
Saulėlydis 2008


Kai Belos motina išteka antrą kartą – merginos tėvai išsiskyrę – jai tenka atsisveikinti su Fyniksu ir keliauti į mažą nuolatos lietuje paskendusį miestelį Forksą. Mergina nesitiki, kad jos gyvenimas labai pasikeis, tačiau netikėtai nykiame miesteliūkštyje ji sutinka akinančiai žavų vaikiną – Edvardą Kuleną. Tačiau Edvardas turi vieną paslaptį – jis vampyras...


Saulėlydis: Jaunatis

Saulėlydis: Jaunatis 2009


Pasiaukojantis Džeikobo rūpestis pamažu sušildo Belos širdį. Tačiau keista merginos lemtis ir vėl atveda ją ten, kur po įprasta išore slypi nepaprasti, antgamtiški dalykai. Džeikobas priklauso paslaptingai kvilotų genčiai ir taip pat turi nepaprastą paslaptį. Paslaptį, kuri bėgant laikui ima kenkti jo ir Belos draugystei. Paslaptingas ir nepaaiškinamas draugo elgesys pribloškia po sunkaus išsiskyrimo dar neatsigavusią Belą. Lyg to dar būtų negana, ją vėl ima lankyti praeities šešėliai - keršto trokštantys vampyrai. Bela vėl atsiduria nesuvokiamų įvykių sukūryje ir supranta, kad nepaisant Edvardo ir jo šeimos pastangų, jai tebegresia pavojus. Tik ji nė neįsivaizduoja koks, o laikrodžio rodyklė tiksi: merginai teks lenktyniauti su laiku - paslaptims išaiškėjus gali būti jau per vėlu.


Jupiterė. Pabudimas

Jupiterė. Pabudimas 2015


Kultinės „Matricos" trilogijos kūrėjai Andy'is ir Lana Wachowski'ai nukelia mus į tolimą ateitį, kurioje kosmoso užkariavimas jau seniausiai virtęs realybe. Galingos kitų planetų gyventojų šeimos valdo ne tik valstybes, bet ir atskiras planetas, tačiau Žemės gyventojams visa tai dar nežinoma. To nežino ir įprastą gyvenimą Žemėje gyvenanti mergina Jupiterė Džouns (aktorė Mila Kunis). Nors jos gimimo momentu žvaigždės jai pranašavo ypatingą likimą, kiekvieną dieną Jupiterė tuo tiki vis mažiau. Tačiau... Vieną dieną ją susiranda iš kosmoso atvykęs genetiškai modifikuotas super-karys Keinas (Channing'as Tatum'as). Apstulbusiai merginai karys atskleidžia jos paslaptį: Jupiterės genai rodo ją kilus iš labai senos ir garbingos giminės - teisėtų Žemės šeimininkų, ir kad jai lemta pakeisti tvarką Visatoje. Problema, kad tai sužinojęs vienos galingiausių Visatos dinastijų atstovas Balemas Abrasaksas nusprendė merginą nužudyti, o Žemę panaudoti savo reikmėms...


Mano numeris ketvirtas

Mano numeris ketvirtas 2011


Pasakojimas apie devynis ateivius, išsigelbėjusius iš planetos Lorien iki kol ją sunaikino pikti ir klastingi padarai Mogadorians. Atsitiktinumo dėka ateiviai ir jų sergėtojai atsiduria Žemės planetoje ir yra priversti apsimetinėti paaugliais. Slėpdamasis, keisdamas savo tapatybę ir judėdamas iš miesto į miestą, lydimas savo sergėtojo Henrio, John‘as kiekvienoje vietoje tarsi pradeda gyvenimą iš naujo. Atvykimas į mažą Ohajo valstijos miestelį Paradise, kurį John‘as ima vadinti savo namais, kardinaliai pakeičia jo gyvenimą. Netrukus jaunuolis pastebi, jog jų būrį vis dar medžioja gimtąją planetą sunaikinę piktadariai, jaunuoliams tapę mirtinais priešais. Ateiviai, apsimetantys paaugliais, žudomi eilės tvarka pagal numeraciją. Tris tokius pat, kaip ir jis, priešai jau rado ir sunaikino. John‘as – ketvirtas...


Grobuonių veislė

Grobuonių veislė 1995


Slaptos laboratorijos mokslininkai, pasiuntę signalą į kosminę erdvę, netrukus gauna atsakymą iš nežinomos civilizacijos. Tai ateivių DNR duomenys.Mokslininkai mėgina sukurti naują rūšį, pasinaudoję žmogaus ir kosmoso gyventojų DNR. Šio eksperimento rezultatas – mažoji Sili, kuri auga neįtikėtinai greitai ir galiausiai pabėga iš laboratorijos. Tyrimų grupės vadovas Fišas (Benas Kingsley) nusamdo profesionalius žudikus ir leidžiasi ieškoti bėglės. Sili, virtusi suaugusia, gražia moterimi Los Andžele pradeda vykdyti savo genetinę misiją – Žemėje palikti kuo daugiau ateivių ir žmonių hibridų...


