Advokatas iš Linkolno

Advokatas iš Linkolno 2011


Maiklas Holeris - gynybos advokatas. Jis šiek tiek ekscentriškas: jo darbo kabinetas - Lincoln automobilis. Jo klientai taip pat įdomi ir marga liaudis: prostitutės, prekeiviai narkotikais, reketininkai ir kitokios padugnės. Maikio darbas - padėti visai tai gražiai šutvei išsisukti nuo įstatymo rankos ir, jei įmanoma, padaryti tai, remiantis tais pačiais įstatymais. Dažniausiai tai nežymūs nusižengimai arba chuliganizmai, žodžiu, nieko rimto. Vieną dieną advokatą aplanko Velas Valensuela, laiduotojas, ir pasiūlo klientą, kokių Maikiui retai pasitaiko. Naujausioji Maikio byla - turtingo Beverli Hilso pleibojaus Luiso Rule atvejis. Luisas kaltinamas pasikėsinimu nužudyti, tačiau tvirtina esąs nekaltas. Anot Luiso, mergina tiesiog nori pasipelnyti. Tai pirmas pinigingas klientas per daugelį metų ir Maikis entuziastingai imasi bylos.



Sabrina 1995


Lerabi šeima ruošiasi svarbiam įvykiui, jaunesnio brolio vestuvėms. Nuotakos kapitalas suteikia broliams galimybę tapti pagrindiniais telekomunikacijų rinkos monopolistais.


Žalioji širšė

Žalioji širšė 2011


Turtingas žiniasklaidos imperijos paveldėtojas mirus tėvui nusprendžia, kad pakaks nerūpestingo pleibojaus gyvenimo. Kartu su draugu ir pagalbininku jis išeina į gatves kovoti su blogiu. Pasislėpęs po nakties skraiste ir Žaliosios Širšės kauke jis sėja siaubą nusikaltėlių širdyse. Britas Rydas - nerūpestingas pleibojus. Jam nėra ko apsikrauti pečius šio pasaulio rūpesčiais - Brito tėvas yra turtingas laikraščių leidėjas Džeimsas Rydas. Tačiau ateina diena, kai jam tenka pamiršti vėjavaikišką gyvenimą: paslaptingom aplinkybėm miršta Brito tėvas. Nerūpestingas Brito gyvenimas baigiasi. Jis paveldi žiniasklaidos imperiją. Netrukus po tėvo mirties jis Britas susipažįsta ir artimai susidraugauja su vienu iš darbuotojų - Kato. Naujasis Brito draugas iš tiesų yra šiek tiek kitoks, nei gali pasirodyti iš pirmo žvilgsnio. Kato slepia nemažą ginklų arsenalą ir yra kovos menų meistras. Britas nusprendžia, kad pasitelkęs paveldėtą turtą, drauge su Kato jie gali tapti kovotojais prieš blogį.


Vyrams tai patinka!

Vyrams tai patinka! 2008


Šelė – barbė blondinė, „Playboy“ zuikutis, kurį garsusis Hju Hefneris netikėtai pašalino iš savo įspūdingos zuikučių komandos. Darbo paieškos ją atveda į studentų miestelį. Pasisukiojusi šen, bei ten, atsiduria prie „Zeta“ merginų draugijos durų...



Sabrina 1954


Long Ailendo vakariniame krante stūkso prašmatnūs rūmai. Juose gyvena milijonierių Lerabi šeima. Tėvas, motina ir du sūnūs. Vyresnėlis - Lainosas - protingas, jaunėlis - Devidas - gražuoliukas. Jaunutė vairuotojo dukra Sabrina be atsako įsimylėjusi Deividą. Tėvas išsiunčia Sabriną į Paryžių į virėjų mokyklą, kad "išgydytų" ją nuo "maro". Po kelerių metų namo grįžta rafinuota gražuolė. Jos jausmai neužgeso, tačiau šį kartą jau Deividas siekia gražuolės dėmesio. Tai gali sugriauti Lerabi šeimos planus...



Gigi 1958



Mano geriausio draugo mergina

Mano geriausio draugo mergina 2008


Protinga , graži ir užsispyrusi – Aleksis (akt. Kate Hudson) yra tikra Dastino (akt. Jason Biggs) svajonių mergina. Tačiau po keleto savaičių Dastinas taip įklimpsta, kad Aleksis pasijunta įsprausta į kampą ir nusprendžia šiek tiek sumažinti tempą. Dastinas pasijunta kaip šlapiu skuduru per veidą gavęs. Ką daryti? Dastinas beprotiškai bijo, kad tai ne pertrauka, o pirmas žingsnis į išsiskyrimą. Aleksis - patraukli ir savim pasitikinti mergina, ji netruks susirasti ką nors, kas užims Dastino vietą. To Dastinas leisti negali – jis žino, kad Aleksis toji vienintelė. Beprotiška baimė pagimdo beprotišką sprendimą.


Pusiaudienio meilė

Pusiaudienio meilė 1957


Klodas Čavesas (vaid. Maurice Chevalier) yra privatus seklys, kuris specializuojasi šnipinėti neištikimus žmonas ir vyrus. Mėgstamiausias jo sekimo objektas, duodantis jam liūto dalį įplaukų - Amerikos milijonierius ir lovelasas Flanaganas (vaid. Gary Cooper). Hepburn čia vaidina privataus seklio dukterį Arianą. Susižavėjęs paslaptinga moterimi, turtuolis prašo seklio ja pasidomėti. Pasirodo, kad tai – Ariana.



Nevertheless, 2021


The intoxicating charm of a flirtatious art school classmate pulls a reluctant love cynic into a friends-with-benefits relationship.


