamemnon Robin Hood og Napoleon, og han ender opp som passasjer på Titanic, men ikke nødvendigvis i den rekkefølgen. Men er dette bare tilfeldig underholdning laget for historie-elsker Kevins fordel, eller er det en del av en større kamp mellom de gode styrkene og de onde?


Blood of Zeus

Blood of Zeus 2020


In a brewing war between the gods of Olympus and the titans, Heron, a commoner living on the outskirts of ancient Greece, becomes mankind's best hope of surviving an evil demon army, when he discovers the secrets of his past.


Troy: Fall of a City

Troy: Fall of a City 2018


A rich story of love, intrigue, betrayal and belonging told from the perspective of the Trojan royal family at the heart of the siege of Troy.


The Odyssey

The Odyssey 1997


In this adaptation of Homer's timeless epic, Armand Assante stars as Odysseus, the warrior King of the mythical island of Ithaca, who must endure a decade long quest to reach home after the Trojan war, overcoming savage monsters, powerful forces of nature, and seductive nymphs, and he must outsmart them all, with all the guile and intellect he can muster.


Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy 2003


Paris of Troy goes to Sparta on a diplomatic mission and falls in love with Helen, the wife of King Menelaus. When lovers flee to Troy, the bloody seeds of a long war, sown by King Agamemnon of Mycenae, finally sprout, so an old prophecy is fulfilled.


Jason and the Argonauts

Jason and the Argonauts 2000


At a young age, Jason witnesses the brutal deposement and murder of his father at the hands of his uncle Pelias. Twenty years later, Jason returns home to claim his rightful place as king, but Pelias orders him to be executed, and in order to save himself Jason is forced to go on a dangerous quest to find the legendary Golden Fleece. So Jason gathers a motley crew of men and sets sail on the Argos.


The Odyssey

The Odyssey 1968


Italian miniseries based on Homer's Odyssey.


The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization 2000


In the fourth and fifth centuries, B.C., the Greeks built an empire that stretched across the Mediterranean from Asia to Spain. They laid the foundation of modern science, politics, warfare and philosophy, and produced some of the most breathtaking art and architecture the world has ever seen. It was perhaps the most spectacular flourishing of imagination and achievement in recorded history.


Ancient Worlds

Ancient Worlds 2010


Archaeologist and historian Richard Miles traces the development of Western civilization, from the first cities in Mesopotamia to the fall of the Roman Empire. In this six-part series, Miles travels through the Middle East, Egypt, Pakistan and the Mediterranean to discover how the challenges of society -- religion and politics, art and culture, war and diplomacy, technology and trade -- were dealt with and fought over in order to maintain a functioning civilization. Stories are told of disappeared, ruined and modern cities, from ancient Iraq to modern Damascus, to reveal how successes and failures of the ancients shaped the world today.


Rise and Fall of the Spartans

Rise and Fall of the Spartans 2002


Explores every aspect of Sparta's culture, lifestyle, history and legacy. Author Steven Pressfield reflects on the significance of the Battle of Thermopylae, where a force led by 300 Spartan warriors stalled the advance of a hundred-thousand-plus strong Persian army for nearly a week. Scholars explore the factors that drove the Peloponnesian city-state to strive for martial excellence. Ancient accounts explain how Sparta's warriors were trained and detail their prowess in battle.


The True Story of Alexander the Great

The True Story of Alexander the Great 2005


Tutored by Aristotle, helpless witness to his father's assassination, and a brilliant, pioneering tactician, Alexander the Great had conquered the known world--and sealed his legacy as one of history's most remarkable rulers--by the age of 25. In the year 334 B.C., 20-year-old King Alexander of Macedonia decided to bring the farthest reaches of the world under one domain. Over the next 12 years, he led a grand army across more than 20,000 miles and eventually brought all of Asia under his control, only to perish from battle wounds at the age of 32. Incorporating dramatic onsite reenactments with high-end computer graphics and the expertise of renowned scholars, THE TRUE STORY OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT is a special presentation from THE HISTORY CHANNEL®, examining the life and career of this military genius, impassioned lover, and fearless leader.


Odyssey: Behind the Myth

Odyssey: Behind the Myth 2023


Who was Homer, and what is the meaning of The Odyssey? In this documentary we follow the footsteps of Ulysses, also known by his Greek name Odysseus—a hero as relevant today as he was nearly three thousand years ago, on a journey across some of the most fascinating landscapes and seascapes of the Mediterranean region. With the help of prominent international scholars, we seek to resolve the questions that still surround one of humanity’s greatest literary works and its enigmatic author.


Everyday Life in Ancient Greece

Everyday Life in Ancient Greece 2020


How was everyday life in Ancient Greece? Did it have anything in common with our lives today? With the help of specialized scientists and a rich audiovisual material, a journey back in time begins!


The Greeks

The Greeks 2016


National Geographic's landmark event series, The Greeks, brings together historians, archaeologists, actors, athletes, scientists and artists to launch a groundbreaking exploration into the ancient Greeks' journey - not just to better understand their past, but to discover how their legacy illuminates our present, and will shape our future. The story of the Greeks is the story of us.


Drive Thru History: Ancient History

Drive Thru History: Ancient History 1970


Join Dave Stotts on an adventure through world history as he tells the stories of the people, places, and events that shaped the ancient world, and how those ancient civilizations and the Christian faith shaped Western Civilization and the world we live in today.


Empire Builders

Empire Builders 2018


Throughout the centuries great empires have been erected, whose creators have governed nations, regions and continents for hundreds and even thousands of years. From the great civilizations of antiquity to the first world powers of our days, this series reviews the legacy left to us by the great empires that have written the history of humanity. Combining computer-generated images with dramatic reconstructions, experts and historians analyze the role these civilizations have played and how their heritage has survived to this day.


Greek Island Odyssey

Greek Island Odyssey 2020


Historian Bettany Hughes has embarked on an epic, personal journey. Inspired by Homer's The Odyssey, she will sail the unpredictable Mediterranean seas, tracing Odysseus's long journey home. Her mission: to experience what the Greek hero experienced and to uncover truths behind the myths and legends, all while enjoying the delights of ancient Greece today. Follow her 1,700-mile adventure as it takes her to over a dozen islands and 22 historic sites and puts her through two hair-raising storms and even an earthquake.