
Prom! 2017


Kriss un viņa draudzene Roza dodas uz ziemeļiem apciemot viņas vecākus nedēļas nogalē. Sākumā Kriss notur ģimenes pārlieko viesmīlību kā nervozu mēģinājumu pieņemt meitas drauga izcelsmi, bet brīvdienu gaitā caur dažādiem nepatīkamiem atklājumiem viņam parādās patiesība, kādu nekad nebūtu varējis iedomāties.


Krāpšanas ilūzija 2

Krāpšanas ilūzija 2 2016


Pagājis gads kopš "Četriem jātniekiem" izdevās apvest ap stūri FIB un izpelnīties publikas apbrīnu ar savām maģiskajām izrādēm Robina Huda garā, bet nu iluzionisti ir atgriezušies, lai atmaskotu kāda tehnoloģiju magnāta neētiskos darījumus. Tehnoloģiju brīnumbērns Volters Mārbijs draud atklāt iluzionistu noslēpumus, tādēļ viņu vienīgā cerība ir īstenot vispārdrošāko triku, kas ļautu viņiem atgūtu savu labo slavu un atmaskot magnāta patiesos nodomus.


Ceturtā kategorija

Ceturtā kategorija 2009


Aļaskā ir notikuši neizskaidrojami cilvēku pazušanas gadījumi. Bez citplanētiešiem šeit neiztikt.


Fantomass trako

Fantomass trako 1965


Kad komisārs Živs ir pārliecināts, ka uzveicis sen meklēto ļaundari, Fantomass nolaupa profesoru Lefēvru, kas viesojas Romā. Neiztiekot bez starpgadījumiem, komisāram ar īpašas ierīces palīdzību izdodas atbrīvot slaveno zinātnieku. Živs, Fandors un Elēna turpina dzīties pakaļ Fantomasam no zinātnes konferences gaiteņiem līdz vulkāna krāterim. Vai neģēlim izdosies aizlaisties?


Desire Catcher

Desire Catcher 2023


In the world of hypnotism, Lu Fengping is known for being one of the country's best hypnotists. A true genius in his field, Fengping’s skill is unparalleled. Naturally, when the city is rocked by a string of crimes that all seem to be conducted under the influence of hypnotism, it is Fengping the police turn to for help.


The Love by Hypnotic

The Love by Hypnotic 2019


A princess and a prince who can't see eye to eye find themselves stuck in an arranged marriage. Yet they start opening up to each other because of hypnosis. Li Ming Yue, a princess, and Li Qian, a prince, are forced to marry each other due to royal obligations. When she triggers memories from his past through the use of hypnosis, Li Qian starts to accept his wife knowing that she can help him regain his memories.


La Poseída

La Poseída 2015


A young possessed woman is brought to live in a convent, where she will provoke passions and test the beliefs and strength of the faithful.


Dr. Ian

Dr. Ian 2015


The memories of pain and love shape our reality and personality, hence they can be used to find healing in counseling. This is the story of psychiatrist Mo Ian, who specializes in hypnosis treatments. He meets an eccentric, 4-D office girl, Lee So Dam, and through the process of treating and counselling her, he finds a way to heal his own wounds.


Belphegor, or the Phantom of the Louvre

Belphegor, or the Phantom of the Louvre 1965


Four episodes chronicle a mysterious phantom who appears in the Musée du Louvre in Paris at night. Neither guards nor police are able to make an arrest. But a curious young man tries to break the ice and discover what drives the creature and its activities.


Les HYP-GAGS de Messmer

Les HYP-GAGS de Messmer 2015


Master hypnotist and mentalist Messmer spellbinds people on the streets of Quebec City and other cities around the world, and leads them into hilarious and mysterious adventures.


L'expérience Messmer

L'expérience Messmer 2017


Messmer, the great Fascinator, plunge several Quebec personalities under hypnosis. Under the suggestions brought by Messmer, these stars live incredible and hilarious adventures!


The Demon Headmaster

The Demon Headmaster 2019


All is not what it appears at Lizzie's new school. There’s something seriously spooky about the strange Headmaster and Lizzie is determined to find out what’s going on, before it’s too late.


The New Kreskin Show

The New Kreskin Show 1970


Kreskin, also known as The Amazing Kreskin, is an American mentalist who entertained studio audiences with this TV series from 1975 to 1977. It was broadcast throughout Canada on CTV and distributed in syndication in the US. The series was produced at the studios of CFTO-TV in Toronto.


The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist 2017


In the Tianhai City during the Republic of China, the totem pavilion gathered by the hypnotist, the talented hypnotist Kong Mu is framed and the crime of deceiving the ancestors was carried out, and he was chased by the master, Meng Hai.