
Dune 1984




Liktenīgā 2020


Hilarija Svanka (Miljons dolāru mazulīte) detektīvfilmā par vienas nakts romānu, kura rezultātā precējies vīrietis tiek ievilkts viltīgā shēmā.


Izdomātie meli

Izdomātie meli 2009


Uz pasaules neviens nemāk melot. Cik ļoti viens melis varētu ietekmēt šādas pasaules ritumu?


Aklais randiņš

Aklais randiņš 2015


34 gadu vecumā Nensija joprojām ir neprecējusies un nogurusi no bezgalīgi neveiksmīgajiem draudzeņu sarunātajiem randiņiem. Rītā pēc kārtējās ballītes viņa dodas pie vecākiem un nejauši sastop četrdesmitgadnieku šķirteni Džeku, kurš notur viņu par 24 gadus veco sievieti, ar kuru viņam sarunāts aklais randiņš. Nensija nolemj neatklāt patiesību un nokļūst savas dzīves haotiskākajā, bet tajā pašā laikā aizraujošākajā un pārsteidzošākajā piedzīvojumā, kuru neviens no viņiem neaizmirsīs.


Krāpšanas māksla

Krāpšanas māksla 2019


Aivans ir veikls zaglis, kas zog mākslas priekšmetus no bagātnieku mājām Losandželosā. Lai gan rūpals iet no rokas, viņš tomēr ir nolēmis mest mieru. Kādudien viņš satiek Alīsi – jauniņu aktrisi, kas iestigusi pamatīgos parādos. Abi nolemj apvienot spēkus, lai tiktu pie lielā ķēriena, kas viņiem ļautu atrisināt visas problēmas.



Mīlnieki 2017


Šis ir stāsts par ilgstoši precētu un kaisli pazaudējušu vīru un sievu. Abi ierāvušies afērās un aizvien vairāk aizraujas ar jaunajiem partneriem. Tomēr, kad attiecības nonākušas uz šķiršanās robežas, abu starpā pēkšņi no jauna uzplaiksnī jūtas, liekot abiem impulsīvi pakļauties spēkiem un censties izlīkumot starp sekām, ko radījusi līzšinējā nodevība vienam pret otru.


Homemade Love Story

Homemade Love Story 2020


Strangers living together at the Samkwang Villa get to know each other and even fall in love.


The Lover’s Lies

The Lover’s Lies 2023


A young woman who has had a tough life tries to find happiness with the man she loves. Are the ill-fated lovers destined to be apart?


Personal Taste

Personal Taste 2010


Jin-ho Jeon is a very stylish young man with the perfect looks. Jin-ho has also some faults which include being self-centered and obsession with cleanliness. Jin-ho Jeon then comes across Gae-in Park, a woman hurt by love and is now looking for a gay roommate/friend. Jin-ho wanting to live with the woman, then pretends to be a gay male.


The Stranger

The Stranger 2020


A web of secrets sends family man Adam Price on a desperate quest to uncover the truth about the people closest to him.


Bridge of Lies

Bridge of Lies 2022


Ross Kemp hosts a nail-biting quiz. Using knowledge, strategy and a little luck, contestants must cross the bridge, spotting the lies. One wrong step and they lose everything.



Wilderness 2023


A dream holiday becomes a nightmare for a young British couple who seemingly have it all, as heartbreak turns into fury and revenge.



Linlang 2023


Victor “Bangis” Lualhati has always been a fighter. As a former boxer, he gets used to overcoming obstacles through tough times. However, when he finds a suspicious message on his wife's phone, he will be faced with a challenge he never saw coming. As Victor investigates, he discovers there is more at play than just a cheating spouse. The deeper he digs, the more shocking realizations he makes.


St. Maik

St. Maik 2018


Con artist Maik Schäfer switches his fake conductor's suit for a real soutane while trying to escape custody and ends up in the catholic parish of Läuterberg. Standing in for Vicar Sanman, Maik participates in the parish members' fates and fortunes, and deals with their problems in his own unconventional way.



StartUp 2014


Fifteen young ambitious people are all working together in an empty building, some also live there. They try to achieve the same goal: having a selfmade business. Despite having the same goal, they're different people with different opinions about how to reach their goal. One of them is Sterre de Vries, who initiated the whole thing. Her father (Bert de Vries) is the owner of the building. It's all there: ambitions, arguments, secrets, intrigues, friendship, family ties, romance, lust.


I Dated a Psycho

I Dated a Psycho 2013


Girl meets guy; girl falls for guy; guy turns out to have a dark and deadly secret. You know the drill. As women tell their real-life "I Dated An Axe Murderer" stories, police, psychologists and dating experts help unravel the mystery and explain how these relationships went tragically wrong.



Millennials 2018


Centered around 3 couples lives in Argentina as they deal with life, personal problems, and each other. Three boys work in the same office and each of their girlfriends end up becoming friends. Lies and drama build up and tie all of their lives together in a way.


My Crazy Ex

My Crazy Ex 2015


Extraordinary-but-true stories of past relationships that went seriously awry are detailed, when one partner’s behavior goes from romantic… to excessive… and then to the extreme. Each episode follows the intrepid souls who venture out in search of love, but end up in a desperate search for escape.


I Love You... But I Lied

I Love You... But I Lied 2015


Most relationships have secrets, but what if the lies are huge – will the relationship be destroyed forever? Each episode of this hourlong series tells two stories, based on actual events, in which lies lead to consequences for the people involved. Family secrets and personal betrayal are often at the center of the situations that lead to explosive confrontations and, eventually, attempts at making amends. Dramatic re-creations bring the stories to life.


Love Never Lies

Love Never Lies 2021


Six couples are subjected to an eye-scanning lie detector in this reality show where lies cost money, and truth and trust come with a juicy cash prize.


The Days Are Like Wind

The Days Are Like Wind 1992


The events revolve around a family consisting of 5 brothers (3 boys and two girls) and their old mother is bedridden. Each of them has his own problems and the older brother and older sister take care of the younger siblings and try to keep them away from everything that could harm them despite of their stubbornness.


History's Greatest Lies

History's Greatest Lies 1970


Often forgotten, and rarely punished, the lies of those in power always achieve their goals: THEY CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY Who are the liars? Heads of state, politicians or military leaders, supported by their hierarchies. They have no qualms about lying to the radio, to television, to millions of people, end even, on oath, to the highest authorities and institutions. They use secret services, military strategy or communications agencies to make their lies more credible. The only motto is: «the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed!» In affairs of state, all and every means can be used to certify or conceal an operation. Lies are not just a matter of words, or of silence. They entail practical acts as well as technical support. Whole teams are sometimes necessary to construct believable illusions. In the service of a nation, lying just means reinventing the world.