Angelų miestas

Angelų miestas 1998


Po Los Andželą klaidžioja Sethas. Šis vyrukas nėra paprastas žmogus, nes kiti negali jo nei matyti, nei girdėti, o jis pats mato visus. Jis yra angelas, kuris svajoja kada nors tapti žmogumi. Vieną dieną Sethas atvyksta į ligoninę, kad palydėtų į kitą gyvenimą mirštantį žmogų, kurio gyvybės nepavyksta išgelbėti gražiajai gydytojai Maggie.



Sielonešė 2013


Žmoniją okupuoja nematomas priešas. Jis neturi kūno ir vardo. Ateivės sielos apsigyvena žmonių kūnuose, užvaldo jų protus, ištrina asmenybes ir jų prisiminimus: „Kova už jūsų pasaulį jau baigta, kova už jūsų ateitį tik prasideda“, – teigia sielų užkariautojos. Žmonės tampa tik marionetėmis – sielų nešiotojais. Žemėje liko vos keletas žmonių, kovojančių su sielomis įsibrovėlėmis. Viena iš jų – Melani. Į ją įkūnijama siela, vardu Klajoklė. Melani kovoja ir pasiruošusi rizikuoti viskuo, kad apsaugotų savo brangiausius žmones: mylimąjį Džaredą, dėdę Džebą, gražuolį Janą, mažąjį brolį Džeimį. Ji įrodys, kad meilė šiame pavojingame pasaulyje nugali viską. „Sielonešė“ – tai neįprasta dviejų moterų, kurios turi dalintis vienu kūnu, kova. Pribloškianti meilės istorija. Įspūdingas meilės trikampis, kuriame tik du kūnai...


The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries 2009


The story of two vampire brothers obsessed with the same girl, who bears a striking resemblance to the beautiful but ruthless vampire they knew and loved in 1864.


Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf 2011


Scott McCall, a high school student living in the town of Beacon Hills has his life drastically changed when he's bitten by a werewolf, becoming one himself. He must henceforth learn to balance his problematic new identity with his day-to-day teenage life. The following characters are instrumental to his struggle: Stiles, his best friend; Allison, his love interest who comes from a family of werewolf hunters; and Derek, a mysterious werewolf with a dark past. Throughout the series, he strives to keep his loved ones safe while maintaining normal relationships with them.


True Blood

True Blood 2008


Thanks to a Japanese scientist's invention of synthetic, blood vampires have progressed from legendary monsters to fellow citizens overnight. And while humans have been safely removed from the menu, many remain apprehensive about these creatures "coming out of the coffin." Religious leaders, government officials, and vampire fundamentalists around the world have chosen their sides, but in the small Louisiana town of Bon Temps, the jury is still out.


Eureka Seven

Eureka Seven 2005


Renton Thurston desires to leave his home behind and join the mercenary group known as Gekkostate, hoping to find some adventure. When a robot crashes through Renton's garage the meeting sparks the beginning of Renton's involvement with Gekkostate as he takes off alongside the young girl Eureka as the co-pilot of the Nirvash.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


A Discovery of Witches

A Discovery of Witches 2018


Closet witch Diana Bishop and centuries-old vampire Matthew Clairmont are drawn into a deadly mystery and forbidden romance when a magical book shows up in an Oxford library.


My Girlfriend is an Alien

My Girlfriend is an Alien 2019


The alien girl Chai Xiaoqi tells the story of Fang Xiaoqi, the overbearing president of the alien girl who died from the "Cape Town Planet", who was suffering from the "rainy weather heterosexual amnesia". A high-energy hilarious and romantic cross-star love story. The female host Chai Xiaoqi is not only an alien, but also a true-handed witch. Once she inhales the hormones emitted by the males in the earth, she will fall into the "flowery state" and suffer from various diseases. The fun and ridiculously ridiculous romance will restore the singularity of the girl in the perfection of the girl. In order to survive on the human earth, Chai Xiaoqi will use his various super powers to solve one accident after another, like a roller coaster. The ups and downs will make the audience hooked. The male lord is cold and is an alternative overbearing president.


Lost Girl

Lost Girl 2010


The gorgeous and charismatic Bo is a supernatural being called a succubus who feeds on the energy of humans, sometimes with fatal results. Refusing to embrace her supernatural clan and its rigid hierarchy, Bo is a renegade who takes up the fight for the underdog while searching for the truth about her own mysterious origins.



Roswell 1999


Bizarre things start happening in the little New Mexico town where UFOs were spotted in 1947. Cut to 1999, when a cute high-school student saves the life of a teenage waitress. Surrounded by cliques of clever, angst-filled classmates, the two form a bond that threatens the survival of a secret universe involving superhuman powers, a yen for hot sauce and an alien gene pool.


Back From the Brink

Back From the Brink 2023


Tian Yao is a dragon spirit who was betrayed by his lover and stripped of his dragon bones. He meets Yan Hui, a free-spirited young maiden who holds the key to help him regain his powers and his faith in love. Mysteries will abound as Yan Hui come to learn of her true origin.