The Colbys

The Colbys 1985


The Colbys is an American prime time soap opera, which originally aired on ABC from November 20, 1985 to March 26, 1987. Produced by Aaron Spelling, it was a spin-off of Dynasty, which had been the highest rated series for the 1984–1985 U.S. television season. The Colbys revolved around another wealthy, upper-class family, who were distant relatives of the Carringtons of Dynasty and who owned a large multi-national corporation. Intended to surpass its predecessor in opulence, the series' producers were handed an immensely high budget for the era and cast a handful of well-known movie stars among its leads, including Charlton Heston, Barbara Stanwyck, Katharine Ross and Ricardo Montalban. However, The Colbys was ultimately a ratings disappointment, and was canceled after two seasons.


Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit

Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit 2019


Set in a different Tokyo on a different world than ours, the story follows Tokunana, a unit of assembled misfits in the Metropolitan Police Department. Tokunana battles against "Nine" — an organization commiting crimes in their zealous worship of the dragons that once roamed the world.


Mr. Wrong

Mr. Wrong 2020


Özgür is a very wealthy restaurant owner and living a sloppy but happy go lucky life, and does not believe in love. Ezgi is now tired of wrong relationships and is determined to have a proper relationship and get married. Seeing that Ezgi is not successful in the relationship matters, Özgür begins to mentor her about relationships and gives her tactics to get the man she likes. Özgür and Ezgi also turns out to be neighbors.


Queen of the Ring

Queen of the Ring 2017


Nan Hee is an ugly girl and this has influenced her to become mean. One day, she receives a ring which holds a family secret. Se Gun is handsome, but he has a cold-blooded personality. Due to the magic of the ring, he declares Nan Hee as his ideal woman with a beautiful appearance.


Kiss that Kills

Kiss that Kills 2018


A mysterious woman appears in front of Otaro Dojima. The mysterious woman has a pale face with red lips. She kisses him and he dies, but the next moment he regains consciousness. He realizes he is now seven days in the past. The mysterious woman also follows him. Due to her kiss, Otaro Dojima dies and goes back to the past over and over again.


The Jungle

The Jungle 2023


Rendezvous is the name of a secret bar located somewhere in Thonglor. It's the gathering place of The Jungle, a group of good-looking young men often out on the hunt. They don't love and don't form attachments. Hunter is Rendezvous's feared bartender. Lead by leader lion Pine are jaguar Phethai, viper Nannam, tiger Nanfah, wolf Nathee and tarantula Hack.


Still Here

Still Here 2023


Polish drama series which follows the tragicomic adventures of a 40-year-old urban legend in Warsaw. He is a deeply complex character, an irresponsible party animal, a serial lothario and everyone’s friend at the same time. Behind the veneer he is tormented and self-loathing, trapped by his parents and shackled by the culture and the times that shaped him.


Jason King

Jason King 1971


Jason King - a suavely sophisticated former secret agent turned novelist - travels the world searching for material to fill his books, encountering an endless parade of glamorous women, exotic locales, menacing villains and daring intrigue! Before Austin Powers swung into action, Jason King set the standard for the hip crime-fighting international playboy!


The Playboy Club

The Playboy Club 2011


It's the early '60s, and the legendary Playboy Club in Chicago is the door to all your fantasies... and the key is the most sought-after status symbol of its time.


American Playboy: The Hugh Hefner Story

American Playboy: The Hugh Hefner Story 2017


A fascinating docuseries chronicling Playboy magazine’s charismatic founder, Hugh Hefner, and his impact on global culture. Told from his unique perspective with never-before-seen footage from his private archive, discover the captivating story about the man behind the bunny.


Ku Kaen San Rak

Ku Kaen San Rak 2021


Songkran is a real estate mogul a total womanizer with a son named Pe. But he didn’t start out like this, though. Pe’s mother left him when he was young to be with another man. Kran was heartbroken and began treating women like toys and gained the nickname ‘Invincible Casanova’ along with his best friend Sia Ou who runs a modelling agency.


Tawan Tor Saeng

Tawan Tor Saeng 2012


Rasa is an interior designer at an interior design company in Bangkok. Her boss Petiya receives an assignment from Pakaphong, a well known rich playboy. The assignment is assigned to Rasa, she meets Pakaphong and realises she's met him before.


A Whole New Ballgame

A Whole New Ballgame 1995


Milwaukee Brewers player Brett Sooner takes a job as a sportscaster at TV station WPLP after being sidelined due to the 1994–95 Major League Baseball (MLB) strike. Egotistical and immature, his playboy ways and reckless antics clash with the rest of the news room.


Playboy's Beach House

Playboy's Beach House 2010


Bikini-clad Playmates, celebrity musicians, topless party girls and the sexiest beachgoers in SoCal stop in and get wild. With foam fights, a naked bounce house and poolside performances by artists like Lil Jon and LMFAO.


My Sweet Dara

My Sweet Dara 2004


Daniel and Andrew are two playboys who are at odds with each other. Each of them has a mentor, namely Reno and Eros, who were also enemies and rivals in the past. Betting begins to get the same girl named Cleo, with the winner being named the number one playboy for the next ten years. Without them realizing it, Cleo is the twin sister of Dara, Daniel's household assistant, who secretly has a crush on Daniel.



Rubirosa 2018


The life of the great Latin American seducer, Porfirio Rubirosa, will be full of women, entanglements, betrayals and heartbreaks that will put him all the time on the edge of death when he infiltrates the ranks of a dictator to help the opposition.


Playboy Muses

Playboy Muses 2020


Vignettes featuring Playboy Muses in an artistic setting