Atslēgvārds Bookshop
Notting Hill 1999
Top Secret! 1984
Pasaulē sliktākais cilvēks 2021
Haotisks un neparedzams haotiskas un neparedzamas sievietes portrets. Jūlija nevarētu sakārtot savu dzīvi tā, kā filmas veidotāji to izdarījuši viņas vietā: prologā, 12 nodaļās un epilogā. Tuvojoties 30. dzimšanas dienai, viņa no jauna rod talantus un karjeras ceļus. Medicīna, psiholoģija, fotogrāfija un citas kaprīzes. Uzsākot attiecības ar nedaudz vecāko grafisko noveļu autoru Akselu, abiem ir ideāla saderība, kas pieprasa stabilitāti. Tomēr Jūliju arvien vairāk piepilda nemiers. Maldīdamās starp to, ko vēlas pati un citi sagaida, viņa vienu nakti sastop Eivinnu. Savu untumu svētīta, viņa ir gatava pamest visu labo.
Before Sunset 2004
Tev pienācis pasts 1998
Dan in Real Life 2007
Ardievu, Kristofer Robin 2017
Rets ieskats attiecībās starp visu mīlēto stāstu autoru Alanu Milnu un viņa dēlu Kristoferu Robinu, kura rotaļlietas kalpoja par iedvesmu maģiskajai Vinnija Pūka pasaulei. Kopā ar viņa māti Dafni un aukli Olīvu Kristofers Robins un viņa ģimene tiek ierauta starptautiskā grāmatu popularitātes drudzī. Tomēr - kad visas pasaules acis pievērstas Kristoferam Robinam - kādas sekas tas atstās uz viņa ģimeni?
Grāmatu bodīte 2017
Anglija, 1959. gads. Nelielā, konservatīvā Anglijas piekrastes pilsētiņā brīdvomātāja Florensa ir nolēmusi atvērt grāmatu veikaliņu. Modinot sabiedrību ar jaunāko grāmatu tirdzniecību, starp kurām ir arī Vladimira Nabokova “Lolita”, viņai nākas sastapties gan ar pretestību no vietējās sabiedrības, gan atbalstu no īsteniem grāmatu mīlētājiem. Nākas uzdot jautājumu – vai grāmatu veikals ir vajadzīgs pilsētiņā, kurā to šķietami neviens neatbalsta. Taču pilsēta ir pamodusies, un tracis ap grāmatu veikalu uzņem apgriezienus.
Burglar 1987
밤의 해변에서 혼자 2017
黑俠 1996
Kosmopolise 2012
Filma stāsta par 28 gadus vecu puisi Ēriku Pakeru, finanšu brīnumbērnu, kurš iekļuvis Ņujorkas sastrēgumos. Kamēr Eriks cenšas izkļūt no sastrēguma, viņam nāksies izlemt pasaules finanšu likteņus, sadurties ar prezidenta kortežu, saskarties ar rokmūzikas elka bērēm un personīgo bankrotu.
L'Amour en fuite 1979
The Love Letter 1999
Gumshoe 1971
Book Revue 1946
Il materiale emotivo 2021
When the Weather Is Fine 2020
Drained from her life in the city, a young cellist moves to a quiet small town, where she encounters an old friend who helps her heal and remake herself.
Black Books 2000
Black Books centres around the foul tempered and wildly eccentric bookshop owner Bernard Black. Bernard’s devotion to the twin pleasures of drunkenness and wilful antagonism deepens and enriches both his life and that of Manny, his assistant. Bearded, sweet and good, Manny is everything that Bernard isn’t and is punished by Bernard relentlessly just for the crime of existing. They depend on each other for meaning as Fran, their oldest friend, depends on them for distraction. Black Books is a haven of books, wine and conversation, the only threat to the group’s peace and prosperity is their own limitless stupidity.
Antiquarian Bookshop Biblia's Case Files 2013
Biblia Second-hand Bookstore has been quietly open for business in some corner of Kamakura. Its owner is Shinokawa Shioriko, a young, pretty but introverted girl who is extremely shy around strangers and cannot interact well with people she meets for the first time. However, when it comes to knowledge of old books, no one can to compare to her. Talking about books makes Shioriko forget her shyness. In fact, she becomes eloquent and passionate. She unravels the mysteries and secrets associated with many old books with her vast knowledge and keen eye.
After Henry 1988
After Henry is a British sitcom that aired on ITV from 1988 to 1992. Starring Prunella Scales and Joan Sanderson, it had started on BBC Radio 4 in 1985, finishing in 1989. It was written by Simon Brett. After Henry was made for the ITV network by Thames Television. The BBC was reluctant to produce After Henry for television, so in 1988 after the third radio series Thames Television did so. The show was surprisingly popular, attracting over 14 million viewers. A second television series was shown during the same months as the fourth radio series with, in many cases, both radio and television episodes being broadcast on the same nights. The fourth television series was broadcast from July 1992, after the death of Joan Sanderson, who had died on 24 May.
Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san 2018
Honda is a skeleton, but more importantly, he is a bookseller. And he'll tell you from firsthand experience that the job of a bookstore employee is more challenging than it may seem to the average customer. Alongside his equally eccentric coworkers, Honda constantly deals with the stressful requirements of the bookselling industry. From the drama of receiving new titles without their bonus material to the struggle of providing quality service to customers who speak a different language, the work of a skeleton bookseller never ends. Nevertheless, despite the hardships he faces, Honda thoroughly enjoys his job and strives to bring the best book selections and service to his customers.