
Bitininkas 2021


Viename iš Čikagos rajonų, kur kadaise stovėjo „Cabrini-Green“ būsto projektai, kaimynystės gyventojai nuo seno dalinasi legenda apie žudiką su kabliu vietoje rankos. Ši legenda taip pat teigia, kad penkis kartus pasakius jo vardą žiūrint į veidrodį, jis ateis tavęs nužudyti. Šiais laikais, praėjus daugiau nei dešimtmečiui po paskutinio „Cabrini-Green“ bokšto griūties, dailininkas Anthony McCoy kartu su mylimąja, galerijos direktore Brianna Cartwright, nusprendžia apsigyventi prabangiame lofte, neatpažįstamai pasikeitusiame „Cabrini“ rajone. Kai Anthony sutikęs kaimynystės senbuvį sužino siaubingąją Bitininko istoriją, jis pradeda tyrinėti šios makabriškos istorijos detales tapydamas savo studijoje, tokiu būdu nesąmoningai atverdamas duris į sudėtingą praeitį, kuri iššaukia bauginančią smurto bangą, pakeisiančią jo likimo kursą.


Paskutinė naktis Soho rajone

Paskutinė naktis Soho rajone 2021


Pripažinimo trokštanti mados dizainerė gali paslaptingai nukeliauti į 7 dešimtmetį. Ten susitinka su žymia to meto dainininke. Tačiau visas ten sklandantis žavesys dar ne viskas, o praeities svajonės pradeda byrėti ir virsti į kažką daug tamsesnio.



Oculus 2013


Jauna mergina bando įtikinti savo brolį, kad dėl tėvų mirties kaltos paslaptingos antgamtinės jėgos.


Happiness Charge Precure!

Happiness Charge Precure! 2014


The ruler of the evil Phantom Empire, Queen Mirage, begins her invasion on Earth using an army of Choiarks and powerful monsters called Saiarks. All across the world, Pretty Cures are dispatched to fight against the Phantom Empire threat. Hime Shirayuki, a princess from the Blue Sky Kingdom, which was taken over by the Phantom Empire, joins the fight as a Pretty Cure named Cure Princess, but always finds herself running away scared. Given a Crystal of Love by the Spirit of Earth, Blue, and told to seek out a partner to fight alongside her, Hime goes to the city of Pikarigaoka and randomly throw the crystal in the air, deciding to partner up with whoever it lands upon. This person turns out to be Megumi Aino, a kind-hearted girl always looking to help others, who is recruited by Hime to fight by her side as Cure Lovely.


Kamen Rider Ryuki

Kamen Rider Ryuki 2002


"Mirror World" exists symmetrically beyond an invisible mirror in space, and an exact copy of our human world, where only monsters can dwell. Evil monsters frequently cross the mirror and attack our world. Only Kamen Riders who make a contract with a specific monster and obtain special power from it, can enter "Mirror World" and fight against evil monsters with the help of an "Advent Card." Shinji Kido, a journalist, contracts with a dragon and becomes Kamen Rider Ryuki. He fights a fierce battle with evil monsters. Many Kamen Riders appear one after another and fight to satisfy their own aims. However, only one Kamen Rider can outlive others. Thus, it is their fate to keep fighting to the last man.


Disney: Twisted-Wonderland - The Animation

Disney: Twisted-Wonderland - The Animation 1970


The story begins with the invocation of the protagonist to another world, via a magic mirror. There, the main character discovers the magical academy "Night Ravens College" and meets the mysterious director of the latter, a masked man who offers him his protection. In search of a way to return to his world, the player must begin by getting to know the other students of the school ...