My Love From Another Star

My Love From Another Star 2013


An alien who came to Earth 400 years ago is almost able to return to his own planet, but when he meets a famous actress, he doesn't want to go home.


The Blue Whisper

The Blue Whisper 2022


An Oriental fairytale follows the romance between a demon master and a merman. Their relationship started from that of control and being controlled. After a series of conspiracies and misunderstandings, they break free of the barriers between their worlds to become each other's salvation. There are only four remaining places in existence where the use of the ability to control monsters is allowed by imperial rule. In a certain region in the South lives a woman named Ji Yunhe. She is the most powerful demon master with the ability to tame any demon. However, she falls in love with merman Chang Yi and sets him free even at the expense of deceiving him while she becomes imprisoned in endless darkness.


The Legend of the Blue Sea

The Legend of the Blue Sea 2016


A mermaid from the Joseon period ends up in present-day Seoul, where she crosses paths with a swindler who may have ties to someone from her past.


My Bride is a Mermaid

My Bride is a Mermaid 2007


Nagasumi's in hot water after a beautiful, young mermaid named Sun saves him from drowning. The deep-sea sweetheart's dad is a merman yakuza prone to executing anyone who learns his family's scaly secret! Luckily, there's a catch - if Nagasumi agrees to marry Sun, he just might avoid sleeping with the fishes!


iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia

iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia 2007


107 years ago, the Moon was destroyed in a massive cataclysm that shattered Earth's former satellite into 81 quintillion tons of orbital debris. However, thanks to super-science, the Earth itself was saved and today no one really thinks much about that century-past disaster. Which is why when teenage Haruka Amami auditions for something called the Idolmaster Project, she THINKS she's trying out to be a singing idol. Instead, Haruka finds herself at a secret school run by the Mondenkind Agency, living with a group of other girls who have also been selected as candidates to pilot an iDOL - an advanced robot specifically designed to intercept falling chunks of moon rock. Except, the people who run the Mondenkind Agency aren't exactly knights in shining armor. And then there's the question of whether the iDOLs are really JUST robots. Because from almost the first moment, Haruka starts to feel emotions resonating from within the iDOL called Imber.


Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls

Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls 2015


Three years ago, the world learned that harpies, centaurs, catgirls, and all manners of fabulous creatures are not merely fiction; they are flesh and blood - not to mention scale, feather, horn, and fang. Thanks to the "Cultural Exchange Between Species Act," these once-mythical creatures have assimilated into society, or at least, they're trying. When a hapless human teenager named Kurusu Kimihito is inducted as a "volunteer" into the government exchange program, his world is turned upside down. A snake-like lamia named Miia comes to live with him, and it is Kurusu's job to take care of her and make sure she integrates into his everyday life.


Gu Family Book

Gu Family Book 2013


Choi Kang Chi is a half-beast and half-human and was adopted by a merchant Park Mu Sol when he was a infant. Kang Chi has a kind of unusual power. Dam Yeo Wool is the daughter of Dam Pyeong Joon who is the owner of the Invisible Knife Moo Kwan and also a patriotic warrior. Kang Chi and Yeo Wool meet and fall in love with each other. However, there is hatred between their fathers. Jo Gwan Woong is a traitor. He uses his power to frame faithful and upright individuals and obtain profit for himself. His criminal plots are destroyed by Kang Chi time and again. Therefore, he is determined to kill Kang Chi through different ways. Kang Chi is troubled by his identity but stands up for justice.


Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers

Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers 2024


The Magical Kingdom of Klyrode summons hundreds of heroes from other worlds every year to fight in their war against the Dark One and his army of powerful demons. Banaza is one of those heroes, summoned from the Royal Capital Paluma, but something’s not right—Banaza is only an average merchant. He has no magic, no fighting ability, and his stats are abysmal. Worse, a mishap leaves him unable to return home! Rejected as a hero and stranded in another world, abandoned to the far reaches of the kingdom by a cruel king who just wants him gone, Banaza’s fate looks pretty bleak. But what will happen once the failed hero candidate finds himself with super cheat powers once he hits level two?


Tale of the Nine Tailed

Tale of the Nine Tailed 2020


A TV producer discovers a secret supernatural world as she becomes entangled with a former deity who's spent centuries searching for his lost lover.



Rattan 2021


An encounter leads to a lifetime of memories. An ordinary man accidentally wakes the mysterious Si Teng from decades of slumber. In helping her search for her identity, they overcome many obstacles to grow together in love. On a journey to retrace his ancestry, young designer Qin Fang accidentally sets off a contraption that leads to him to a woman named Si Teng who is bewitchingly beautiful and powerful. Confused by the fragmented memories in her mind, Si Teng claims to be Qin Fang's new master and forces him to aid in her plans. Si Teng gradually opens up to Qin Fang and grows to discover the novelty and wonders of living. However, Bai Ying who has became crazed from her obsession becomes a roadblock in their relationship.