
Titāniks 1997


No ostas pilsētas Saushemptonas savā pirmajā braucienā dodas pasaules lielākais kuģis - Titāniks. Kuģis dodas uz Ameriku un līdz ar Titāniku uz klāja tiek vestas tūkstoņiem cilvēku cerības un likteņi. Starp šiem cilvēkiem atrodas arī septiņpadsmitgadīgā Roza Djuita Bukeitera – skaista un bagāta meitene, kurai apnikusi savu vecāku bagātā un liekulīgā pasaule, kā arī nabadzīgs mākslinieks Džeks. Titānika veidotāji bija pārliecināti par to, ka kuģi nevar nogremdēt, taču kuģa ceļā nokļūst milzīgs aisbergs un Rozas un Džeka romantiskais piedzīvojums pārvēršas par cīņu uz izdzīvošanu.



Sinisters 2012


Žurnālists ievācas mājā, kur agrāk gāja bojā viņa ģimene. Negaidīts atradums līdz nepazīšanai pārvērš jau bez tā ne pārāk vieglo vīrieša dzīvi – viņš atrod video ierakstu, kur iemūžināta viņa tuvinieku traģēdija. Un tas ir tikai sākums...



Atriebība 2018


Nekad neņemiet savu mīļāko līdz uz ikgadēju puišu izklaidi, it īpaši tādu, kas veltīta medībām – barga mācība trim turīgiem, precētiem vīriešiem.



Aplis 2002


Reičela Kellere ir izmeklējoša žurnāliste, kas daudz nedomā par to, ko viņa uzskata par sava veida pilsētas leģendu: acīmredzot cirkulē videolente ar drausmīgiem attēliem, kurai pievienots telefona zvans, kas nedēļu iepriekš prognozē personas nāvi kurš to ir redzējis. Tomēr, kad četriem pusaudžiem nāve iestājas precīzi nedēļu pēc video skatīšanās, zinātkāre pārņem un neapstājas, kamēr viņi neatrod lenti un to nenoskatās.



Bait 2012




Anete 2021


Losandželosas pasaka, kurai lemts kļūt par cinisku traģēdiju. Sevi par Dieva pērtiķi dēvējošais stāvkomiķis Henrijs un operas dīva Anna mīl viens otru tik daudz. Tik kaisli un patiesi, ka velta savai mīlai duetu. Henrija iznīcinošais humors ik vakaru “nonāvē” skatītājus, bet Annas balss tos pavada un “izglābj”. Ir tikai pāris iespējas pateikt patiesību, netiekot nogalinātam, nogārdz Henrijs. Pēc abu apdāvinātās meitas Anetes dzimšanas pasaule maina žanru. Skaudība, aizvainojums, slikta publicitāte, tabloīdu prese, #MeToo un no greizsirdības dzimis ļaunums. Vai mēs varam sākt?


Legend of Fei

Legend of Fei 2020


Several years ago, the emperor secretly ordered the hero Li Hui to form a mountain stronghold consisting of bandits in order to keep the pugilist world under control. His daughter, Li Jin Rong, leads the stronghold after Li Hui’s death and gives birth to Zhou Fei after marrying scholar Zhou Yi Tang. Zhou Fei’s attempts at escaping have always ended in failure, though Li Jin Rong allows her daughter to go and experience the world outside after her 16th birthday. She meets Xie Yun again after he saves her from drowning during her first escape attempt, and they embark on an adventurous journey through wulin together.


The Perfect Couple

The Perfect Couple 2024


Amelia is about to marry into one of the wealthiest families on Nantucket, until a shocking death derails the wedding — and turns everyone into a suspect.


Tientsin Mystic

Tientsin Mystic 2017


Frequent flooding and drowning were common occurrences in Tianjin (Tientsin) in the early 1900s. But when a local shipping magnate was found drowned to death chained to a statue on the bottom of riverbed, police department's underwater recovery team captain Guo De You was their primary suspect, since he was the only one in the city who could stay underwater long enough to complete the deed. The businessman son's Ding Mao tried to prove Guo's guilt, but his own forensic discovery and another bizarre drowning in the same vicinity challenged his initial impression. Together with spirit medium Gu Ying and news reporter Xiao Lan Lan, they peeled away the mystery and found the clues pointed to an incident occurred over 20 years ago when an evil cult was ravaging the city. Now, the cult was once again causing havoc. To stop their resurgence, the team must investigate the unexplained, mind-bending cases that plagued their city.


Blossom in Heart

Blossom in Heart 2019


Romance between a girl who wants to seek revenge for her father, and the second son of the Yue family who owns a rogue manufacturing factory.



Unexpected 2018


A manga artist, He Jie has entered into his own manga “Crystal Love” and he must complete the mission of saving the evil second female lead, turning her into a better person before he can return back to the real world. He ended up having to keep on filling up the loopholes of his own manga again and again, forming a funny lovestory.


Forget You Remember Love

Forget You Remember Love 2020


Shan Junhao is the CEO of Senwell. He's a hard-hitting leader who never takes half measures to achieve what he wants. He's encounter with Ye Qianyu is not a pleasant one as he has mandated the closure of the Guanmei Inn, a place that Ye Qianyu holds dear. When Shan Junhao gets into an accident and wakes up with no memories of the past, Ye Qianyu takes him in and gives him a fake identity. They grow closer through their time together even though she knows that one day, he is bound to leave.


Bag of Bones

Bag of Bones 2011


Bestselling novelist Mike Noonan, unable to cope after his wife's sudden death, returns to the couple's lakeside retreat in Maine, where he becomes involved in a custody battle between a young widow and her child's enormously wealthy grandfather. Mike inexplicably receives mysterious ghostly visitations, escalating nightmares and the realization that his late wife still has something to tell him.