Pragaro vaikis: Aukso armija

Pragaro vaikis: Aukso armija 2008


Per amžius mums įprastą pasaulį, kuriame gyvename ir šalia egzistuojantį fantastinį, bauginantį, nepažintą pasaulį skyrė riba. Tačiau dabar ji išnyko... Iškyla didžiulė grėsmė: iš paralelinio pasaulio besibraunantys monstrai, grasinantys sunaikinti viską, kas mums brangu. Kuomet tenka būti liudininkais kažko nepaaiškinamo ir siaubingo, apsaugoti nuo to gali vienas vienintelis padaras: tas, kuris nepritampa nė viename pasaulyje. Ne monstras, bet ir ne žmogus. Pragaro vaikis. Šįkart jam tenka susiremti su pabaisų ir nežemiškų padarų armija. Armija, kurią surinkti ir prikelti naujam gyvenimui bei mūšiui bando princas Nuadas. Sūnus monstro, kuris kažkada ir valdė šią Aukso Armiją. Kadaise nugalėjęs tėvą, Pragaro vaikis dabar turės nugalėti ir jo sūnų. Lemiama kova neišvengiamai artėja..


Dievo šarvai

Dievo šarvai 1986


Ritualinį kardą, kuriame sukoncentruota Dievo galia, užvaldo Azijos Vanagu pramintas kovotojas. Jei jis nesugebės išlaikyti kardo, žemę užvaldys siaubas ir pyktis. Pykčio jėgos susivienija, kad perimtų iš Vanago paslaptingąjį ginklą. Jie pagrobia Vanago mylimąją ir reikalauja išpirkos. Vaikinas pasiryžta kovai.


Neapdorotos brangenybės

Neapdorotos brangenybės 2019


Charizmatiškas Niujorko juvelyras, visada laukiantis kito didžiojo pelno, daro daugybę lažybų , kurios gali sukrėsti gyvenimą. Hovardas negailestingai siekia pergalės, tačiau turi atlikti nesaugų, labai ryžtingą veiksmą, subalansuodamas verslą, šeimą ir įtraukdamas priešininkus į visas puses.


Pelės medžioklė

Pelės medžioklė 1997


Broliai Larsas ir Ernis Šmuncai visai nenudžiugo gavę palikimą - bankrutuojantį virvelių pynimo fabriką ir seną apgriuvusį namą. Staiga jie sužino, kad jų palikimas kainuoja milijonus. Bet yra viena problema. Norėdami parduoti namą, broliai turi atsikratyti vienintelio, tačiau užsispyrusio namo gyventojo… peliuko. Tai, kas iš pradžių atrodė vaikų žaidimas, tapo tikru, negailestingu mūšiu.


Bibliotekininkas 3: Judo taurės prakeiksmas

Bibliotekininkas 3: Judo taurės prakeiksmas 2008


Žmonija ir vėl pavojuje. Šįkart pasaulio valdymą užsimojo perimti vampyrai, ir vienintelis žmogus, galintis tai sustabdyti, yra bibliotekininkas Flinas Karsenas. Jam teks keliauti į Naująjį Orleaną, kur jo laukia kraujo ištroškę vampyrai, pagrobę profesorių Lazlą. Čia Flinas susipažins su dieviško grožio dainininke Simona, kuri kaip vėliau paaiškės, saugo raktą nuo Judo taurės, prikeliančios vampyrus.



W.E. 2011



Storage Wars

Storage Wars 2010


When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Bangers and Cash

Bangers and Cash 2019


Bangers & Cash follows the Mathewsons - a dynasty of classic car auctioneers from picturesque North Yorkshire. The charismatic and friendly family hunt for rare vehicles to sell and they uncover some remarkable and heartwarming stories behind the cars as they do.


The Travelling Auctioneers

The Travelling Auctioneers 2022


Research, restore and ready for sale! Bargain Hunt's Christina Trevanion and The Repair Shop's Will Kirk help families turn unwanted items into winning lots.


Auction Hunters

Auction Hunters 2010


Auction Hunters is an American reality television series that premiered on November 9, 2010, on Spike and is produced by Gurney Productions Inc. It also airs internationally. In June 2011, Spike announced that it had ordered a third season of 26 episodes. In August 2012, Spike announced that it had ordered a fourth season of 26 episodes. The fourth season premiered on January 30, 2013.


