Tamsos riteris

Tamsos riteris 2008


Padedamas leitenanto Džimo Gordono ir advokato Charvio Dento, Betmenas ruošiasi sunaikinti kriminalines organizacijas, kurios savo nusikaltimais ir išsišokimais vargina miesto gyventojus. Šis bedradarbiavimas duoda nemažai naudos, bet netrukus juos ima persekioti gerai įbaugintiems Gotemo gyventojams pažįstamas piktadarys Džiokeris.


Betmenas amžiams

Betmenas amžiams 1995


Gotemo miesto juodasis sargas susiduria su niekingu duetu: Dviveidžiu ir Ridleriu. Dviveidis nepagrįstai kaltina Betmeną dėl nelaimingo įvykio teismo salėje, po kurio jam buvo sužalota pusė veido. Kompiuterių genijus Riddleris, anksčiau dirbęs Briuso Veino kompanijoje, sukuria mechanizmą, kurio pagalba gali perimti informaciją iš bet kurio Gotemo gyventojo smegenų, tame tarpe ir Briuso Veino, kuris nenori, kad paaiškėtų jo slaptoji pusė. Buvusio cirko akrobato Diko Greisono šeimą nužudė Dviveidis, tad jis tampa Veino apsauginiu ir Betmeno naujuoju partneriu Robinu.


Džekas Ryčeris

Džekas Ryčeris 2012


Nežinomas snaiperis Pitsburge nušauna penkis atsitiktinius praeivius. Policija imasi tirti mįslingą įvykį ir netrukus suima įtariamąjį Džeimsą Barą. Nors visi įkalčiai byloja vaikino nenaudai, užuot prisipažinęs, jis reikalauja pakviesti Džeką Ryčerį Pastarasis, buvęs karo policininkas, garsėja kaip kompromisų nepripažįstantis teisingumo ieškotojas. Tačiau bylos jis imasi anaiptol ne tam, kad išgelbėtų Barą nuo mirties bausmės. Pasinaudodamas savo neeiline patirtimi Džekas netrunka pastebėti užuominas, kad šaudynės yra tik įmantraus plano dalis. O už jo slypinti nusikaltėlių organizacija nesibodi jokių priemonių, kad atsikratytų nepageidaujamo tyrėjo.


Įstatymus gerbiantis pilietis

Įstatymus gerbiantis pilietis 2009


Žiauriai nužudoma Klaido Šeltono šeima, žudikai sulaikomi. Deja, dėl netinkamų policijos veiksmų prokuroras turi tik netiesioginius įrodymus, todėl priverčia nusikaltėlius liudyti vienas prieš kitą. Po dešimties metų, vykdant vieno iš žudikų mirties bausmę, jis miršta siaubingose kančiose. Paaiškėja, kad kažkas to siekė tyčia. Kitas Šeltono šeimos žudikas randamas negyvas, subjaurotas. Prokuroras įtaria Šeltoną ir jį sulaiko. Pamažu aiškėja, kad Šeltonas paskelbė karą teisinei sistemai ir visiems, susijusiems su jo artimųjų žūtimi. Prokuroras bando užkirsti jam kelią, tačiau Šeltoną pričiupti nelengva.


Los Andželas slaptai

Los Andželas slaptai 1997


Los Andželas. Šeštasis praėjusio amžiaus dešimtmetis. Miesto mafijos bosui Mikiui Koenui atsidūrus už grotų, mieste nusirito žmogžudysčių banga. Aukos - artimiausi Koeno bendražygiai. Akivaizdu, jog kažkas aktyviai veržiasi į laisvą mafijos tėvo vietą. Pagrindinis vaidmuo šioje istorijoje tenka Los Andželo policijai.


Džonas F. Kenedis: Šūviai Dalase

Džonas F. Kenedis: Šūviai Dalase 1991


1963-tieji... Visą pasaulį apskriejo šokiruojanti žinia apie JAV prezidento Džono Kenedžio žmogžudystę Dalase. Tuo metu, kai viceprezidentas Lindonas Džonsonas skubiai perima pareigas ir prisiekia ištikimybę savo šalies piliečiams, policija jau turi įtariamąjį – buvusį jūrų pėstininką Harvį Osvaldą. Netrukus jam bus pateikti kaltinimai. Tačiau tyrimo eiga atskleidžia daugelį šokiruojančių faktų, klaidų ir nesutapimų. Netikėtos 12-kos įvykio liudininkų mirtys priverčia į tyrimo akiratį įtraukti ir naujas nusikaltimo versijas. Energingasis apygardos prokuroras Džimas Harisonas pats imasi ieškoti siūlo galo. Ar jis sugebės atsakyti į klausimą – Kas nužudė prezidentą Kenedį?


Naktinis pasimatymas

Naktinis pasimatymas 2010


Klara ir Filas Fosteriaiž – sutuoktinių pora, kurios kasdienis gyvenimas jau teka ramia vaga, o aistra išblėsusi ir užleidusi vietą rutinai. Tiesa, Fosteriai karts nuo karto vis dar susiorganizuoja romantišką vakarą, kuris apsiriboja vakariene mieste ir filmu artimiausiame kino teatre. Vieną tokį vakarą, supykęs, kad populiariame restorane jiems nėra vietos, Filas imasi iniciatyvos ir kartu su žmona pasisavina kitos poros staliuko rezervaciją. Linksmai nusiteikę ir paslapčia laukdami tikrųjų staliuko šeimininkų, Klara ir Filas sulaukia visai kitokių svečių. Pasirodo, pora, turinti sėdėti prie šio staliuko, yra truputį skolinga vyrukams, kurie nemėgsta, kai kas nors jiems būna skolingas. Juokaudami ir kikendami Fosteriai mėgaujasi savo pokštu, tačiau labai greitai situacija tampa visiškai nebejuokinga.