Real Fake

Real Fake 2022


A romantic – comedy - action series about “Gob” a young tourist police who becomes famous in social as a representative of TAT, tries to chase the counterfeit gangster which runs by “Real” a charming, witty girl from orphaned home. One day, she finds a mysterious bag contains millions of US cash that leads her to become involved in a counterfeit money trade. Will “Gob” help “Real” for real or just to impress the social fake life? Who’s real and who’s fake? This could end up with love or loss, one way or another.


Junk and Disorderly

Junk and Disorderly 2019


Vintage restorers Henry Cole and his mechanical genius of a best mate Sam Lovegrove are back on the memorabilia merry-go-round, challenging themselves to make money out of buying and selling other people's automotive junk and classic collectibles.


Suomen huutokauppakeisari

Suomen huutokauppakeisari 2013


Suomen huutokauppakeisari is finnish TV serie, which follows everyday activities of auction house, located in Uurainen, Hirvaskangas.


The Edinburgh Auction House

The Edinburgh Auction House 2023


Auctioneer Sybelle Thomson delves through homes in Scotland in search of items she thinks will deliver the goods at auction.


King of Collectibles: The Goldin Touch

King of Collectibles: The Goldin Touch 2023


Ken Goldin and his smart team lead the action in this series that takes a look inside a leading auction house specializing in rare collectibles.


Le boss des enchères

Le boss des enchères 2015


Alain Brousseau is a legendary auctioneer in the Sherbrooke area. He is the reference when it comes to “emptying the place” and “clearing house.” He and his team travel all around Quebec to organize auctions. From inventory surplus to a store closure, from a succession to a farm equipment sale, Alain Brousseau will show up if there’s a good deal to be had. His mission: sell everything to the highest bidder.


Mecum Auctions

Mecum Auctions 1970


The Mecum Auction crew works like an orchestra with the auctioneer calling bids, the ring men working the crowd for bids, and a ring man working the sellers trying to get them to accept the bids.


Up For Auction

Up For Auction 2024


Host and avid collector Chris Hardwick gets an insider look at the world of high-dollar auctions as his Gallery owner friends prepare to auction off the largest privately owned Disney Park collection.


Coast and Country Auctions

Coast and Country Auctions 2018


Documentary series looking at the stories behind Britain's traditional markets and auctions that are at the heart of the country's rural and coastal economies


Country House Auction

Country House Auction 2024


At Castle Durrow in the heart of Ireland, beautiful and extraordinary antique treasures are repaired, valued and bid for at this stunning country house auction.


Storage Wars: New York

Storage Wars: New York 2013


A&E Network focuses its "Storage Wars" cameras on the Big Apple (and the surrounding tri-state area), where a new group of auction bidders roll the dice by buying abandoned storage units. They hope, of course, that a winning bid leads them to a treasure trove of items inside a unit, but they're just as likely to be left with a load of trash. Among the buyers featured are "The Legend," Joe Pauletich, a shrewd veteran of 20-plus years on the auction scene; "The Hustler," Mike Braiotta, a Bronx-born tough-talker who looks for dependable items that he can quickly sell; and the tag team of Candy Olsen ("The Flame") and Courtney Wagner ("The Firecracker"), co-owners of a vintage clothing shop.


Flog It!

Flog It! 1970


Flog It! is a television series broadcast on the BBC, presented by Paul Martin. The show follows a similar formula to Antiques Roadshow, with members of the public bringing their antiques to be viewed and valued by a team of experts. However, unlike Antiques Roadshow, they are then given the option to sell their items at an auction. Typical episodes are 45 minutes in length, but thirty minute and hour long editions also exist. The thirty minute versions are typically hour long editions cut in half; hour-long editions have become less common in recent years. The show is broadcast as part of BBC Two's afternoon schedule. It also appears as part of the early evening schedule for short runs, and sometimes appears on Saturday afternoons.


Scouting for Toys

Scouting for Toys 2022


Behind the scenes at internationally renowned Vectis Toys Auctioneers in Teesside, where buyers and sellers from all over the world come to trade every toy imaginable.