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1999


In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.



Conviction 2006


A fast-paced character-oriented story, focuses on the lives and loves of the young assistant district attorneys in New York, following their career paths as these passionate but naive ADAs are confronted with tough, emotional cases that challenge their limited experience – and force them to mature quickly or be overwhelmed.


The Night Of

The Night Of 2016


After a night of partying with a female stranger, a man wakes up to find her stabbed to death and is charged with her murder.


Reasonable Doubts

Reasonable Doubts 1991


A police drama about the working relationship between Assistant DA Tess Kaufman, a prosecutor sensitive to the rights of the accused, and hard-charging, gruff Detective Dicky Cobb, an old-fashioned cop with a "bust-the-perps" attitude. Reasonable Doubts was broadcast in the United States by NBC and ran from 1991 to 1993.


I'll Fly Away

I'll Fly Away 1991


I'll Fly Away is an American drama television series set during the late 1950s and early 1960s, in an unspecified Southern U.S. state. It aired on NBC from 1991 to 1993 and starred Regina Taylor as Lilly Harper, a black housekeeper for the family of district attorney Forrest Bedford, whose name is an ironic reference to Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan. As the show progressed, Lilly became increasingly involved in the Civil Rights Movement, with events eventually drawing in Forrest as well. I'll Fly Away won two 1992 Emmy Awards, and 23 nominations in total. It won three Humanitas Prizes, two Golden Globe Awards, two NAACP Image Awards for Outstanding Drama Series, and a Peabody Award. However, the series was never a ratings blockbuster, and it was canceled by NBC in 1993, despite widespread protests by critics and viewer organizations. After the program's cancellation, a two-hour movie, I'll Fly Away: Then and Now, was produced, in order to resolve dangling storylines from Season 2, and provide the series with a true finale. The movie aired on October 11, 1993 on PBS. Its major storyline closely paralleled the true story of the 1955 murder of Emmett Till in Money, Mississippi. Thereafter, PBS began airing repeats of the original episodes, ceasing after one complete showing of the entire series.


The Fix

The Fix 2019


High-profile district attorney Maya Travis fled L.A. after devastating defeat when prosecuting an A-list actor for double murder. Eight years later, the same celebrity is under suspicion for another murder, and Maya is lured back to the DA’s office for another chance at justice.


Crime & Punishment

Crime & Punishment 2002


Crime & Punishment is a 2002 reality television, nontraditional court show spin-off of the Law & Order franchise. It premiered on NBC on Sunday, June 16, 2002, and ran through the summers of 2002, 2003, and 2004.


The Big Easy

The Big Easy 1996


The Big Easy television series was inspired by the film of the same name from 1987. The show premiered on the USA Cable Network August 11, 1996. Tony Crane played New Orleans police lieutenant/detective Remy McSwain, Susan Walters played state district attorney Anne Osbourne and Barry Corbin played police chief C.D. LeBlanc. Daniel Petrie Jr. was the executive producer of the series. 35 episodes were broadcast over two seasons. The series takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana and was shot on location.


The Whole Truth

The Whole Truth 2010


As District Attorney Kathryn Peale and defense attorney Jimmy Nolan rally their teams around their arguments and prepare to go head-to-head in the the courtroom, they make frantic moves and countermoves of complex legal wrangling to tilt justice in their favor.


Prosecuting Evil with Kelly Siegler

Prosecuting Evil with Kelly Siegler 2023


A true-crime series examining the most shocking murder investigations and toughest trials in Texas history - all told with Kelly's unique insight and unparalleled access. As Chief of Special Crimes in the busiest courthouse in the Lone Star state, Kelly Siegler battled to get killers into courtrooms to face their formidable defense attorneys. With her own firsthand accounts, alongside investigators and victims' families, Kelly reveals what really happened beyond the newspaper headlines to bring Texas-style justice.


The D.A.

The D.A. 2004


The D.A. is an American legal drama television series that aired from March 19 until April 9, 2004.


Michael Hayes

Michael Hayes 1997


Michael Hayes is a TV series that ran on CBS from 1997 to 1998. It stars David Caruso and Ruben Santiago-Hudson. David Caruso plays in the title role as Michael Hayes. Hayes is an Irish Catholic ex-New York City police officer appointed acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York State. This series was Caruso's first attempt at a comeback on television, after he infamously left NYPD Blue a few years earlier and a failed launch into movies, when both Kiss of Death and Jade were box office and critical failures. Despite this, Michael Hayes was cancelled at the end of its first season, and Caruso slowly continued into supporting roles in film and guest spots on television before reaching new heights once again with CSI: Miami, which ran from 2002 until 2012.


The Bold Ones: The Protectors

The Bold Ones: The Protectors 1969


The Bold Ones: The Protectors is an American crime drama series that aired on NBC from 1969 to 1970; it lasted for seven episodes. The Protectors was part of The Bold Ones, a rotating series of dramas that also included The New Doctors, The Lawyers and The Senator. This was the shortest of the four series.


The D.A.

The D.A. 1971


The D.A. is an American half-hour legal drama that aired on NBC as part of its lineup for the 1971-72 season. It ran from September 17, 1971 to January 7, 1972 and was packaged by Jack Webb's Mark VII Limited for Universal Television. This show is not to be confused with a show Webb produced in 1959 with a similar name, The D.A.'s Man, which starred John Compton in the lead role.


Philly D.A.

Philly D.A. 2021


A groundbreaking inside look at the long shot election and tumultuous first term of Larry Krasner, Philadelphia's unapologetic District Attorney, and his experiment to upend the criminal justice system from the inside out.